Min cycles is the only stat that matters

Min cycles is the only stat that matters

Attached: Opus Magnum - Hangover Cure (155G, 42, 34, 2020-05-07-22-08-10).gif (826x647, 1.52M)

tfw most of my gifs are over 4 MB

Attached: Opus Magnum - Mist of Incapacitation (190G, 27, 30, 2019-06-29-21-33-03).gif (826x647, 1.94M)

Then wouldn't you benefit from having more inputs?

Attached: Opus Magnum - Life-Sensing Potion (530G, 28, 120, 2019-10-19-14-39-38).gif (826x647, 3.03M)

>making absolute unit solutions because you're too retarded to simplify that shit
Max cost, max cycles, max area.
Oh yeah.

Attached: Opus Magnum - Purified Gold (960G, 115, 86, 2019-07-12-21-14-10).gif (826x647, 2.33M)

Check this solve out

Attached: Opus Magnum - Purified Gold (735G, 113, 68, 2020-02-29-18-27-52).gif (826x647, 2.31M)

How do I get this autistic?

Attached: Opus Magnum - Life-Sensing Potion (270G, 204, 83, 2019-07-10-18-18-40).gif (826x647, 2.14M)

Actually, that's minimum cycles.
You can't take stuff from an input faster than once per two ticks.

Cost is.
All other stats can be simplified into a cost.

That solution took me a long time to work out.
Especially where I could put the fire element.
You need to calculate the theoretical minimum cycle count, and then see what steps need to be done by which cycle. Then you need to find a way to make that happen without stuff crashing into each other.

Is this game as hard as it looks or can i play it as a brainlet?

You can play it as a brainlet, there aren't any cycle requirements to pass any levels.

It's easy to get into if you're brainlet, but if you want the mega autistic solutions you're going to have a bad time. And just stay away from the user generated puzzles because they're some kind of 12-D chess.

Isn't it once per tick?

I'm just going to post some more of my solutions so you can all bully me if you want.

Attached: Opus Magnum - Reactive Cinnabar (85G, 292, 31, 2019-08-01-11-17-19).gif (826x647, 3.98M)

>People would rather learn how to play a game more than real life skills

Attached: 1518738786974.jpg (750x554, 432.68K)

Attached: Opus Magnum - Universal Solvent (355G, 333, 96, 2019-07-21-20-42-13).gif (826x647, 3.95M)

Attached: Opus Magnum - Silver Caustic (250G, 226, 62, 2019-08-01-15-17-17).gif (826x647, 3.68M)

Attached: 1583000835238.gif (826x647, 1.52M)

But what if the skills cross over?

I can't even fucking compete on airship fuel...

Attached: Opus Magnum - Airship Fuel (100G, 95, 21, 2019-07-20-11-21-35).gif (826x647, 1.39M)

Before a new element can appear in an input, something must grab the element that's on the input then move it off.
That's two actions.

No you retarded whore
The longest way to do something can often be very cheap


Attached: Opus Magnum - Van Berlo's Wheel (130G, 101, 31, 2019-07-22-15-53-53).gif (826x647, 2.94M)

Its this thing called learning and assimilation/integration. I never played this game, but its obviously programming in a geometric environment, making it very similar to designing circuits or someshit. Expanding your mind, etc. its why liberal arts degrees teach you more than just major requirements

You can get fairly low cycles pretty easily on airship fuel if you just use two inputs at max rate, it's much easier than trying to manage 3 inputs.
Unfortunately, to minimise cycles for airship fuel you'd probably have to make 3 pretty much identical machines that each use a single input to construct output molecules, and have them feed into a wheel.

It's a tedious, unsatisfying solution to minimum cycles. I hate that level.

How do I become smart enough to come up with these 200IQ solutions?

I thought liberal arts degrees were beyond useless.

Attached: Opus Magnum - Water Purifier (80G, 95, 23, 2019-07-09-17-18-06).gif (826x647, 1.9M)

Despite being so efficient it's just a bit boring to look at.

>Try to aim for the lowest area possible
>manage to condense your engine to the input, a single lever, and the output
>still on the retarded end of the area histogram
How do you motherfuckers do it?

Attached: 1531342211251.jpg (425x345, 21.57K)

Liberal arts just means the standard western education, not just womens studies/english. Its why software engineers learn spanish/whatever, although taking cs in the engineering college instead of nat sciences usually means you dont

>he still doesn't know about quantum positioning

That could easily be made way faster.
Have the large arm on the right out the output, change it to a
wheel, and have the water right of the bond glyph.
That way, moving the output out and a new water atom in could be part of the same action.


Attached: Opus Magnum - Airship Fuel (190G, 32, 53, 2020-05-08-03-10-48).gif (826x647, 1.18M)

this looks incredibly kino, maybe i should get around to playing it

I'm probably approaching it in the wrong way. I always try to have a start with just the components, and an end with the final product, but in your solution you effectively start with a half-finished product and then base your cycle around that.
The only time I ever thought of it that way was when building those chains, and even then I'm still wide of the mark.

Attached: Opus Magnum - Voltaic Coil (215G, 266, 99, 2019-07-20-17-47-27).gif (826x647, 3M)

It is efficient, there's no unnecessary motion. Just not max efficient.

Attached: Opus Magnum - Very Dark Thread (255G, 201, 77, 2019-07-10-20-29-02).gif (826x647, 2.3M)