Halo Infinite has a lot of expectations riding on its release. As an Xbox Series X launch title, it's expected to show what the console can do. The game also needs to resolve Halo 5: Guardians' years-long cliffhanger. After 343 Industries confirmed that Infinite would continue the story, details about plot or gameplay remained elusive.

When Halo Infinite's production was impacted by the coronavirus, fans assumed that 343 would eventually announce that the game would be delayed. While players thought that they would have to continue waiting to learn about the latest Halo game, a recent leaker from Zig Forums claims to know details about Infinite's single player campaign.

The Evolution Of Master Chief From Halo: Combat Evolved To Halo: Infinite

According to the leaker, Halo: Infinite will have 25 missions in its 20-hour campaign. The post also claims that the game will have 35 additional missions that will add 15 hours of playtime. As for the game's storyline, players will allegedly play as Master Chief for every main mission. Classic characters from past games like Arbiter, Atriox, Locke and Palmer are due to return.

After the events of Halo 5: Guardians trigger a conflict that will kill all organic life, Master Chief manages to recover Cortana from rampancy and launches a plan to send her back in time to stop the galactic civil war from happening. The leaker concluded by claiming that Reach would be Infinite's final location, and that the plot's time travel elements would reboot the Halo series.

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343 Industries has not confirmed whether or not these rumors are true, and they should be taken with skepticism. However, some of the information lines up with previous Halo toy leaks that classic armors and enemies would be returning.

One of the latest Halo books allowed Master Chief to revisit Reach, but it's unknown whether this story used Reach for its significant past in the series or to lead into Halo Infinite. Several fans also claimed they were skeptical, calling the described story as "ridiculous" and "unrealistic." They did say that the gameplay information seemed plausible.

Ultimately, unless 343 decides to confirm or deny these rumors, players will have to wait to see what Halo Infinite has in store. With this game and a next-generation console on the horizon, the latest addition to the Halo series has infinite possibilities. After mixed reactions to the last game, hopefully Infinite is able to live up to the growing hype.

>time travel
Ruined franchise.

can he leak duke nukem forever's 2001 build and blood's source code?

Ruined franchise.

Yeah, if this game flops like that, then Halo is dead until they hand it off to someone else.

This. They're basically admitting they don't know how to create good characters. So instead they create time travel in order to fuck with dead characters.

Seriously, though, there's literally nothing they can do to save the plot or the characters at this point. If they just retconned it all via time travel and went back to end of 3 or some shit, it'd still be a shitty awful retcon but at least they have the potential to do something right for once. Not that 343 would, of course.

I personally would have preferred the scenario where Chief wakes up from Cryo in the Forward Unto Dawn making 4 and 5 basically a bad dream and nothing more. Time travel is the exact opposite of this.

more interesting than both 4 and 5 at least

>time travel
By the rings.

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Who booked this shit? Was it Vince Fucking Russo?

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This is a fucking depressing truth. In fact a retcon may be the only plausible option after the shitshow that was 5.

Time travel isn't retcon. It's literally confirming the things that happened and shitting up everything untouched in the franchise. See

Your right. Just woke up. Still fucking sad turn of events.

All I ask is that they leave Noble Six the fuck out of everything
let him die gracefully

I refuse to believe they're going to pull time travel even 343 cant be that retarded

Yeah sure, """""""""classic"""""""""

The frustrating thing is that they do legitimately have the capability of writing interesting characters. I thought Gabriel Thorne was an awesome character, he has his gripes with ONI but is still a professional, I can totally buy that this guy is the next generation of Spartans, but no one remembers him because barely anyone played Spartan Ops. Even Roland was great in 5, he drops some harsh AI wisdom that for some reason everyone in the story conveniently ignores. Hell, even the IWHBYD soldier dialogue makes callbacks to the Haloverse that only someone who actually gives a shit about the franchise would know.

Instead, whoever on the writing team insists that Palmer and her merry band of MCU caricatures are likable characters are put in charge of the grander tale.

I don't understand why the writers are so bad, I am a Halo lore fag (i know the old and new lore) and honnestly I am 100% sure that all the mess 343 did was salvageable, they had 5 fucking years to do it.
if the leaks are true this franchise is even more doomed than I expected

Has there ever been a story improved by adding half-assed time travel bullshit? Seriously. How often has this shit happened? Shitty writers take over a popular franchise, write it into a corner, then shoehorn in time travel to fix it.

obviously bullshit.

>send her back in time

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>343 cant make good lore
>instead will fuck up Bungies lore directly
god help us all

not one that i can think of across any media.

>reboot the Halo series

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Very Marathon. Sucks that cortana wont stay rampant, no waifu version of Durandal

>no missions as best boy

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>your trilogy is so bad that you conclude it by erasing the entirety of it so you can start again from scratch

I've gone beyond the five stages of grief. All I can do now is laugh.

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you know they fucking won't. it'll be something like
>shot for shot remake of his death cutscene from reach
>the elites knock him to the ground and prepare to deal the killing blow
>suddenly gunfire comes from offscreen and the elites hit the ground dead
>camera pans around to reveal the master chief and blue team as 'epic' music plays


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>time travel
I should have expected that with the Infinite subtitle since Bioshock Infinite did almost the same shit and went full retard with the plot.

Imagine being so retarded that you write yourself into a corner and are forced to shove in fucking TIME TRAVEL to save your narrative
Or, imagine being so retarded that time travel is the only way you can imagine salvaging your story
God I'm not even a Halo fan and I'm pissed at 343

>time travel
It's over

>additional mod support
>dance around answering what ever the fuck that actually means when asked
the chances of getting the dev tools like we did for ce is basically fucking nothing.