PCSX2 1.6.0 is out!


Though the new version is maybe a bit too buggy, and the old version I recommend is:

>Remove gamefix patch for Petz - Horsez 2. No longer needed, fixed with DI execution PR. Game requires EE Cyclerate +2 or +3 to work properly. Tested by Prafull.

It fixes the problems I had with 1.4.0 with none of the bugs of 1.6.0

Attached: rkac.png (1248x587, 23.73K)

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Is Ratchet and Clank playable now?

it has been for like 5 years

pcsx 1.7.0 is already out.

Can I play lifeline on a pcsx2 emulator now?

I stick with developer build.

Buggy shit software

On hardware rendering mode with no mipmapping issues?

I still don't know where to get games tho. No direct downloads anywhere.


GSM is not useful for many games, if not most. It is not a replacement for a line doubler.

How retarded can someone be?

Primal working?

internet archive.

No it isn't. This is the latest release.

Nice maybe one day it will be comparable to my PS2

Just get a PS2

>compiling shaders
>2 seconds of gameplay
>compiling shaders
>3 seconds of gameplay
>compiling shaders
I'll stick to real hardware thanks

Doesn't happen on my machine, maybe stop being poor? lmao


my pc is too weak for this, though at least rule of rose is playable as far as I've seen

Pretty much all games work just fine at 480p, which is what a linedoubler is good for.

Anyone that's having issues with any emulator needs to post their hardware specs.

This never happened in my 10 years of using PCSX2. Stop seething and spreading lies

Only ever had this problem with Dolphin.

Just tried running Black, which was one of my favorite FPS's as a kid.

Jagged Textures everywhere.

>just pay bro
No thanks.

>compiling shaders
this isn't CEMU

RPCS3 does it too, but yeah that guy's a retard

i think it's less poorfags, and more just plain retards who don't even touch settings and expect everything to be 100% perfect with only defaults.

Except for maybe a couple games, PCSX2 works perfectly. Anyone who can't figure it out is some kinda consolefag aka a dolphinfag

does fatal frame work fine?

Is Valkyrie Profile 2 finally playable with no discernible glitches at 3x native now?

the-eye alvro

Why are they making a big announcement for 1.6 when 1.7 is out?

that's some jank hacker shit that'll probably fuck up your computer, I even tried to run some shit like that and got a warning from windows about it not being to trust the software source!

I think you're confusing it with the RPCS3 and using Async resolved this problem

why wouldn't it? that's how it is with nes snes and megadrive games or are this emu a lot worse then those?

I always feel like a fucking idiot when it comes to emulation. I can never get shit to work right. Especially PCSX2

Attached: 1567292961800.png (564x473, 407.45K)

stable vs development

Is forbidden siren 2 playable?
Yesterday ive red many things are bugged

Yes retard

>Still no per game config built in

Bonus is an outdated piece of shit and spectabis is a broken piece of shit. Good to know PCSX2 continues to be a fucking mess.

some games require tweaking, and PS2 is a lot more complicated than NES/SNES. It's incredibly naive to compare than and expect both to be the same.


No I already have a PC that runs the games better

>newfag doesn't know how to save settings for individual games.
Not surprised

Still no exclusive fullscreen. You fucking retards.

is the halfscreen bug in Shadow Hearts II fix ?

Attached: sh2.png (1279x686, 358.88K)

--cfgpath="E:\configs\Game Name"
At least theres this. Just make shortcut.

That's becouse PCSX2 is shit, with any other emu just throw the game at it and boom playable but with this shit you have to add bios and select spu and sp-x shit and I don't fucking know I'm not a fucking software engineer I just expect the programers to finish thier fucking shit instead of excpecting me to do it for them fucing piect of shit emu.

than make a more comlicated emu isntead of this jank ass shit

How does it feel to be an absolute retard.

>but with this shit you have to add bios
GBC/GBA emu require bios too.
also how hard is to to just download a bios and point the emu to its path?

>Oldfag prefers to continue eating shit.
Not surprised

does the fatal frame franchise work fine?

PCSX2 is not hard to work with. I figured it out when I was 16. If you can figure out how to work it you're fucking stupid.

people who have no idea what emu dev entails should not give their trash opinions.

>moving the goalposts
Go back to Twitter

>you can
You can't*
