Why does she say "Capitalism, ho!"?

Why does she say "Capitalism, ho!"?
There is nothing capitalist about just trading stuff. That's been going on for millennia.
Capitalism is the private ownership of the means of production, used for generating a return on investment. As far as I can tell, there's no production in Recettear, only exchange.

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She lends adventurers equipment and makes them take her into dungeons so she can bring back the loot and sell it.
She does own the means of production.

bad ""localizations"" by retards who don't understand japanese and just make up retarded shit

looting isn't producing, it's just... looting

The dungeons provide infinite replenishing resources. It's farming.

Incorrect translation.

So what did she say in the Japanese version?

>be the supplier of some little girl
>buy back your own ware at inflated price

>implying EOPs painfully trying to sound like JOPs would know that

Devil's advocate: it also relies on free enterprise and the lack of government intervention (as opposed to mercantilism or medieval command economies).

Capitalism literally cannot exist without "government intervention". The existence of privately owned means of production implies a police force. Capital owners are few, workers are many. No matter how personally strong or well-armed a business owner is, beyond a certain size he's gonna need the state to back up his claim to profits with institutionalized violence. Any, if nothing else, the capitalists need the state to terrorize the workers and start shooting if/when they get uppity.

"Mercantilism" is not an economic system, really. It's just a meme phrase used to explain the trade policies of colonial powers. It says nothing about things actually get used.
Medieval economies were not "command economies". They were their own thing. You can't apply a 20th century term for a society that didn't even have a substantial state, much less a state bureaucracy with the administrative capacity to direct an entire economy.

lol didn't read

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> lack of government intervention
Capitalism can't coherently exist without a government. In fact, western liberal governments pretty much exist to prop up capitalism.

How is it not producing? You're going through work to provide wares.

>Capitalism literally cannot exist without "government intervention"
he didn't imply that, not to mention that in a utopian state you're wrong, either way.

>Capitalism literally cannot exist without "government intervention".[...]
You can say that about any rule system. If you don't have a force of violence to protect any rule, then there is no reason to follow it. That has nothing to do with any "ism", it's just the way people are.

>in a utopian state you're wrong
So in some fantasy world that doesn't exist.

>in a fantasy land that doesnt exist you're wrong

>Capitalism literally cannot exist without "government intervention"
Well they say that true capitalism is one without government intervention, where the market decides everything and not the government.

Producing is taking natural resources, capital, and labor and creating an end product. Not picking something up from the ground. The system we call capitalism only really existed due to industrialization and mass production.

to expand, the existence of a police force is not necessary for every kind of society
law enforcement doesn't combat crime as much as it deters it, both of which an armed population of citizens can accomplish much more effectively

>unironic ancap bullshit
That's just gangs of criminals stopping other gangs of criminals doing their own thing.


>Still no game like Recettear

It can't be helped

Recettear thread, nice

Various things that are mostly generic rallying ("Let's do it!").
Always liked Capitalism, ho! more. Same goes for "Yayfications" and other particular expressions.

If there is no law there are no criminals.

Gangs of armed men doing whatever the hell they want with no oversight fighting other gangs of armed men doing whatever the hell they want with no oversight being the only thing stopping you from being robbed because one of the gangs finds it more lucrative to extort you over a period of time as opposed to immediately robbing and killing you, doesn't really roll of the tongue as well.

while there is a difference between individual crime and organized crime, the latter can be prevented just as well with a locally-assembled militia

>locally-assembled militia
So a gang.

For me its Charme

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Well done copying a line from your coursework my dude.

The loot in the dungeons is your natural resource - since it just.. shows up. It's a game so lets not get too pedantic hey?

>Capitalism is the private ownership of the means of production, used for generating a return on investment
... do you not think the idea of private ownership of means of production did not exist before 19th century? What exactly do you think nobility was?

government is a gang

>do dungeons
>boring as fuck with awkward controls
>just spend all my time scamming old people out of their money by selling them swords instead

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of course if you're implying that there is inevitably going to be faction wars which go beyond malicious invasions into otherwise stable-communities, yeah
but then again, what is the government doing against the "darkest" neighbourhoods in detroit? exactly, a police force is only as good as a population is adjusted to it

learn something, faggot

They did exist. Not as common, but they did exist, from peasants with their own lands to rich businessmen and bankers.

Nobles got their wealth through land ownership. They were landlords first and foremost. They did not own capital, and they did not invest it. All the actual production was directed by small time artisans and peasants, who owned (privately or collectively) all the tools they needed to make whatever they make.

Is mining production? What about agriculture?

Where does the von Mises institute get all its money?


a police force is never good
fuck the police

I only suffered through the dungeons to meet every character, mostly cute girls.


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This. When push comes to shove the police force will always side with money l, they are there to protect private property. Even the National Guard has killed unarmed peaceful protesters before.