Comfy Inside Xbox Thread

Hey, take it easy

Attached: phil_spencer.png (1086x880, 501.75K)

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>Fridge memes
Good start t b h

Comfy Geoff Stream

Nice turn around from the early days when Mattrick came out and not so politely asked everyone to stop calling it the Xbone

Holy cringe that greenberg guy is unbearable

>In-Engine footage representative of final gameplay quality
They can't keep getting away with it

>made my a single individual in China
Is this the future

Maybe I'm getting old and my vision getting shit but I don't know how I'll be able to play this shooter and actually tell where the targets are.

>dude delorean lmao

nice "gameplay"

As someone who grew up playing late 90s early 00s shooters I find modern FPS maps way too cluttered

>GRID horizon
how orginal

Giger would be proud

i'm late.
what'd I miss?

How long until Scorn assets get exported into SFM

Absolutely nothing

Chink games

3 seconds

That's the thing, isn't it? I guess I'm fine on PC with the monitor near my face, but in a living room setting I find them frustrating at how often I have to keep finding myself moving closer to the television. Sacrificing comfort as a result. It's annoying having enemy markers and highlighted models, but between the clutter and the colors being really close to one another, I don't know what else could be done. I fear it'll keep happening with higher and higher fidelity.

This better be good. I'm skipping out on starting my four page essay that's due tomorrow to watch this.


Attached: lewd.png (1920x1080, 1.58M)

thats my QB!!!

Higher fidelity doesn't mandate more clutter.
Just happens to be the case for a lot of games sadly.
I think the UI tricks and really generous autoaim snap radius hides the problem for most people.

go madden

Attached: maxresdefault (2).jpg (1280x720, 56.3K)


Nice to see Giger-inspired stuff that doesn't politely ignore the sexual undertones. Half his art is full of shaft in port writhing biomechanisms.

Its fucking nothing

Is the talking live? I feel like this would be better if these segments were just recorded with a phone

Right. But they do it because it's what impresses people. And granted, yeah, that looked impressive. But it doesn't stand out to me and like I said, with the colors, It's just too much happening.

What the fuck do I know though, I playing fighting games mostly.

good to see they are still making games for the 360

Tranny Eisenberg?

I knew Vampire would be janky, but my god...

Scorn looked like such a blatant Alien/Prometheus rip off.

It looks better than paradox's usual excel spreadsheet "games"

>Transgender people fairly represented in a game
Zig Forums BTFO LMAO

I want to fuck strange aliens.

how long is the presentation?


What the fuck is smart delivery? They advertise it for every game, but is it literally that you can just buy it online?


7 more minutes

esl here, what's the difference between an island and an isle?

I miss the guy saying WORLD PREMIERE

Up until the gameplay started, this trailer looked like the cancelled Prey 2 teaser

The Xbox term for a game that when you buy on Xbox One you also get it on Xbox.


>not woman saying world premiere

Smart delivery means where you buy it on the One or the Series X, you get both versions.

They want to show that they're under lockdown, just like the rest of you. It's "relatable".

Where's my boy Phil?

Everything is lovecraft now

brainlet lol

I sleep


Avalanche a really good at making mediocre games

no Elden Ring today I guess.


Yeah, another L4D clone that's gonna go nowhere -.-

oh shit yakuza

Avalanche has fallen from "likeable" to "who cares" so fast it's sad

Has it really become this much of an anime?

what the fuck is wrong with his head?

Attached: lul.png (536x721, 567.52K)

BFV had a visibility issues crisis.
TAA + spastic HDR + screen clutter, enemies could practically go invisible against the background.
The developers outright pretended it wasn't a problem until the game was basically dead.

Why are his teeth fused?

dude looks like a Mii character

Sad Geoff

why does next gen mostly consist out of horror games?

The Assassin's Creed series is basically unstoppable at this point.


Mostly new IPs. That's pretty cool.
