Reminder of everything spoiled in FFVIIR

>Cloud and the player now knows he was the one who killed Nibelheim-incident Sephiroth, spoiling the mystery as to how he survived that early encounter
>Sephiroth killed Cloud's mother
>Sephiroth destroyed wherever Cloud's mother was
>The player and presumably party now know Cloud was never in SOLDIER
>The player and party now know JENOVA wasn't really an ancient but a calamity from the sky, a twist not known until rebuilt Nibelheim segment
>the player and party now know a meteor is coming
>the player and party now know the meteor will destroy Midgar
>the player now knows Hojo is trying to support Sephiroth
>the player now knows there's a Zack, that Cloud was injured and Zack got him to Midgar
>the player now knows how strong Sephiroth is, so watching him defeat the dragon and impale the Midgar Zolom are now not relevant
Preserved plot twists

>It's Cloud's hometown where Sephiroth went crazy
>how Sephiroth went crazy
>Cloud's memories of Nibelheim are mixed up and differ from Tifa's
>Zack was the SOLDIER at Nibelheim and Cloud was a foot soldier there
>Sephiroth can control Cloud
>How Cloud got SOLDIER abilities
>Cait Sith is the spy
>the black materia
>Cloud gives Sephiroth the black materia
>Sephiroth wants to become a god
>Aerith's secret materia is holy, and she ran away to use it

Will the Nibelheim incident be as interesting if we know Sephiroth's big discovery is wrong, he's going to burn the village, and Cloud is going to defeat him?

Either the plot changes now, or half the "original" plot has to now be "we've got to change fate to stop what we know is coming, nooo we couldn't change fate and what we know happens happened"

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>the player now knows how strong Sephiroth is, so watching him defeat the dragon and impale the Midgar Zolom are now not relevant
Thats still gonna happen and its gonna be awesome

nigger events are NOT happening the same way they happened in the original

>The player and party now know JENOVA wasn't really an ancient but a calamity from the sky, a twist not known until rebuilt Nibelheim segment
This was a fuck up in the original because you have aerith and red XIII in your party. SPecially aerith, she should know who jenova is, and should have said something earlier.

Why would you play this if you haven't already played the original? It's quite frankly a sequel.

>>Cloud and the player now knows he was the one who killed Nibelheim-incident Sephiroth, spoiling the mystery as to how he survived that early encounter

I guess you never played the OG? Cloud had told the party from the beginning that he was surprised to see Sephiroth alive because he knew he killed him with his own hands. He only gets vague about the details in Kalm, but in Midgar he's certain of it.

user, Future Sephiroth is KAIN
Cloud is Raziel

Kitase said to "still expect the same FFVII without drastic changes" recently and I'm still hearing people think the time janny stuff is the only big deal.

Why the fuck would Aerith know what Jenova is? Being an Ancient doesn't mean she was there however many thousand years ago.

>Preserved plot twists
>Cait Sith is the spy
That's debatable...

The party has always known jenova wasn't an ancient. It's Hojo and sephiroth that messes up jenova and ancients with the cetra believing they're the same

How come everyone could fly like superman in 7R?

>Why the fuck would Aerith know what Jenova is? Being an Ancient doesn't mean she was there however many thousand years ago.
Because ifalna knew, and thats basic Ancient story, in fact she should KNOW the reason why the cetra extinguised. Specially how everyone was calling jenova "an ancient", how come aerith never said "eeeh no, thats not true otherwise i would have sensed it" or something?


thats still preserved because number 1: you see the cat but you dont see who it belongs too or if hes linked to reeve at all, and two, you see him lamenting the sector 7 plate fall so you will think hes an ally if he joins you.

Reeve is gonna get forced to play spy, and it will be a surprise.

At what point exactly, unless you're talking about the Japanese script and it was a localization error? Because I've doubled checked the script and Sephiroth is only mentioned sparingly in Midgar, and the Kalm story is the first thing to happen after Midgar.

If I can find where Cloud admits having killed Sephiroth himself then I'll drop that criticism from now on.

From Nibelheim reconstructed:

>Being here brings back memories. Are you going to participate in the Reunion?

>I don't even know what a Reunion is!

>Jenova will be at the Reunion. Jenova will join the Reunion becoming a calamity from the skies.

>Jenova, a calamity from the skies? You mean she wasn't an Ancient!?

>...I see. I don't think you have the right to participate.
>I will go North past Mt. Nibel. If you wish to find out... then follow...

>...Reunion? Calamity from the skies?

He sure doesn't act like it.

I think he's talking about Chapter 18 cutscenes, but this was pretty funny.

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what the fuck is he holding?

sephiroth/jenova/clones flied in the original too, in every encounter actually.

Also yeah, but in chapter 18 all happens in another dimension thing so its not hard to imagine new capabilities. Its like the complete setting in the OG last boss.

One of hojo's experimental Sephiroth clones that have JENOVA cells in them.


We already knew because we played the original. Now Cloud knows too. Now we don't know you know?

One of the guys in charge of Remake stated that he was only familiar with the Midgar chapter because that's what he worked on in the original. He didn't remember any of the stuff that happens after that, and didn't bother refreshing himself until after they finished this game.

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Sephiroth with clothes on is supposed to be Jenova's body.

No, thats a clone. Watch the entire scene. Two clones went to recover jenova, one died fighting the party and the other escaped with jenova.

Sephiroth always could fly

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Didn't read. Cloud says he did kill him but that it wasn't a result of his skill in the original. Play the game.

In the original game the Sephiroth that kills Shinra is Jenova's body.

>Sephiroth can control Cloud
Possibly won't happen. Mind Sephiroth has been taunting Cloud since the start of the game, and Cloud has lashed out against him each time. When the original story events actually happen, it might play out differently since Cloud's grown accustomed to disobeying him.

>Cloud says he did kill him
You play the game

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yes, and now instead of having jenova escaping by herself, we have clones doing it.

No, he thinks he killed him and is surprised that he's still alive when they find his sword. He literally says in the OP that he couldn't have killed him through sheer skill, which the flashback later confirms.

Doesn't matter what it's supposed to be. You watch that Sephiroth change into clone No.2.

>The player and presumably party now know Cloud was never in SOLDIER
There is a lot of doubt about that statement, the party didn't even seem to take it seriously and new players are met with conflicting information. Based on the info given throughout FFVIIR, it's completely plausible for new players who didn't play the original to come up with the 'understanding' that "Cloud lied about being a FIRST CLASS and Hojo is an AKTZHULLY autist who only considers FIRST CLASS to be actual SOLDIERS", since that explains the contradiction for why Cloud has all traits of a SOLDIER, but has been lying about something. Of course people who "know" the answer won't think of that since the true knowledge causes a narrow-minded one-track thinking that leads to "new players will definitly get spoilt about the truth" when in actuality the fact that "Cloud is a SOLDIER" has been built up so much through the game, that Hojo's statement will inevitably be met with doubt and some "cryptic statement" rather than the new player blindly believing it at face value.

>No somersault