Fire Emblem is officially bigger than Metroid

Fire Emblem: 3 Houses - 2.87 million
Metroid Prime - 2.84 million

It's over Metroid bros. We lost

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That's what happens when you have more than one worthwhile girl in your franchise

Betting on coomers over tactics sure saved the genre huh

>8.04 million is more than 17.87 million

It's not like the franchise was worth anything other than that in the first place.

Reminder that all the "waifu" games need more strategy than FE4, the old game FE fans jack off to.

They're my two favourite Nintendo franchises, I don't give a shit which one sells more.

How could it not? It's been getting consistent and popular releases for like a decade now while Metroid has been neglected.

The Switch has also sold like three times as many units as the Gamecube so there's that.

japan has notoriously bad taste, this is already known
they would rather play awful weebshit than metroid

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>still hasn't even sold 3 million yet, which even if it did, wouldnt even put it at a quarter of the sales needed to be the best selling game on switch

So much for "one of nintendos biggest ips"

Eh, I'd say FE4 was on the harder side of the franchise, the problem is that a lot of the holy weapons are completely broken and the game just breaks once you get them.

Well, it only took FE a decade of constant games to beat a franchise that has had no major games since 2010 (not counting Samus Returns). Not really a big deal.

>thing that always has been the case
Fuck off already

FE4 is more about long term strategy than short term, like its overall not a very hard game but the endgame can still give you trouble if you don't prepare for it properly. Holy Weapons are extremely broken yes, but i wouldn't want it any other way considering the enemy gets these too and it ties into the gameplay/story super well, alot better than three houses crests/heros relics since they are more "balanced"

It's not really about "long term strategy" since it's the same as any other Fire Emblem just with bigger maps, which ends up not making a huge difference since the maps are usually sectioned off in a way that it ends up divided into regular "missions" anyway, only difference is that once in a while they'll launch a weak attack on your base and slow units become useless due to the size of the maps. Also Forseti is just way too broken, you can literally leave a dude with it in the middle of the map and just wait until the entire enemy army gets obliterated.

The funny thing is, Fates is still the highest selling FE, at 2.94 million

Attached: highsellers.png (701x2276, 917.72K)

The gaming market is way bigger than it was when Prime came out.
Even after constantly shitting out games for years, FE still has a smaller audience than Metroid (as it should).

>Franchise that got a disgusting amount of shilling finally overtook a franchise that has been grossly neglected for the better part of the decade
Wow, good job FE, you finally beat the disabled kid.

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eh fair enough, i still wouldn't want anything to be changed really because i like the game as it is, well maybe give Arden some kind of additional skill to make him more appealing of a father, for Irony's sake and because his children would make better use of it than himself, lets give him the un-used skill of Remove so he can canto with that 5 movement he has and pass that down.

i'll give metroid this, it has an amazingly dedicated fan base for still being around after all the shit its been threw, with that said i'd love for it to really break the mold again, it has a fairly large universe it can use to its advantage.

>Eh, I'd say FE4 was on the harder side of the franchise,
I've played the entire franchise, it is potentially the most mindlessly easy in the franchise. It also has a Battle Save that is even stronger than the Turnwheel.

yeah 4 is one of those games that as long as you respect that it can fuck you up if your careless, then you'll never actually fuck up while playing it.

a full replacement run is more difficult but still not too bad since some of them are actually pretty good (Hawk is just a Ced that doesn't have a holy blood father) . the game could benefit from either a hard mode or limiting the battle save to every 5 turns, or both.

>FE got 3 3DS games and 1 Switch games
>Metroid just got 1 3DS game

Dawn, i guess it's really over for us, MetroidBros

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>the game could benefit from either a hard mode or limiting the battle save to every 5 turns, or both.
Both would be ideal.

Only a couple thousands more and it will beat Fates.

Literally no one argues that fe 4 has good Gameplay. Its all about the story and how they implemented child units compared to awakening/fates. If you want more complex gameplay People usually talk thracia 776 or new mystery

the mobile app made more money than both combined.

And yet Metroid only had 2 reps (2 versions of the main character) until Ultimate while FE had 6.

Because it's 2 games

im sure if any metroid fans were still alive they'd be in shambles right now

while i'm being a nerd, another thing FE4 could benefit from would be this idea i came up with, here me out.

foot units can buy mounts to use for the rest of a chapter, but there are three tiers, "1" 2" and "3". 1 gives them one extra move for, lets say 5000 gold, 2 gives them 2 extra move for, around 10,000, and 3 gives them three extra move, for lets say 20,000.

even with these move boosts they still won't be moving as far as the actual mounted units, and they can't fight ON the mounts, so they have to dismount before they can fight. if we want to balance this further then we could make it so dismounting ends their turn so they'd have to dismount in advance to attack normally.

sadly the nature of mobile trash, spend a little, get alot, its good for making money.

this is a pretty good post, while i enjoyed FE4's gameplay, Tharcia and New Mystery are pretty tight in the actual gameplay department too, without having to tribute decent writing on an altar(well as long as we ignore Kris)

if you take the sales of both games by themselves, they don't sell as good as awakening, this is true, double so if you add in revelations's third path for 20 more dollars.

Fire Emblem has different protagonists each game so naturally there's more incentive to keep adding characters from it, same thing with Pokemon

BotW is at 19 million already

I know, I made this image a few days ago before the Financial Briefings last night

the main issue is that Metroid has a giant galaxy that it could use to introduce and develop new characters that could be used in these future games.

but it just kinda sticks with the same core Samus+random NPC's for the game+maybe Ridley+Monster Villain

the only thing holding back Metroid from having more creative characters to be used in crossover games like smash is Metroid itself.

Why is Banjo there?

Special case in that he was born a Nintendo published IP

where did you get the metroid prime number from?

3H went from 2.29M to 2.58M to 2.87 this quarter. will outsell fates but newness and dlc is gone now so sales will drop

FE4 breaks as soon as you get Sigurd

Probably here

honestly, I don't mind
I prefer if Metroid went back to it's roots and stayed somewhat niche because of it
It's not a competition after all, Metroid and FE shouldn't compete for audience if both series are doing it right