Everyone always makes fun of Dean Takahashi for his abysmal attempt at playing this game...

Everyone always makes fun of Dean Takahashi for his abysmal attempt at playing this game, however this games tutorial is genuinely badly designed. The game forces all these concepts onto you and doesn’t even teach you where you could use them practically. It expects you to remember everything.

A good game should build up its mechanics gradually through good level design, but this game instead throws you in and expects you to instantly master everything.

Not to mention the game is pretty badly designed in general, foreground elements getting in the way and enemy death animations taking way longer than they should.

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shut the fuck up dean

Well it's a game for humans, they expect some intelligence

Stop trying so hard to get a raise you fuck

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>No arguements.

the argument is is that you're a retard for thinking that a simple run n gun is complicated

I feel so sorry for Takahashi. He was a super tired guy at the end of a long convention who just couldnt get down the controls for a game and thought the video of him failing was funny. His freinds go on to post it online to make fun of him a bit and somehow it turns into a massive shitshow and this previously mostly unknown tech blogger is now the face of this whole "video game reviewers are evil and hate gamers" schtick.

god that has to suck

The game is also terrible at bosses. No boss phase connects with each other at all. You’re not building on a skill that you’ve learned. It’s all random.

It’s not that it’s complicated. It’s horribly designed. The game forces all the skills that it teaches you in a terrible tutorial onto you and in the most ass backwards way possible.

Is this your first time playing a 2d game or something? Did you really get confused by the concept of dashing?

Dean doesn’t even normally play games. There shouldn’t have been a huge expectation for him to be good.

No. I’m saying that none of the boss phases coincide with each other. They’re all random and leave the player with no way of knowing what’s next or what to expect. Typical trial and error bullshit that should’ve stayed as a relic of the 80s.

>going over/under a platform is a complex concept to OP

Attached: aspie.jpg (357x379, 10.55K)

If you can't hit the buttons the game is has plastered on the wall behind you then maybe you shouldn't be doing anything that requires hand-eye coordination

That’s not my argument. The game forces all the concepts onto you and doesn’t teach you where you could use them in the game. A good game should build up the concepts and introduce them slowly with good level design. Sounds to me like you don’t know good games.

What the fuck are you talking about?

The boss phases have almost nothing connected to them in terms of their attacks, making it totally random and a slog to get through. You’re not fighting one boss, you’re essentially fighting three separate bosses with no way of telling what’s next. It’s a slog and people only pretend to like it.

Not my argument. Try again smoothbrain.

>Game doesn’t teach you dashing before dash jumping
It’s a terribly designed tutorial and you know it.

It sounds like you need to git gud.

The argument is that it teaches you a simple concept you or anyone over the age of 3 should be able to understand in the most straightforward way possible, and there is no need to contextualize them or teach you as you play the game.

>G-get good bro!
Enough with your delusions. This game is terribly designed and you know it.

user I think you might be retarded.

If the games tutorial is made so simple then why is the rest of the game built like a hardcore shooter for the most avid of fans? Does the game not even know it’s target audience?

My arguement is that I went through it without an issue because I'm not a brainlet like you

Obviously the problem is that I've actually played games like cuphead before and already have those mechanics in my head? Fuck off with your armchair dev shit

I did too. The problem is that the tutorial is terribly designed. It doesn’t teach you HOW to use the mechanics given to you, it just tells you that you can.

Then how did my nephew get through it without an issue?

Then why is the game designed like a hardcore game when it gives you such a simple tutorial?
>Arm chair dev shit
Sounds to me like you have no actual arguments.

It's the most straightforward mechanic and if you can't figure them out then there might be something legitimately wrong with you

You've already posted this before.

Attached: cupbench.jpg (202x300, 15K)

What is the most straight forward mechanic? I never mentioned a single one. Once again it seems like you’re so desperate for a win here that you have to recontextualize the argument.

This game forces everything onto you and doesn’t build up anything through the levels it’s all random.

Nothing in the tutorial suggests the game will be easy, the whole thing is a demonstration of the game's mechanics. Plenty of difficult games will continually introduce new mechanics as the game goes on and these new mechanics present themselves as being useful, but in Cuphead everything you need to know about navigating obstacles and cycling weapons is told to you before the first boss fight and the game is largely unchanged mechanically from stage to stage.

The tutorial teaches you to shoot, jump and dash which is what you do for almost the entire game sans the plane levels you fucking moron. What else do you want?

>retards like op are what games are being designed around
That explains a lot.

Attached: ittle has had enough.png (298x346, 138.53K)

>t. brainlet