His steam profile pic is a smug anime girl

>his steam profile pic is a smug anime girl...

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Other urls found in this thread:



Stupid croc-wearing oversized-hoodie dumb-sunglasses pigtail-having bitch

I really like cute girls

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>his opening post is intentionally designed to derail his own thread from the word "go"
Can't you take your shitposting to a board that will tolerate it? We deserve better than this on Zig Forums

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>we deserve better than this on Zig Forums

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All based, but consider this: atte7kusa

You and your board deserve jackshit besides burning to the ground.

I love all the artists

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Imagine actually reading doujins


i wish he would do less vomit and scat and more of the cute youtube girl.

imagine not being able to tell a self-published work from one published as part of an anthology/manga and just calling everything "doujinS" with an extra S at the end for no reason

do not say the C word

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you don't know how to read?


They all look the same so I don’t know

>"his" steam profile pic is a anime girl
>know him for 5 years and he's cool
>slowly from playing vidya as female character always and having the anime pic he starts pretending that he's a girl to bait people
>comes out later and wants to date me
bro... i just wanted to play video games with you.. why do trannies do this?

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More into Gorgeous Takarada, BeNantoka, Focke Wulf, Maka Fushigi and Ookami Uo.

artist for these ones?

It’s never to late to teach your friend the harms of anime, anime is fucking evil. It’s too late for you

the first one is masuda

>Buchikome High Kick
What the fuck? He made a doujin for his game?

the only anime i ever watched was yugioh,pokemon and dragon ball as a kid. i prefer movies. i just dont get how people can be so affected by anime, i guess they had frail mental health already

thx bro, hell I dont have any doujin of him. nice.

if you don't know, it means you have to stop posting and lurk for 2 years.

People who get easily lured by anime (especially the UwU cutesy stuff) are commonly not the brightest people, nor are they real healthy or masculine

Nah I don’t care about mangas or whatever, so I don’t talk about it on here. Are you now gonna lecture me that manga isn’t supposed to be plural?

I'm a NTRfag heavy into hardcore corruption, betrayal, sad stories, ryona, death, etc. but that one story by him with the beach girl was some of the best shit I've read in my life.

>played MMO's with friends
>we made some friends there as well and played with them in multiple games, created guilds and etc
>one of the few girls among us was kinda crazy and refused to show any photos
>i knew that it's most likely guy. she's just too rational even with her "insanity", but friends doesnt believe me (well, we were young back then)
>after some time girl is gone
>after 2 years she contacted ur group again and turns out it was a guy
>this crazy bastard larped as a girl few years
>he's pretty rich. with a wife and 2 kids.
>we met up all together irl once. pretty cool guy
People are just weird.

based Loposter


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>his steam profile pic is cropped loli hentai

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It's just that one user that trolls people with fake sources in the filename.

such beautiful bodies!

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We know, you're a pedophile

You know it!

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>profile pic is a close up of loli asshole

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>his steam profile pic is a cropped hentai.

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how can we protect the little girls?


god I wish I could

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Good taste in doujins my dude.

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Not just a smug anime girl, but the best smug anime girl.

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Sauce? Please? She's very cute.

Sasahara Yuuki
Kinomoto Anzu
Ponpon Itai

>smug anime girl
Nothing wrong with it.

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