Bloodlines 2

say something nice to her

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does she still have a giraffe neck?

Her neck is too fucking long

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AAhh lads, I don't know
It didn't look that good

the animations and the artstyle hmm yikes

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Yeah, no.

Hi, I like your necklace can you fucking pay me for the tranny I hunted down for you earlier?

Blood Mage or bust.

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I dont play leftoid cuck shit

yeah the faces...not good.

Trailer was big fucking cring

But that's the only good thing about her fashion choices

>turning Bloodlines into a Dishonored clone

Reminds me of Kaileena.

Remove that shit from your lip you GOODANM whore!


There has to be something in the water supply that makes game devs in the current year physically and mentally incapable of decent designs. It's like early 10s Deviantart.

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are you sure its "her"?

Honestly the game looks like it came straight out of 2000s. I swear the original had better animations

bye, felicia

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Because it did.

Trailer looked really off to me, I don't know how to describe it. Like, weightless?

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Because VtM gameplay was such a pinnacle. No, wait, but hey, maybe it was at least mediocre, not too bad gameplay. Oh wait...
Drink your milk, fish malk

Dancing Long hair dude was cool everything else looks meh

the more i see of the game the more disappointed i become
wish this project went to another studio

It looks bretty good, should I play the original or is it too old?

I'm thinking start playing the first game now, any essential mod I should install?

I guess the 90s feel really is impossible to reproduce

Why does everything has to be quirky wink wink circlejerk? I just want my edgy angsty vampires played straight, without 10 different layers of irony

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Her part was the worst, the rest looked ok. At this point I'm convinced that they don't have an actual art director working with them, everything looked bland, not really atmospheric and just generic. How hard is it to find someone who actually cares about what he is doing?

Same, still gonna play it though.

This shit somehow looks worse than the first VtM:B game.

> those source filmmaker tier cutscenes
what in the fuck have they been working on since 2016? this game looks terrible.

I want to believe the story will be good at least....

Gods the clubs in this game look so fucking ugly

If you were alive when it came out in 2004, yes otherwise no.

>dishonored was shit imo
why do people say this?
literally one of the best level design and stealth that came out in the last 15 years and people shit on it

even with all it's problems the original is peak vampire and will probably never be surpassed

Yeah it's too old so you should skip it :)


>cartoony artstyle
>goofy dancing everywhere
gosh diddly darn those dastardly vampires, hyuck!

Name 5 games you play and we'll see

she looks like she fucks black vampires only

literally the same face

This song got my hopes up initially

But its clear that just bringing some of the old guard is not enough. Just look at the mediocrity of Outer Worlds. This game gives me the same vibe.

I'm just hoping the quests are involved a bit, if they're on the level of the original amazing but I would take New Vegas tier quests where there's really only one solution but it's a fun solution.

Original is considered top 5 GOAT rpg material by role playing fans, so yeah. And it was released at the same time as half life 2, so you can definitely play it unless you think hl2 is old.

yeaahh, that wasn't that stellar

that's where the sfm and blender animations come in....

the gameplay and animations were always shit

Paradox doesn't make quality/fun gaming experiences. They just exploit niche genres to make money.

Shepard dancing in ME was better than that lmfao

looks like sfm

>Tim Cain and Leonar Boyarsky made fucking Outerworlds instead of this.
I'm still mad it didn't go to obsidian.

Is this new footage or just promotional material? I ask because she is smiling and the faces were pretty stiff in the old footage.

What's going on, the girls are cute, they showed gameplay and there was no nigger, it almost looks good.

The combat is shit but everyone should still play it.

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My stomach sunk when I realized this fucking trash was really VTMB2

why is a studio with zero rpg experience and zero good games made given the sequel to vtmb?

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extremely hand holdey

>Late 90s early 2000s Gothic vibe
>Music linked with that aesthetic
>Ocean House Hotel
>Grout's Mansion
>Meeting Nines at Grout's mansion and getting told to leave while you still can
>Gimble's Prostethics
>Investigating a snuff tape which leads to a porn ring.
>House made of flesh
>Enter the fucking Tzimische
>Malkavian's who are actually fun to play as and have interesting dialogue
>Dialogue example in VTMB1: "Oh and you're a goddamn Malkavian. You really are fucked"

>Centered around cashing in on the nostalgia of VTMB1
>Pre-order dlc comes with costumes and cosmetics from VTMB1
>Main theme is just a remix of the theme from VTMB1
>Opens with a courtroom scene just like VTMB1
>Some and not all of the soundtrack is done by the original composer.
>The game from the time it was pitched has only been in development for a total of three years.
>Last Dev Diary in March is them explaining how they've only finished mo-cap yet it was originally supposed to release around now.
>Writers are now afraid to call people "ugly". In the World of DARKNESS we now have to be careful that we don’t hurt someone’s feelings by calling them "ugly"
>Malkavian's will not be fun to play as they're too triggering now as most of the dev team are mentally ill.
>Side quests now focus on body issues, and no not the type of quests that we had for the Nosferatu in VTMB1
>Side quests focus on thinbloods crying about "Woe is me, I'm a vampire now". You know this won't be written in a way which is somewhat compelling.
>Dialogue example in VTMB 2 "Welcome to the first night of your undeath, having fun yet?" *lol*
>Club music so far has been shit.
>Combat gutted and made worse that VTMB1
>Not as many playable base clans as VTMB1
Literally catering to schizos how anyone was getting excited for this I don't know.

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not that user, dishonored is okay it seems to play like a dumbed down deus ex but what I really don't like about it is the setting and art style, there's some really lame about it and it's the only game where I've ever been turned off from because of artistic choices

>At this point I'm convinced that they don't have an actual art director working with them
This is what stood out to me. There's no art direction anywhere.

>Those models
>Those animations
>Haha we're quirky
I waited nearly two fucking decades for this.

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>JOKAH BABY trailer
Well that's one less thing to look forward to.


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I doubt they're all going to break into a musical number in-game, so I'm going to say it's promo footage.

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I liked this lady at least

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3 clans had a black representative on their official page. stop being racist, VTMB was always about progressive inclusion of minorities.

Just make sure you get some combat skills if you do

Insufferably bad and simplistic enemy AI that was absolutely unfun to stealth against since they can't hear and notice anything
Blink and other skills bending the level design so hard there's never even a moment when you are in danger of being cornered
You're blatantly overpowered to such an extent you can mash attack and just kill everyone attacking you.
Horrid discrepancy between the non-lethal and lethal in terms of gameplay abilities - you need to limit 80% of your skill set to go non-lethal and it's not fun in any shape or form.
The game tries so hard to create "atmosphere" yet most of the levels are painfully boring and washed out, and godawful art style and character design doesn't help. Setting in general is shit, and D2 destroys whatever little D1 did right.

Looks janky as fuck.

Because whoever is funding it is completely beyond retarded. This is definitely a "try before you buy" game, if you even buy games.

Of course it did because it tickles the memerberries. The entire thing is designed like that. Minimal effort with maximum nostalgia for a classic.

Kek wtf

Just like VTMB

>>The game from the time it was pitched has only been in development for a total of three years.
Five years.

The rest is subjective. Malks being less wuh-hacky isn't necessarily bad. Fish Malks getting fucking tiring after a while.

Only for Tremerechads.


>he thought vtmb2 will be a typical AAA game and not janky kino just like the original

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it fucking looks like Garry's mod shenanigans.
New Tremere leader looks based as fuck, finally people realize to be /fa/ you have to be black. Can't wait to play as a black chad and fuck all these pasty vampire thots.

>animations were always shit
the gameplay animations were real fucking weird
failed bite attempts looks like shit, while stuff like literally every NPC talking and blood boil still looks pretty good

>hand holdey
one of the most free-form games to have come out in a while
you can take whatever fucking route you want in 90% of cases

the artstyle i admit is weird, but whats' wrong with the setting?

>D2 destroys whatever little D1 did right
D2 solves the problem of having to limit yourself with abilities, almost every single one can be used both lethally and not lethally
what difficulty did you play?
because i certainly didn't feel like "mashing attack to win" worked
agree on the enemy AI tho, not that good

The difference is that Troika at least tried and put some heart and soul into the game.

lads this looks like some meme source face

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Yeah, animations are hit-and-miss and the combat looks awkward, but I'm still just holding out for what they can do with the story.

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Truth be told I don't even know what the fucking hell I was expecting, but certainly not this, this trailer legitimately feels like it was made by someone who think Borderlands 2 was the tightest shit on the planet.

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>>Late 90s early 2000s Gothic vibe
>>Music linked with that aesthetic

If they were to do the same today the closest thing to this would be sadboi emo-rap, which is often just a kind of inverted 2000's nu-metal where the focus is slanted toward rap/beats instead of rock. Using this aesthetic for the street level stuff would be bold but I think people would complain about it. I agree with most of what you posted but one thing I will give them slack on is the fact that WoD is rooted in the sensibility of a handful of subcultures that don't really exist anymore. You either set it in a kind of perma-90's or move on and lose some of the soul.

Wow, dancing and singing around something gruesome so quirky and insane.

You should, the writing and voice acting are really good and the world has great ambience and is belieable. Just make sure to not go full "sweetalker" cause you're gonna have to split some fucking heads open.
Now that's not exactly fair. They weren't working with the same tier of source engine as Valve were, and it's obvious the game hasn't aged as gracefully as HL2, or has the same grade of polish. It's still a trerribly good game.
Also they were released the exact same day.

man i fucking love dishonoured

Except everything I've seen so far looks somehow worse than the original.

enjoy your sequel fags

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Sabbath's law

the facial animations are worse than source tho

They're not minorities anymore dude, get with the times and look up demographics

I didn't Razorfist was in the game.

The only thing that looked good/passable are the environments, Seattle and some of the interiors look fine, everything else including gameplay looks like it came out of Gmod or early SFM.

something about this trailer felt really reddit
it was way too hard trying to be "funny and witty but with dark imagery™"

I really wanted this to be good but deep down I know it's going to bomb

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Paradox is fucking cancer.

Uh hello sweetie? So what if Africa has a billion of people, we're only looking at the west, and here they're the minorities.

>That music choice

Literally "We want the Fallout audience." God I'm tired of DISTURBING IMAGERY/HAPPY SONG JUXTAPOSITION bullshit.

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based user

The game looks like it will be fine but the visuals look like something you'd see on the 360

imagine being somebody with such poor taste that you actually get excited for jank, unironically. Never played or cared about VTMB but I've seen threads on here for years about that game and have been aware of the second one. Initial trailers for the second one looked ok. Art style seemed less cartoony though. After watching this, once I realized it was VTMB2 all I could do was giggle at how its turning out. So glad I don't give a single fuck about this game because it looks like they are butchering it and yet there are still simps on here who look at it and go HOLY FUCK ITS VTMB2 AKDJAKDABHBHJSDBJD!

get fucked

didnt read