Who doesn't Sony do pic related?

Who doesn't Sony do pic related?

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Just replace the MGS crossover with, i don't know, a Gravity Rush crossover?

Hd collections don't have soul. You can't take away soul from Ape Escape.

Because gaming is about art and diversity, its not about 'fun' anymore. I want you to stop using the word fun. Ok?

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What's your dream Ape Escape 4?

Ironic becauae cute anime girls successfully have been pushing lesbianism, liberalism and transgenderism, but ever since they wwre replaced with uggos, gamers started to violently oppose those concepts

user.... go outside or something. geez.

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Speaking of Ape Escape, post your favorite:
>side character
>wishes and hopes for the series
And least favorite shit too

>Character creation
>Local co-op/Online mode
>Longer than AE3
>Level creation or a Create a Monkey
>More crazy gadgets
>Good music
>PC port
>Hard mode is something the last games needed

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Got any more ideas?

because she's cute and not an ugly trannoid

Spike is cute but he's not a "she", user.

>Got any more ideas?
Funky monkeys

What about funny monkeys?

Stop making this thread! But I agree. Also does anyone know how to emulate AE3 without it running like shit on PCSX2?

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Ape Escape 3.
Mesal Gear Solid.
Stun stick.
Fav music from 2: Battle with Specter/Moonbase 2.
Fav monkey: Ape-13 (exosuit chimps).
Fav level: emperor's castle.
Fav protag: Yumi
Fav side character: nah
Fav boss: Ape Escape 3 monkey Blue
Fav moment: comfy Winter Village
Wishes: just want anything, remake or new game ;-;

better than 2

Anyone else want to fuck Specter?

why was monkey football so fucking based


I just happen to find him hot, surely I cannot be the only one?

Dance Monkey Dance...now THAT was a minigame

I bet they lost the source code to all the games years ago, but somehow kept a hold of stuff like Sly Cooper and Ratchet and Clank.

that would require work. When was the last time a sony remaster added anything to a game? They always just update the textures often reducing the original charm of the game.

I used to have a PS2 demo disc with a trailer for the second game.
I never played it, but I recently found out it was rereleased on PS4.
Maybe I'll check it out, Ape Escape looks pretty fun.

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post more of this

Hello? Yes, this is Martin Korth. You want me to decompile and reverse-engineer some native PSX bytecode? I can get that done by next week.

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I wish big corporations still churned out regular flow of A and AA games with varying quality but absolute gems among them instead of just focusing on AAA megaproductions.


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Yeah. There's not much to change from what i remember. In the options there's a slider for emulation accuracy. You want to make it slightly less accurate so the game runs well. You'll still get slowdowns when using the radar to view a monkeys perspective tho.
If your rig is good enough you should have no problems.
