Soy James

When did he go from AVGN angry faces to thumbnails with onions faces?

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It's not a onions face because it shows actual emotion. Onions faces are just lifeless consoomer attempts at a forced reaction devoid of any soul.

Screenwave changed all his old thumbnails to generic, clickbait YouTube bullshit ones. Blame them

How did his channel even get overtaken by them? Did he sell out?

Clickbait gets clicks, who'd have fucking thought?
That's it. That's why. There's no deeper hidden agenda, right now, kids click on faces that are showing excitement/surprise/interest/any emotion really. Arrows also boost ctr. No joke, I went from 1% with regular, game-centric thumbnails ctr, to nearly 8% after flipping the switch on a channel wide thumbnail swap. Just under a week for it to really take effect.

because the dude has bills to pay

do you think a guy like that could hold down a regular job?

I'm aware, fucking fat pieces of shit.

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He's been with them since he got locked into the gametrailers/screwattack contract. Ryan (owner of screenwave, and old friend of james/mike) got him out of it by buying him out. James stopped enjoying making avgn/stopped having the time when his kid was born (and after the movie flopped tremendously), but he still needed the money. Mike wasn't making enough on his own posting videos every week, so ryan took a few content creators and put them on AVGN as script writers and editors and stuff.

>When did he go from AVGN angry faces to thumbnails with onions faces?

When his wife started fucking NIGGERS

Well...yeah. He's clearly organised and intelligent, and he can stick to a schedule. He's like the anti-Spoony

Translation: "It's not onions face because I'm a 23 year old fag who has a bias toward James due to growing up with him"

Where does this cuck James meme come from? He has two daughters

Black guy gets the token chick in his movie. That's all it took.

>make a "YKWBS" video
>doesn't even show off the bullshit man
pure S O U L L E S S

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ha ha oh my god avgn play crazy level he looks so crazy ha ha I click

Attached: avgn kiss.webm (976x418, 1.35M)

God damn you seem asshurt.

Because that's james and mike mondays and not avgn

There is literally nothing wrong with the scene

Damn did I hit the mark too close?

Unless you Zig Forums

his wife wrote that part and all the cringe shit in the movie because she is a sjw faggot


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Yeah, I'd bet you'd be happy to see your significant other making out with someone else in their movie.

Oh no, a black person who is successful with women :O

That doesn't make sense.

But that's not his wife?

i mean, is it still considered a friend when he's now using you for his own benefit?

That's the point, genius

there didnt need to be a romance subplot(arguably more than a subplot). we didnt need a nigger as well. how often are niggers in avgn videos? exactly

Your input wasn't needed either. Yet here it is.

>friend of yours buys you internet persona and now you have to do what he asks to make a living
man, money can ruin a person

I've stopped clicking on videos with that shit in the thumbnail or QUESTIONS and RANDOMLY capitalized WORDS in the title?! out of principle. Shit's lame, and it throws out any bit of integrity your shitty YouTube video had in the first place.

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We literally don't know how much input they have, or if james asked them to help to begin with. I think the fact james didn't just leave speaks volumes.
I mean, james had free reign from... 2010? To like 2016. after megaman games he basically stopped posting videos.



when he lost all self confidence after balding. it's why he wears a fucking hat indoors all the time now

>Rental reviews
>Two fat cunts waffling on about their favourite scenes while James looks dead inside

you can see mike's face not wanting to be there. ryan looks like that retarded cousin you are force to hang out with