Maximum CPU gaming performance for only $120

>maximum CPU gaming performance for only $120

you have no excuse to still be on console

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is ryzen really only 3fps better then an intel chip from 3 generations ago

Now post the prices of GPU's

the intel chip still sells for $300

Even worse is it got it's performance tanked by those migations.

>Hve to change mobo too
Yeah fuck off

Yes kek

you mean the intel chip they keep repackaging and selling for $500 requiring a new mobo and a nitrogen cooler?

Should I get a 3600 or wait for next gen?

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glad to know my 7700k is still the the value/performance king


wait for next gen unless you are noticing a lot of stuttering in games?

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>$400 cpu that gets beaten by a $100 ryzen
>value performance king

>beaten by a $100 Ryzen
Why are you lying?

No, the rig works great but upgrading the CPU would net me an average of 15 extra frames across all games.

the ryzen 3300x in the OP pic is literally MSRP at $120 and comes with free games. you literally flushed $300 down the toilet or more

Look at the MRSP between the chips you dumbass.

I have 206$ (but only in cash, no bank account yet) can i really get something good with only that price?

Um user, the AMD Ryzen 3 is only $120 and beats it.

what do you mean? which computer parts do you need?


No thanks.

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But Zig Forums told me you need a $3000 PC to play games on PC. Why would anyone ever lie to me on the internet?

Wow, does that chip time travel as well?

Yes, you could even save $20 and get the Ryzen 3 3100 (only $99) and then have $99 to spend on a mobo.

currently have an AMD ryzen 5 3550 H

am I good?

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>tfw fell for the trash 2600 meme 3 months before 3600 release
Should i upgrade to 3700x or wait for zen 3?

>implying it's not still sold and overpriced.

Fuck intel, I'm glad AMD is finally back in the game. Cannot wait to experience computing like it was in the mid 2000's before AMD dropped off a ledge.

3300x is going to be sold out everywhere

Can you link to this video?

pretty much anything to fully build a PC!

did your $100 Ryzen also beat it 3 years ago?

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>not owning a threadripper or i9 with your Titan X

What's the point of only going half in?

I bought 4790k for 300+ euros 5 years ago. Fuck you, AMD.

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>no bank account
>thanks he can build a PC for 200 bucks
Fuck off kid.



If we want to talk about time travel bullshit to make you feel better you should know my like 8 year old 3570k and 670GTX (4GB) is still maxing out games at 1080p just fine.


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yes. meanwhile the intel chip costs almost 3x (with no cooler) while still being on a dead platform

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You should try paying attention, it's better than the intel CPU and only $120.

>that cpu
>that mobo
>that gpu
nigga what the fuck are you doing

Yup, Athlon was pinnacle comfy back around in early 2000s (fuck, even Duron would shit on inceleron most of the time). That and a good ol' Radeon 9200/9600 would tear anything to pieces.

Wonder if there's a chance for AMD's Radeon to ever catch up to Nvidia in terms of stable performance / compatibility and, most importantly, TDP

I hope this nuke the price of older intel cpus. Haswell i7 should be $50.

Based and futureproofpilled.

probably going to grab a 3600(x) for my birthday
it's about on par with the 8300h/9300h
it's a fine gaming cpu you'll be okay

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>becoming a pc cuck
Uh no thanks I have sex

I needed a cheap CPU to tide me over after my last one blew up.
The MOBO and GPU are fine you memefag.

low iq is always a legitimate excuse

PC has no games

I feel like Radeon will never catch back up but that's more because Nvidia isn't as shitty as Intel when it comes to being jews, because at least when they jew there's a noticeable upgrade and not negligible. Also ATi should exist still but alas AMD is handling it and I'd rather they not try to split focus I think that's part of their issue in the first place for having so many years of shitty CPU's.

Intel chips also don't require you to borrow an old CPU from AMD so you can flash your mobo bios just to install your new CPU LMFAO

I cannot even begin to fathom how much of a retard you'd have to be to buy an AMD cpu in the current year.

They're cheap garbage and you get exactly what you pay for.

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waifu pillow still means masturbation

guise my toaster is a
i5-4690k with a GTX 1050ti

navigating through CPU and GPU model numbering conventions is a fucking nightmare.
quick questions
is it a good time to buy a pc now?
if I just buy a new ~$500 pc will that be a worthwhile upgrade?

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