Give me one (just 1) good reason why you aren't a Sonybro

>Nintendo: only Japshit
>Xbox: only Amerimuttshit
>PlayStation: perfect blend of Western and Eastern vidya

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I own a PC.

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you fags are there pr department

Red Dead Redemption 2

>Western vidya

I own all systems before and a pc.

Okay and?

But I already own it user. Got it for cheap through a key site. I actually do buy games I like.

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>giving Japanese video games the time of day
>unless the time of day is LIGHTBEAM O' CLOCK

That Xbox show confirmed PS5 already won.

OP is right about Sony. I like that they have the both good shit from both worlds. A shame about censorship tho

just shat on your fucking mum


i sleep
>PChad that actually buys games and help the industry

>perfect blend of anything but shit
I will never buy a Snoybox again in my life.

because i like video games and fun

I have a PC and I only buy the jappest jap shit.


also this

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Because I have a PC and a Switch.
So I have no need for an Xbox or a Playstation.

There hasn't been a single game on a Sony console that would justify me buying one since the PSP.

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>>Nintendo: only Japshit
Sounds like the most based option to me.

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My political views don't align with what they create. It's too progressive and ends up causing more harm than good. That, and movie games aren't fun.

why all pcfags own a switch? i was starting to build my own PC but i don’t to risk myself to become a basedtendo

peecee baybee

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thats a pretty cute patche

>PlayStation: trannyshit

Exclusives, Mobility, and party games

I'm a Sony+Nintendo guy, because I like games


>buy PS4
>play 1 game
>go back to PC
Yeah no, I'm not getting burnt like that again.

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to not be associated with sonyroaches

If it makes you feel better I've been pretty much PC and I have PSX,2 and 3 refused to buy any of the other gens because paying for online is retarded and agreeing to it is agreeing to be a cuck.

I buy my games on PC and pirate them on console.
Sometimes I would buy a game on pc and never download nor install them but instead pirate them on my consoles right away.

All PS4 """games"""

That'll be a yikes from me bro.

I don't support our ww2 nuked to oblivion loser enemy nip fucks. I buy Xbox because I'm American

Switch and PC cover east and west better.

She's the cutest!

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>Doo doo controller
>Mediocre online
>Garbage exclusives
I'd rather just play on Xbox and Nintendo. I'm not missing much of anything with those, but I do have a PS4 though.

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I do have both a ps3 and a ps4 and had a ps2 before them but the ps4 exclusive line-up was just grim and I doubt ps5 will do better so there's no way I'm getting a 5 anytime soon.

I don't support censorship.
Plus, Microsoft has taken great strides to be more pro-consumer with Game Pass, Cross-play, Backwards compatibility, Smart-delivery, Play Anywhere, and the fact more and more of their titles I can play on my PC which your PS5 will be sweating to compete with.

I failed my family in life, i will not fail them in death.

The PS5 or No Games 5 as I like to call it, comes out what? Next year, this year?
Not a single game announced or in development. No new or even rumors, nothing.

Sony "games" suck more dick than you do, faggot.

It's not fair the way Sony keeps winning solely because their competition is completely inept.

>No exclusives that i want to play.
>Small controller for baby japanese hands.
>No backwards compatibility.
>I like Halo.

That was easy.

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>ever having 2 games in a year to make shit balanced.
You are still dry humping that bloodborne copy for a reason

The godly combo is decent PC + PS4 pro + switch lite
theres literally no reason in even looking at the xbox

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>Xbox: only Amerimuttshit
>Event that happend literally 30min ago showed multiple japshit titles
way to show your bait