What is the ultimate high IQ game?

What is the ultimate high IQ game?

Attached: german grandmaster.jpg (450x298, 95.89K)

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that'd be arguing on Zig Forums

Attached: checkmate.png (500x350, 147.39K)



Why does this image keep getting posted? I think it's supposed to be funny but I don't get it.

Im fairly certain thats an illegal move.

no, you don't understand

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Tic tac toe

age of empires 2

then your IQ isn't high enough to understand chess

League of Legends.

You can't move your king into a position where it can be attacked which is what he just did.

You can't even see the whole board.

Attached: 1577411858893.png (600x516, 74.85K)

If that's a pawn next to the black king, the move would have been illegal if the retarded "fast chess" rule was true, which it isn't. The only other piece I can see it being is a bishop, in which case the above still applies.
In fact white is putting his own king in check. It's difficult to explain just how retarded this anime is. They could have googled chess endgame checkmate positions but somehow they were too lazy?

gee, then I wonder why the image gets posted then, it's a total mystery, what a conundrum, what an antikythera mechanism of images it is, truly boggles the brain and I cannot seem to connect some seemingly quantumly large dots together

Dota 2, league can't deny.

Is Chess actually lame? I want to improve at it but then I think it's actually just a game where whoever can think more moves ahead wins. Is that even a skill you can learn? People play blind chess and I certainly don't have that kind of memory. Is it just who knows more tactics? Is there any sort of creativity or strategy that hasn't been discovered yet?

Ape escape

Don't bother. Unless you start playing chess from a young age you'll suck and never be able to reach high levels. The game has too much depth.

Dota 2. Literally 3D chess

Attached: CGxlQeTWcAAk_ua.jpg (499x671, 53.17K)

>Is that even a skill you can learn?
Yes you retard. That's the fun part. Just learning positions and counterpositions that you can crank out without thinking is what makes contemporary chess unfun.

a king can only move the space of one square per turn, it's impossible for a king to eat another king because if it is any position close enough to capture the other, this means that the rival king can also eat him in the next turn which will be his

>Unless you start playing chess from a young age you'll suck and never be able to reach high levels.

Mikhail Chigorin played two World Championship matches and he didn't even learn how the pieces moved until he was 16, and didn't start playing until he was 24. It's possible to become a Grandmaster even if you start playing as an adult.


That's obviously incredibly rare, but becoming a GM/IM is incredibly rare anyway. There is nothing stopping even a normal person from achieving an expert rating (2000 Elo rating) even if they start as an adult.

Attached: Chessmaster_2000_cover.png (280x289, 150.98K)

Yes, virtually all openings and endings to the game are solved already and the people who study and recognize all these different scenarios and memorize flowcharts from them are the ones who win.
It is still a great game, but if this isn't the kind of thing that seems rewarding to you then maybe consider learning something else unleas you have friends who want to play chess a lot.

Interestingly this was a big reason Fisher quit chess. He felt games were becoming overwhelmingly memorization based and was less of a game as it was a set of predetermined moves.

>he says eat instead of take or capture
Wtf man this is a civilised game and POWs have rights.

Startcraft = chess + piano + poker
It's the hardest game ever created.

That's a valid criticism at the highest levels, although at lower levels you have people largely playing their own moves and breaking from theory early.

I am happy that FischerRandom chess is officially recognized and has it's own World Championship though, I think that's a much better competition for high level players as you actually see them play wild plans they're thinking of on the spot.

Shuffle chess or Go. Alternatively, Quake Live. Basically the only 3 games you'll never see a black person play.


Anyone down for a game?

Attached: Yakub.jpg (306x409, 29.1K)


Is Go the actual big brain game instead of Chess?

>fast chess
Doesn't mean illegal moves are suddenly legal. What a fucking dumb explanation

It's an alternate history where the British empire managed to conquer the entirety of North and South America (plus a bunch of other areas) but somehow lost the British Isles. The rules of chess could be slightly different.


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Lmao my negro friend is the best chess player I know, except for lifting there is nothing to do in prison besides play chess and spades.

I don't know about that. They seem like very different games.
I doubt the amount of autistic studying needed for go and chess is about the same.
I've played it a few times and I think it's tedious and boring.
Shogi is more fun but it really is just chess with some different pieces.

No this is:

Meant for

>game where you can just spam "le strawman"

kek, no

starcraft broodwar.

its impossible to play a perfect game

I said shuffle chess, darkie retard

Pictured: one of your 4 teammates in """3D Chess"""

you just spam the exact same units every game. Starcraft 3 will save the series