Did you like it?

Did you like it?

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Loved it. One of my all time favorite games. Final act is pure kino.

This is the type of generic game you see a fat jonah hill playing in the background or on the shelves in CoD

Yeah. I really want to replay it someday but I no longer have a PS3. Fuck exclusives.

yeah it was a solid new IP that showed a lot of promise. then the sequel came along and was pretty good until the canon end basically killed then teased a possible comeback that got ignored for the weak second son

dude emulate it lmao

It was overall decent. I think it was better than the sequel storywise.

Yeah, one of my favorite PS3 exclusives. Question: where did the villain of the first game get his powers from if he time travel and arranged for Cole to get his powers? isn't it paradox?

It’s great. SP should have kept going with infamous there’s a lot of potential left. Second Son wasn’t that bad it was just a launch game

Same thing happens in Attack on Titan. Did Attack on Titan rip off inFamous?

>no ragdoll physics

a big NOPE from me

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He was a natural conduit, they have their powers from birth

Way better than I thought it would be. Been a long time since I played it but was fun

The way that handled the twist in 2 was great. Both the moral choice characters swap alignments in ways that mesh realistically with their personalities, it was handled fantastically.

>349 out of 350 blast shards collected

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Like it a lot. I prefer it to the sequel in movement as Cole had a greater deal of weight to him. Climbing felt less odd and I felt the power progression was better. I really enjoyed Second Son as well, though I'd say it has different narrative merits. First Light kind of made it clear to me that it might have been a more fulfilling gameplay experience if they stuck to Smoke for Delsin and just built on it.

does anyone remember that area in the city with the giant tower you can climb but climbing it was almost impossible
i fucking hated that tower

I know you're memeing but I legit tried. It doesn't emulate well yet.

That junk yard? I loved climbing and jumping off the highest places in these games.

Alden's Tower?

I did like the video game power a lot,
The rock powers being introduced in the final boss was a big wat

Generic and mindless. Reminds me of why 2009 was such a horrible year for video games

Where is the remaster?

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>Same thing happens in Attack on Titan.
What? Since when?
Why did he set up Cole then?\

Funny you ask, a copy just arrived yesterday so I could replay it.

They were all good, but few of them felt like they got enough of their potential or their own mechanical identity fleshed out.

To kickstart his powers and give him more time to develop them. He had no idea it would cause the beast to appear earlier too.

Because Cole was a nobody and had nothing to tie him down from releazing his potential (other than Trish, and we know what happened to her)

Loved it. Grossly underrated. The sequel was better written but lost the soul of the original, and second son was garbage.

>save doctors but your girlfriend dies
>save girlfriend instead of doctors but she dies any way

Gameplay was fine for its time, but the cutscenes were off somehow, it never felt natural to me.

Yeah that was incredibly cheap, you should have been able to save her and she goes psycho on you for letting those doctors die and you accidently kill her, or whatever, anything would have been better than what they did

Loved it, it's hard to go back to the movement and combat after playing 2 though, 2 polished a lot of stuff.

To ready him for the beast, so he could get his powers earlier and be more powerful, did you even pay attention?

>Brown, the game
What was with 2007-2010 video games and their color palette?

>Has perfect pinpoint accuracy from hundreds of metres away

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How the hell was Infamous generic

yeah, fucking idiot shit tower

It's been years since I have played. I'm trying to go through my huge backlog on multiple consoles and PC. I plan on returning to them so I can one hundred percent them. Are the the stunts hard?

there is always ps now. it's got one, two and the vampire one