How do detractors feel now?

how do detractors feel now?

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>eceleb cancer

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Based god DSP

Thoroughly assblasted.

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Half-hourly reminder.

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Could you shit eating redditors just fuck off back? Retarded newfags

Double standards jannies can't defeat the king. He is Zig Forums culture incarnate.

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self destructed
cucked and exposed as open relationship degenerate
crazy and soon to live in his brother's basement
>nostalgia critic
cringy and low iq
>angry joe
fatter by the minute
>joshua moon
lives in eastern europe lmao
>jon tron
shilled disney products, self destroyed himself with destiny debate
banned from EVO, capcom tourno, all tournos
a cuck and a simp
more like callmecuckson


Is he our guy?

He looks like he could be Harvey Weinstein's nephew or something in this picture.

lmao why are incels so obsessed with DSP? They wasted the last decade of their lives and they are literally shaking now.


Its just hilarious that people get so invested in some fake internet shit that their lives are ruined by this, reminds me of this one guy crying about how he was a nurse and had to clean shit up for a living but dsp got to play video games for a living and he was so ungrateful and if he had as many viewers as dsp he'd appreciate them!
They're literally jealous of the guy its pathetic.


Of course he's our guy, what an idiot! ACKACKACKACK

at least he cant talk about it

How is a fat autistic Manchild fucking over multiple credit card companies a bad thing?
They all had risk assessment and thought yeah... this guy will work out for us. WRONG! INCORRECT!

I love it when Zig Forums posts some random fuck and I'm suppose to know who he is

why would Nancy, knowing how many eyes are on this case, let Phil off the hook?
is business slow for her at the moment? why let people think they can be 500k in debt and just have it wiped clean despite mountains of evidence that hurts him being sent in daily by autists.
im actually annoyed not gonna lie, when i found out about the 500k i was like "we win, i dont care what happens now his life sucks, he can never call people jealous again" but then i came across this shit.

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detractors blown the fuck out LMAO

Literally stop having DSP living rent free in your minds.

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As usual probably.


His bankruptcy going through is a disaster for him. The court lifted every exemption he wanted. All of his assets are up for auction now. We won't know what happens now until the trustee points out what they want auctioned off, including his 500,000 dollar house. Or condo or whatever.

Absolutely SEETHING! These spergs are worse than any of the lolcows they obsess over lmao.

Can anyone tell me what happened?

DSP filed for a type of bankruptcy that puts all of his assets int he hands of a trustee, he also filed for an exemption for all of his hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of stuff to be exempt from being auctioned off to pay his creditors.

That got reversed by the court and now that his bankruptcy has been approved that means they might take his shit, might not, not known yet.

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I think some of his debts got discharged, meaning he doesn’t need to pay back some of his creditors, but I’m not sure if he got 100% out of all his debts, as others are claiming he still got bankrupt which means his assets will be liquidated in some form or another, depends on how much that is he may lose his property

Why is this dumb fuck filing for bankruptcy in the first place? What did he blow his money on>?

He is a fat ugly girl that’s had 2 girlfriends, they’ve probably racked up debt while being with him under his name.

You think a fat ugly guy can get a GF without going into massive debt? Lmao, only Chads get girlfriends without having to spend money.

WWE SuperCard. Not even joking.

Funny you ask, he blew all his money on gacha phone games about WWE wrestling.

>spend your entire life obsessed with some nobody
>not even a popular e celeb just literally nobody
And you know he won't stop, he's obsessed.

fucking hell this cockroach survives everything

>bad with money
>not paying back his debts
>not paying his mortgage on the CT house
>refusing to sell or rent his CT house
>blowing thousands on a WWE gatcha game
>living entirely off streaming to a dying fanbase
pick one