Say something nice about him

Say something nice about him

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He made the only good game in that garbage show.

What Yakuza game should I start with? I seen some on xbox game pass

>good game
But they didn't show Halo 2.


He made F-Zero GX so good that Nintendo didn't understand how he did it.

start with the first one

If Xbox is your only choice, then 0.

kek did he really work on it?

He's no longer the orange man.

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nigga sold out, he a bitch

I think he was the producer.

his teeth were legitimately unsettling, like I felt sick looking at him.

>only good games shown were Scarlet Nexus and Yakuza

Still 0

He made the best racing game of all time

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>eksboxu seriosu exu

nice face lift

he had eye slit surgery like korean actors sometimes do??

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the main character looked like he had nigga blood.

Is Kiwami a good place to start? I got that when it was free on PS4

Start with fucking 0, there's a reason the series exploded with popularity with 0

Could you imagine being a japanese video game developer and living in the perfect climate to make quality entertainment and some western faglords pull you over to shitty america to work under their practices and develop boring western produced games for their awful systems?


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0 or OG 1 are the best, Kiwami is a pretty soulless remake of 1 with infuriating boss fights. I think 0 is on sale on PS4 for very cheap at the moment, you could also pirate it on PC and it runs well even on toasters

Monkey balls

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juicy kissable lips

mohi moshi, Bogdanoff-sama?

idgi, why are other countries like Japan and stuff pushing this rona shit. I thought most countries didn't care or actually liked Trump?

That's not how masks work.

How much plastic surgery has this nigga had???

How well does the original Yakuza 1 emulate?

Why would he release 7 before 3, 4, 5 and 6?

Very well, just make sure to check the PCSX2 wiki for some bug fixes as the games might look like shit for you on default settings. Moose has a screencap of the best settings for 1 and 2 so I’m hoping that tripfag gets summoned here soon enough

How come the only two properties Sega releases games for are Yakuza and Sonic? It's like they completely ignore everything else.

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