Does your boyfriend like the same games as you?

Does your boyfriend like the same games as you?

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Do you want to become my boyfriend?

I knew ac needed low testosterone to enjoy but I never knew it was this bad

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Not really, he likes boomer horror games, milsims and tactical shooters, I'm more of a JRPG, ARPG and RTS kinda guy

I'm a virgin homsoexual

Go ahead and banter me

I don't have boyfriend so no


If you wanna be my boyfriend, you gotta get with my friends
(la lalalala)

>lethal injection

Pick two.

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keep seething, incel

You two are faggots
And I'm a homo.

Which God though?


>"we just want to get married"
>proceed to abuse children

>he says, with several dozen tabs of loli porn open in another window
Remind me which religion is infamous for molesting little kids?

Sol Invictus. He's mad you became the twink instead of fucking them.

My niggers

i need to get back on tinder but i'm doing mothers day shit next week and terraria 1.4 is coming out right after

But I'm a fat virgin bastard

Are you implying...

I have a girlfriend, not a boyfriend, silly op

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let me into your terraria server

God I'd love to break you in.

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Take it from a guy paying $700 in child support and now constantly leaving relationships.

The single life is better and a tenga flip hole feels better than sex.

I don't think you would, I'm fat and ugly.

>implying I have the social capacity to be in a relationship
You played yourself.

Why are you paying? Did you marry above your status?

it's be with irl friends sorry
i might host a server on /vg/ sometime after but no idea when i'll actually do that
>child support
i'm gay but i'm not so gay i'd get buttpregnant
also i like cuddles and fucktoys can't cuddle me

i ain't got any friends

We'll find out.


Also same.
Even in my fantasies nobody likes me


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my boyfriend likes league of legends, but i like having fun so i don't play that game

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Not really. He loves Terrarria, physics sims, zelda games. I'm way into horror games, strategy, and RPGs. I like video games so much that enjoy what he's playing though, even if it's a bit outside of my normal wheelhouse.

I'm a social reject retard that doesn't know how to make any friends.


All of my friends abandoned me for their own personal gain. Sure feels good living in current year.
Put a bullet in my head.

>likes league of legends

sounds like a fag

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>once in a blue moon make a friend
>everything goes well, we like the same things and like talking to each other
>after a week they stop wanting to talk to me and eventually ghost me
Literally every time for over a decade now

>"I'm going to beat the shit out of you user!"
wat do??

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Oh my god a talking rabbit

prepare the oven, its game on the menu

My boyfriend takes it up the ass while I watch.

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Probably have a full blown panic attack and mental breakdown because I'm hallucinating cartoon characters.

Got a discord?

He plays more PC games but we some times play Animal Crossing or Splatoon. Might play Smash again once the new DLC character gets revealed.

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I have a huge bdsm fetish and all ive found is fat vanilla bitches, im bi so sometimes i wonder if i will just kill myself if i finally get some kind of proper sex life for missing out so much

MASSIVE cringe and yikes.

he is. it's great

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Sure why not SSkeleton#5044

pls someone boyfriend me, am refugee from r9gay :


Have some fucking self-respect jesus christ

I think my friends want to abondon me but i cling to shit just barely, me being a fucking loser thought seems to be the big elephant in the room that only rude people will adress in parties sometimes, makes me wanna strangle em

alcoholism and "friends" isnt that fun when you are hitting 30

No, mine has a very autistic taste in gaming. Not so bad. But, hard to talk about.

>homosexuals infiltrate church to get closer to kids
>wow look at religion abusing all these children it is definitely not the homos fault


>Higher ups cover it up instead of exposing it
wow so nice and christian of them

Of course, everything is the fault of those eeeevilll homos. Not the pure christie wisties, never them.

Sure, are you a smol qt femboy furry?

We live in a time where people don't value one another. Sometimes, people will take what seems like a short term thing in exchange for someone else's wellbeing.

Bad news buddy.
I'm not a bottom softboy.

The same thing happens to me, I just stop making friends and stick with my friend group