Still the best Persona game :)

Still the best Persona game :)

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Zig Forums

>persona 4 is the best persona game

>persona 4 is shit

>persona 4 is the best persona game

What happened?

>brain-dead plot that hinges on you not being spoiled and being a pedo for nanako
>Shit cast, shit party members and an even shitter rerelease
>Everybody rims it because it's "comfy" and they're bottom of the barrel highschool weebs
>Nukes the entire series going forward
4 is trash

no :)

Game 4 is new so people are gonna talk about the positives
Game no longer new, people start realizing it's flaws
Game 5 releases in 2017, honeymoon period is over by 2018, people realise that Geimu 4>Geimu 5

Facts. P3 protagonist is a little twat, P5 protag is gay. That being said persona 4 is the only one I've played

not when 3 exists

>Muh blue haired emo faggot and bland personality robot waifu


Started playing recently, I played P3P and P5 and didn't have too much trouble aside from Tartarus bosses. The beginning of P4 kicked my ass and back, got fucked over by the hand cunts twice and lost to Shadow Yukiko like 5 times before I found a strategy that worked. Playing on Normal, is the rest of the game this brutal?

I think the entire series is great but personally I like 5 best. Golden is still my second favorite though!

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I take it you're playing the PS2 original? Yeah, it's pretty tough. Personally I'd say it gets a bit easier near the end, but still tough

Yeah I am playing the original, I went in expecting the game's difficulty to be more in line with 3's

Persona 4 Golden on PC when? I don't want to waste my time playing the inferior version..

>least likeable cast in any persona
Yeah ok

What do you mean? I found 3 to be pretty damn tough. The monthly bosses weren't that hard but the Tartarus minibosses will push your shit in if you're unprepared

>P3s cast is more likeable

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Literally just Diamond is Unbreakable

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It has Junpei so yes?

But it also has Fuuka

Post em.

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Of course.

persona 3/4 play like shit but i can agree that their stories are kino

>Ixquic on D

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>No Kasumi yet

You still have a 100 hour game to play honey

>Ayase and Ulala in D
Oof, shit taste

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She's not on the tier list I used. I'd put her at A.

4 was great, only persona I liked more than 4 was 2.


I know right? He should make a tier lower than D for Ayase.

>Pretending you're someone else

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Being the best Persona game is like being the biggest cuck. Only a consumer of soi or a low test "man" would enjoy a Persona game.

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>Liking redditpei

>playing Persona

>Being so delusional you think two different people couldn't think your waifu a shit
At least multiquote next time so I can prove you wrong faggot

>browsing Zig Forums

>THIS upset someone called out his samefagging

>still no multiquote
c'mon, do it so at least you can cry "m-muh photoshop", you know you want to

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>persona is for cucks because a le blue state marginally prefers it over a shitty nintendo game
Good god you're fucking delusional.

>using the internet

>STILL this upset

P4 is the blacksheep of nusona, there are good reasons why no one talks about it anymore, 3 still generates plenty of discussion in most jrpg threads and P5 unrape shitposting every goddamn day.

5 by a large fucking margin
5 with Maruki
Tie 3 or 5
5 by a landslide

In a technical standpoint 5 was the best Persona game by a long shot. 3 had the story, atmosphere/theme delivery and cast.

It's one of weakest megaten, being a literal asset flip of P3. When you start to branch out and play other SMT games you start to see 4 as a mere starting point. When people start to look back on 4 they think of what it could have been instead of what it is. Nothing in 4 particularly stands out except for muh group dynamic.

The Dark Souls 2 of nu-Persoyna

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