"i buy jap games because they have cute girls"

Attached: 81348012_p2_master1200.jpg (850x639, 139.45K)

Other urls found in this thread:


and cute boys


Attached: tiity tech.jpg (1228x689, 167.92K)

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Why would that middle-school boy be in that high school?

Me on the right.

cringe, japanese high school girls are made for fat prinicpal cock

What game?

>"i buy jap games because they have cute girls"
we need to nail those sorts of people to crosses

nice fucking thighs
want my head crushed between those

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oneshota is a shit fetish for gay pedophiles who want to fuck their mother

>King of the Hill
dear god WHY

FUB chads rise up

Honestly this is what biology classes should have been, just fiddling around with a real life pussy.


Attached: sip.png (585x768, 390.08K)

Faggot OP couldn't even do one thing right WHERE IS SALSA

i thought it was a female fetish not male


just click the pixiv button bro

tell us the name of that game you fucking faggot

Attached: Yes.jpg (647x659, 130.01K)

fuck off pedophile

honey select

wahts with this mall beta cuck faggot kid in japanese hentai?

But of course.

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no u

Attached: Buddha.jpg (720x720, 37.01K)

Tin is Sn user

Hey the west not doing it
So the east picks up the slack in audience retention.

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Don't run away from your mistakes.


>That many polys
No way fag.

anyone got sauce?

pixiv ID?

>it's ok to like little boy but not to like little

pedophile and faggot, kinda based

honey select

Post the fucking webm you have of her wheres shes taking it up the ass, coward.

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Why do "cute girls" in your jap games always look like White people?

I see a White girl cosplaying as a Jap highschooler in your pic.

/ss/ is gay, /ll/ is king.