Things zoomers don't understand


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>not the slim

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Literally zoomer’s first console. Cope harder you gay 20 year old

Shouldn't you be at school little zoomy?

good game design

>zoomers first console


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fat = SOUL
sl*m = soulless zoomer shit

I’m a 2000 zoomer and a ps1 was my first console, retard. In face, my favorite console was the fat black ps2, and I absolutely hated the slimmer ps2 design when it came out. I probably spent most of my time on the ratchet and clank games, mixed with other games like Disney Extreme Skate Adventure and Sly cooper

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zoomers don't understand games delivered as a finished game instead of a messy unfinished dlc riddled bullshit


>In face

The slim is shit and they end up scratching discs. The 5000X fats are the best

please please PLEASE consider killing yourself

>i had poor parents
>everyone in my school had a 360 while i played on a ps1/2

Do zoomers really?

>was my first console, retard.

Are you retarded? Time suddenly bends around you being poor? If you were born around 2000 your first console would have been PS3/Xbox. So what the fuck are you rambling about?

Let the baby dream

39xxx fats are best. 5xxxx are made in China garbage

We had the had the Xbox as well, and we bought the 360 when it came out. I just simply chose to play on the PS2

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Don't the 5xxxx's have the best laser?

39xxx already fixed the laser issue

What's on your official 8MB memory card Zig Forums?

I understand just fine, it's you who are nostalgia blinded.

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As a fellow zoomer born in 1999, i only grew up on handhelds so the console thing doesn't apply to everyone.

my father dropped our fat ps2 console from the table it was on and he got me a slim ps2 to replace it and i still hate him to this day.

How old are you? I just turned 21 and I'm more of a man than you are tranny

Is this supposed to prove something?

>PS2 Slim

how did you arrive at that assumption?

Complaining about your father breaking your console 20 something years ago is fucking pathetic, pathetic beyond 4channel standards. Get a fucking PC

Take your autism pills.

>sixth gen
Nice meme

he ruined a good thing that started my life becoming like shit so yeah i do think its justified

fixing the disc read error on gamecube by opening the lid and closing it

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Get a PC, fuck millennials are such big babies. Did you mother never breastfeed you?

You'll never understand the SOUL of the PS2 phat fan sound.

Build a PC

my dad breastfeed me.

yes, born 97 zoomer here, had a gameboy color when the SP was out and got laughed at, always played newer shit years later.

Do you still play PS2 online?

Bing bings still seething 20 years later that the shitcube got unequivocally BTFO



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Sure thing. In the meantime let's continue discussing PS2.

Is your father the Peter Griffin from the family guy?

its ok, me too. but its more a geographic situation where technology reaches my region later