The Medium

Look like horror kino is back on the menu!

Attached: damedyum.png (1491x545, 407.12K)

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Looks interesting.

Looks like Downpour and that's not good. At least more Yamaoka music is always good.

>akira yamaoka

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>Female protagonist.

>Looks like Downpour
How do you even get that impression? It already looks better than fucking Downpour visually from the gameplay tidbit at the end.
>Silent Hill 3

btw the trailer is set in Cracow

Attached: 1024px-A-10_Sukiennice_w_Krakowie_Kraków,_Rynek_Główny_MM.jpg (1024x687, 210.91K)

yeah the beksinski inspired buildings pretty much sold the game for me
very nice, will pirate

Akira ma nigga!

i'm interested. also scorn trailer was cool af, love the geiger stuff

Silent Hill x Pregnancy Simulator
... Sign me the fuck up

they took the art from beksinski

Attached: zdzisław-beksiński-fantastic-realism-creepy-surreal-wallpaper-preview.jpg (728x410, 45.39K)

even better

K I N O is back on the menu

Psychological Horror. Absolutely based


Only thing that piqued my interest

I almost shit bricks thinking it was something Silent Hill related. Was nice to see this one will be third person instead of their usual FP fare. I like Bloober games, but they're walking sims. I hope this one has some actual mechanics.
Same, glad that game is still in development, thought it was vaporware.

scorn looked dope, definitely my favorite reveal

as soon as the music kicked in I knew it was his shit

The only worthwhile thing they showed off. If this isn't also current gen, and not an Xbox exclusive, i'll get it x amount of years down the line when a PS4 is worth it.

Scorn was just for cinematic garbage

Attached: bot or npc.jpg (552x414, 34.99K)

Even if the game itself is shit (which it will be), I just hope they do his art justice

keeping it tuned to the stream, they might show gameplay.

DId l miss something l can't see any gamepIay at all.

Yeah Medium.

Wish I could talk to ghosts.

What about the dino fighter game? At least graphics looked better than anything ps4/Xbox one

I'm hyped for Loss the video game

Nothing like picking a name that opens you up to jokes about length and quality...

>Become a medium living in two different worlds: the real one and the spirit one. Haunted by the vision of a child’s murder, you travel to an abandoned hotel resort, which many years ago became the stage of an unthinkable tragedy. There you begin your search for difficult answers.
Sounds pretty similar to Silent Hill's premise

Beksiński kino

Eh, it could go either way with that one. It could be fun as hell, good game for multiplayer, or it could get repetitive as shit quickly. I'd have to look at more than what we saw.

sets tone and art style

>we're collaborating with Akira Yamaoka
Why do people keep saying this as if it's a seal of quality, he's been dabbling in shit games ever since team silent dissolved.
If anything he's more like a curse on anything horror related.

Scorn is nothing but an art gallery. Looks nice but that's all it'll offer.

>team bloober title
not in a million years

I'm extremely skeptical with this game. We got memed before with the Akira Yamaoka thing. Nothing in the trailer looked too scary. Whatever happened to shit like this

Now scorn looks good. I played the leaked alpha and that's a fucking game.

Attached: scorn.jpg (1920x1080, 533.9K)

Murder: Soul Suspect and Alan Wake are better

Attached: 1588750441194.jpg (474x549, 55.52K)

Have you played the alpha? It's pretty fantastic for a taste.

it is a seal of quality for the music only

Scorn as showed trailer like this for the last 4-5 years and always being a sponsor of Easy Allies, when Agony came out I legit got confused.

Pretty sure the gameplay will be shit.

>saying this as if it's a seal of quality
No one's really saying that. I'm just excited to download the ost even if the game isn't good. It just has our attention but yeah you should be cautious of SH clones.

>think about cute mikos
>expecting some forbidden siren/fatal frame kind of game with japanese shintoism
>it's western crap

I was just thinking about and was watching some Scorn gameplay a week ago so this pretty damn cool

Attached: 1556182343189.jpg (1024x576, 130.73K)

>Set in Krakow
about time


do they really have the gall to call that gameplay

Fuck off, Kolyat

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Not a Western game so she'll be cute.

>that ultra generic "cat roar" stock sound


but yeah, it was scary at the time


So is this trying to mimic Zdzisław Beksiński like Scorn mimics Giger?

Attached: zdzislaw-beksinski-painting-wooart-02.jpg (1440x1500, 116.82K)

They showed some gameplay, looks like survival horror/puzzle solving using a "two worlds" mechanic

They're definitely inspired by the creepy creatures and decayed look

Scorns seems like a mix between Beksiński and Giger while while this one seems just Beksiński inspired.

medium is beksinski and scorn is beksinski + giger, the sexual stuff is 100% from giger

> kino
from the guys who make only shitty walking sims? LMAO

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