Character that you fucking despise joins your party

>character that you fucking despise joins your party
>you only tolerate them because they’re fucking monsters on the battlefield
What’s their name, Zig Forums?

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Definitely not Ferdinand. He fucking sucks

>hating on Ferdinand

>posts best FE3H boy
>not Lysithea
>not Bernadetta
>not entitled as fuck Lorenz

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Ferdie Ferdie Ferdie!

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>hating ferdinand
guaranteed to be mentally ill in some way

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>liking based Ferdinand
>not liking based Lorenz
Might I ask why please?

>LOL I’m privileged rich noble and polite

ferdinand gets strapped by dorothea you heard it here first

That applies to both Ferdinand and Lorenz.

What is his name?

>not loving both

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I set Ferdie up with Petra so they can have primal island sex every night.

I love them both that's why I'm asking how can he like one but not the other

FEH Ferdinand or 3H Ferdinand?

Pic very related

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I play video games to escape autism, whether it's caused by me or someone else. Really didn't need an autistic manlet who is also a tsundere

Ferdinand is great as a unit and as a character.

>always introduces himself when he's selected just in case you forgot his name
>treats commoners with respect and devotes his energies towards improving their lives and decreasing inequality with social programs
>gets absolutely indignant at even the smallest hint of injustice to the point he openly contemplates murdering his own father
>puts effort towards criticizing or critiquing the leaders of whatever route he's recruited into
>will teach people how to brew tea properly

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definitely not ferdinand, he's completely based


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Wait is he a manlet in the game?

The only male shorter than him is Caspar and both Ashe and Ignatz are taller than him post TS


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He's taller than Byleth.

Bernadetta and Lorenz are shitty units though.

>finally get to end of first run on BL hard classic
>managed to not let anyone die
>him, Flayn and Cyril die on the last stage with no rewinds left
>can't be bothered to replay the stage to save them
meh I kinda like the headcanon of them dying in the last confrontation

Bernie has the problem where the game sets her up to be an archer but her passive makes her better as literally anything else.

I did not realize Annette was so tiny even after the timeskip.


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>sub sounds glorious as hell
>dub is meme fodder

She comes off even smaller after the timeskip since everyone else grew more. Now even Lysithea is taller than her.

Its not the size of the girl that matters, but the size of her breast.

according to my 10 seconds of research ignatz is still shorter.

She is a beast with gauntlets, fists always doubling on attack was a mistake.

wow, bernadetta has a huge growth spurt.

Yeah, but, until the DLC there was no female class that used fists.

Vengeance Bernie is unstoppable.

She's pretty small there too.

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how did Bernadetta do it?
she was 17 pre-timeskip, way past puberty.

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I see that as an absolute positive, no way that the three of them are getting a satisfactory ending.

Guess she was just a late bloomer.

A chad with a chad voice, based.

Better diet.

Do you think he likes short girls because he's self conscious about his height?

Felix is extremely based, though.

Byleth is also a manlet.

Just give them to her alongside axes or swords and train her enough to not have a really bad class and it just works, Felix is a strict improvement but having one and a half Felix isn't bad at all

You can still grow well into your 20s. Its not much, but its not until around 30 that you stop growing entirely.

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