Scarlet Nexus

Looks like weebshit is back on the menu Xbros/PCbros!!!!!

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why are all the enemies flower themed?

Looks like a soulless version of Astral Chain, tbqh.

But I expect nothing less from Bamco's anime teams.

What's this?

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I wonder if its being made by the God Eater team.
I'm excited if it is then.

A Ghost in the Shell game with this artstyle would be neat

>xbox series x has a cuhrazy action game already

we won, bros.

cuz it's kino

Looks pretty cool

It's a third party game, weeb shit is coming to Xbox like Code Vein, this isn't something newsworthy

The one game you can't play as a girl.

looks interesting

best played on xbox series x

Looks like fucking shit.

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Astral Chain LOOKS soulless

This one looks more interesting

Would this technically be a JRPG

>ekko theme ripoff

Looks like uninspired poorly optimized trash.
I know they say "don't judge a book by its cover" but you can really tell when something's going to be low-grade weeb garbage just by the character designs.

what looks bad about it, pedo?


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I actually dig it, and it doesn't seem it's releasing soon, they have time to polish it

This game is SHIT until I can hear it in Japanese.

best game in this shitty "gameplay" presentation. You all had enough ugly ass faces in other games

Oh look finally a anime that only looks one generation behind instead of two.

Looks like they used some assets from Blue Protocol.

Maybe I am "paranoid" after Code Vein but those enemies kinda reminded me of Aragami in a weird way

Looks like a jankier version of Code Vein with even worse environments and a graphical downgrade.

I really wish they would stop using the God Eater 3/Code Vein/DaemonXMachina artstyle and colors.
Unreal engine can do other things too, you know.

>CODE VEIN 2 with more cringe

If you think this trash is not making its way to PS4/5 and most likely switch then you are retarded.

this idk why weebs are excited for it lmfao
"my name is....CHING CHONG WING WONG"
"and my power is....telekenesis."

>english VA
game doesnt look too bad but if i cant change the VA to jap i wont play


Not even Coom Vein is coming to Switch


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Since when do anime video games even do well anymore on xbone? I feel like they sell well in every other platform but xbone has this specific playerbase that don't give a fuck about them anymore.

What's next gen about this? I looks like a fucking 360 game. Have we finally hit a wall in terms of graphics?

good, we need more hack n slashes/3d beat em ups now that god of war was turned into a movie

The way the flowers are animated is strangely detailed. In a this gen game they would be still or most all at the same direction. If this is the stuff next gen brings then I am up for it.

>Cell shade your anime characters
>Slap them in a normal dirty and semi-realistic environment which is clearly not cell shaded
Which idiot over there keeps thinking this is a good idea? Have you SEEN Code Vein? What are you doing?

I hope so, because all those attacks lack impact.

Just wait for the enhance version when Scamco gets bored and ports it to Playstation they did it multiple times already since they want to sell the game in Japan.

I can only imagine Microsoft found this in some jap dev's trash can.

The thing I don't get is anime character designers.
>Part of a military force
>Looks the most different out of all of the soldiers
>starts off the weakest out of all of them
>everyone has their helmet on mask on
>not MC
but why?

Yeah it's a really ugly art direction. It's the same issue with that one piece game where the characters were cell shaded while the environment around them try to look semi realistic. It doesn't fit well, it all has to match or it'll end up looking ugly as hell

there was literally no reason for the characters to be ugly generic cel-shaded anime characters.

I haven't played a game with decent psyko powers since psyops. I hope the powers are good

>they want to sell the game in japan
they shouldn't port it to playstation then

>Looks like a jankier version of Code Vein with even worse environments and a graphical downgrade
Yeah, a bleach-white Anor Londo ripoff is something to be proud of

Code Vein was one of my favorite games of 2019 so I think I'm going to enjoy this game too.
The only thing I don't like is that it looks kinda slow for an action game.

>named male protag with spoken lines
There better be a qt brown in the actual roster then

>enhance version
More like the downgraded version.

Yeah but i gotta, the enemies designs are genuinely creepy looking.
I like it

I'm definitely buying an Xbox now.

Why? It's a multiplat

I just want another game where I can play with telekinesis man and this looks like the best I am going to get.

It's a bamco thing. Wish they would hyper stylize and cell shade the environemtn too like travis or DxM did.

Comparatively, yes.