Game finally getting an update sometime today

>Game finally getting an update sometime today
>No one talking about it
Bloodstained thread.

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More like Shitstained

worth full price or wait for sale?

Does the title have anything to do with menstrual blood or not? I've been getting mixed responses.

If you like metroidvanias its worth the full price.

what's the update about?

I 100%ed this game before any patches so why would I bother going back to it

I absolutely love Bloodstained, but Zangetsu is just Aria's Julius mode. If I just wanted to play the same game with a different moveset, I've already got Bunnymorphosis and Shovel Armor.

Nice roguelike mode
Oh right, it's a shitty randomizer mode now that somehow has less features than fanmade Igavania randomizers.
No thanks, especially after retarded singleplayer nerfs - I got plat for base game and have no desire to replay it, unlike SotN / GBA / DS games.

Randomizer and Zangetsu.
This. With how long it took to put the update out, I figured there would be a new story to go along with it. But no it's just "play the game again, but now without cutscenes"

Where's the update? It's already been the 7th?

How do I get this update?

It's not out yet. It's just "Sometime today"

shitch still holding the devs back hm?

More like unreal 4

>Zangetsu is just Aria's Julius mode
and that's...bad?
zangetsu/rando gameplay

I have it on shitty fucking gog, so update in two months I guess.

Jesus christ when will Iga finish working on this and start his next game?

How? Mine hasn't updated yet.

It's better than nothing, but not enough to draw people in the same way that the first playthrough did. Since they said they're following Shovel Knight's model, a lot of people were expecting something more like Plague of Shadows.

You're thinking of Bloodborne.

Not on its own, but we've been waiting about a year for new content, so people naturally expected a bit more.

By the way, did they ever manage to actually fix the Switch version?

>Zangetsu doesn't even sit on the couch in save rooms

Are the switch graphics fixed yet?

>Roguelike mode cancelled
>Replaced with a shit randomizer
>desu can't be bothered to finish the game cause they kept nerfing all the powers and if you can't get OP in a Metroidvania wtf is the point? Also lost and restarting would take too long. As such, I can't access Zangetsu mode.
>Kickstarter's a scam since they'll add nothing else they said they would.


Bitch bitch.

>>Replaced with a shit randomizer
i prefer a randomizer desu, roguelike mode wouldnt have worked well

Yeah, I honestly don't even know what the hell a "roguelike mode" would mean in the context of Bloodstained aside from random item placement and permadeath (which if you've played the game once already isn't even an issue).

I don't believe you.

Yes and? IGA scammed a lot of people.


Wow, I was wondering if I'd actually see someone whinging about not being able to access the new mode because they couldn't be arsed to even finish the game once.

How didn't he?

are you serious? game came out and was probably the best igavania gameplay wise
graphics suck balls but thats not a problem unless you're a bitch

Looks boring without all the options Miriam has.

yeah, im more interested in the randomizer and do same seed playthroughs alongside friends

a game doesn't have to be 10/10 best graphics ever, but it should at least be somewhat pleasant to look at. And make an effort to make platforms readable in a platformer.

They only nerfed the OP shit on early and mid game, in end game you can still kill the secret bosses in seconds while they can't even move. I did it with a shit build that I threw together only equipping the stuff that had the most attack, I'm sure you can get even more ridiculous results if you know what you are doing.

Obligatory shitposter.


>Zangetsu is just Aria's Julius mode
That's good you pleb

On the contrary, a Nightmare playthrough might be interesting since you cannot lolfarmshards to death.

I don't want to play with all the nerfs

>Metroidvanias are power fantasies :(
Hollow Knight.

why would anyone choose to play as zangetsu instead of hot big tittied miriam?

Because they played Miriam a dozen times and want something different.

I would have fine with a boss rush or something short along those lines, but getting through the whole game with like 3 moves sounds pretty boring. Maybe you do get some options later?
What nerfs? They decreased the attack of some stuff by like 20% if that, the truly OP shit is still OP.
Unless you are so bad at the game you can't get to the end without crutches.

This. And it's David Hayter.

What the fuck, they're releasing it today? I thought it'd take at least 10 more years with the rona, pretty based.

>Unless you are so bad at the game you can't get to the end without crutches.
Exactly, I beat the vampire girl by attacking glued to her and spamming healing items, I didn't dodge a single attack