Zig Forums survey time! In this survey, we answer two simple yes or no questions. I'll start

Zig Forums survey time! In this survey, we answer two simple yes or no questions. I'll start

>Do you play animal crossing?
>Do you have sex?
Of course!

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>Do you play animal crossing?
>Do you have sex?

>Do you play animal crossing?
>Do you have sex?
Of course!

>Do you play animal crossing?
>Do you have sex?
Yes, married 6 years. Got a bj 8 hours ago. She plays too.

>Do you play animal crossing?
>Do you have sex?
I used to, now I don't

>>Do you play animal crossing?
Nope, one of the biggest time wastes you can put into a video game
>>Do you have sex?

Real answers only pls

>Do you play animal crossing?
>Do you have sex?
Of course!

Just let me girlfriend come visit my town to shop and buy from Saharah. She's way, way more into the game than I am, I play very casually.

Yes to both, although I only have Animal Crossing because of social isolation and my hotass girlfriend wanting something to play with me. She normally only likes console FPS in terms of multiplayer and I ain't fucking trying to aim with a controller.


>Do you play animal crossing?
>Do you have sex?
Of course not!

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>Do you play animal crossing?
Yes, but i havent played for three weeks
>Do you have sex?
i was close to two years without sex but started hooking up with a girl i know about theee weeks ago



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No friends and no gf but will have the best island so it's fine.


It's a trick from life to continue suffering, in my opinion

That being said, yes I play AC

Yes to both.


Play more AC, chads

AC isn't oard culture. Fuck off.

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It's actually just survival of the fittest, and I mean fit as in the biological term

>Do you play animal crossing
Yeah a little
>Do you have sex

Der incel...

Don't worry user, having sex with ugly and fat chicks is worst than not having sex

>Do you play animal crossing?
>Do you have sex?
Currently getting 2nd base and pegging only because the girl I started dating right as quarantine began is super paranoid about STD and wont with any bodily fluids until Im tested
I ask to get pegged, it's for me

how are you still getting BJs after 6 years of marriage?

Never fucked a fat chick but I imagine this to be true. Masturbation can be underrated with the right porn

>Do you play animal crossing
>Do you have sex
Hopefully I can get a bf to play animal crossing and have sex with.

ok, i'll be your boyfriend

Are you a cute girl (male)?

>Do you play animal crossing?
>Do you have sex?

>Do you play animal crossing?
>Do you have sex?
yes, with my wife and my cousin

>Do you play animal crossing
Yeah but I wish it had more stuff to do on a daily basis, pretty excited for farming

>Do you have sex?
Not lately but I could if I wanted to tonight, just haven't been in the mood.

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Really!? My very own boyfriend?
Cute? Maybe. Girl (male)? Nope, only male.

>Play Animal Crossing?
>Have sex?
yup. Married too.

>and cousin

Based. Even more if at the same time

I'm kinda at that 30 minutes- to an hour a day phase myself. 5 star island the way I want, house is filled, ABD has millions. Now just getting that drip feed of new furniture and growing hybrids. That's ok for me though there are other games to play

>Do you play animal crossing?
>Do you have sex?
Once or twice a week, with my wife.
I skip a week now and then; my libido is dropping now that I'm getting into my thirties.

i remember you, hot incest user.
what's her cup size? does she like to be on top? have you tried to do her doggy style and make her queef? post more stories about how you fuck your cousin.

>Do you play animal crossing?
>Do you have sex?
Haven't had sex in ten years, but there was a time in my 20's where I used to smash mad push.

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I was a weird lonely 15-year-old loser when I first came here, but that was 15 years ago. I've done shit with my life since then.
I wouldn't still come here if there was another good place to talk about video games that wasn't a retarded circle-jerk.

Zucker is crafting the mounted deer decoration
Saharah is selling the animated cloud floor