Want to b ury my face in lightning's delicious pits 2bh

want to b ury my face in lightning's delicious pits 2bh

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wHEre do i find a gf as cute as this??
please respond???????
i have a funny image, hello???/

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me 2!!

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her sister is cuter

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Forever the classiest.

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she's just so cute

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I call her Claire because she is my wife, but sometimes I call her Light or Lightning and it kinda pisses her off since we are married and all, anyway pic related is the face she makes when I do that

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she was the best part of the FF13 series but thats a low bar

I am going to jack off to this

armpit and feet degenerates need to be thrown off rooftops


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lightning would be better if her head wasn't on hank hill's body

>armpit pussy

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she looked fine in OG XIII, LR is a fucking trash fire

Mod lightning into more games.

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Imagine the sour smell

>tfw you are dude and your ass is bigger than "hers"

When is this going to get a Switch port?

>Only 50% of players played 13-2 past the first hour
I thought you guys said it was the best one


what game is that?

the best FF game is ackshually dissidia duodecim

Dead Space 2 multiplayer

Man the Xbox aged badly.

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Lightning or Yuffie pits Zig Forumsros?

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why not both

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>armpit hair
>not heart-shaped sweatpads

you only prefer the armpits because she doesn't have ass


tough choice

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