Can they bring back what has been lost since DiRT 2 or is that Codemasters dead and gone?

Can they bring back what has been lost since DiRT 2 or is that Codemasters dead and gone?

GRID 2019 was pretty lame.

Attached: dirt-5-logo[1].jpg (600x338, 27.03K)

Codemaster's A team just pump out F1 games now.

Dirt 2 was good, people just get mad at it because it has an autistic DLC policy, but if you pirate it the game is 10/10.
The new GRID is garbage, hopefully they release a new toca race driver

I actually went out of my way to buy a copy last year (I think) so I could just own the game proper (and earn Achievements).

Is Grid 2 fixable with modding? I just remember the physics being absolute shit.

I like GRID 2.

Dirt 2 had no DLC.

I wonder when these fags will finally do ANYTHING different than a racing game even if its going to be a racer maybe do one based around motorcycles or some shit like that holy shit these games are Fifa tier right now literally zero though is put into these projects they just shit out them en masse. Legit almost two decades shitting out only Dirt/Grid games and nothing else they even absorbed old team that made Motorstorm games and instead of giving them proper budget and time they made them shit out some cheap new IP in barely two years with shit gimmicks that was designed around multiplayer.

Is this one open world like the forza horizon games? I was getting the impression it was but nothing announced in the trailer from what I saw

He means DRM. It has both SecuROM and GFWL.

well this having a 4-player split screen is definitely something worth checking out for

>autistic dlc policy
not sure if you're talking about dirt rally 2.0 or dirt 2

If you pirate it, you still had to install GFWL client bloatware, so I'm not sure how that changes anything at all. Dirt 3 they actually stripped out GFWL and ported it to Steamworks with all DLC included as a GOTY edition. I own both games.

GOD no. codemasters has no idea what made TOCA or dirt so good. They had a clue with dirt 1, but then they lost it and added in rallycross.

Dirt 2 was even the game that started catering to the instagram crowd and treating you like a make a wish kid LONG before forza horizon. Codemasters have been scum since they locked TOCA cheats behind a scummy 1-900 number. Fuck them.

Looks like a decaffeinated motorstorm, I wonder if Evolution's former employees are working on this or they were fired after the they puked this trash.

Attached: Onrush_cover_art.jpg (301x331, 26.74K)

>After the disappointing sales of Onrush, several members of the Codemasters EVO development division were let go in redundancies and the division was shifted to a support role for other titles.[18]

DiRT 2 is also a good game. It's their finest hour as a racing game developer.

>It's Overwatch but with vehicles!

I'm sorry, that's something that's supposed to make me excited?

no it fucking isnt, it had like 6 tracks. They say it has a ton because they count a reverse stage as a completely new track. Dirt 2 was a pile of fuckign shit.

dude donuts and gmykhana bro don't you want to be an epic #HOONIGAN

dirt is the $5 shovelware bargain bin of racing games

DiRT 2 didn't have any of that, it's strictly racing-focused.

dirt 2 and forza horizon were both great games, if you want sim autism you already have dirt rally

judging by the trajectory of DR to D4 to DR2.0 it's going to be yet another asset flip filled with half-baked physics

DiRT 4 supposedly had the same physics model as DiRT Rally but with a more complex understanding of aerodynamics and torque values.

was that dirt 3 then? I remember being forcefed these batshit retarded ken block faggot events

in reality it had a weird frankenstein combination of 3 and rally which caused all AWD cars to behave like understeering FWDs that will fight you tooth and nail to get some oversteer angle, even with the loosest setups
it was an absolutely cancerous driving experience that didn't know when it wanted to switch between arcade or simcade

the only thing dirt rally ever managed to simulate was how hard a broken suspension can bottom out in a moon gravity enviroment

Yes it fucking did. You even had bobbleheads you could put in a fucking racecar.

That was DiRT 3. DiRT 2 only had racing events in different disciplines (Raid, Landrush, Rally Cross [which had none of that Joker lap bullshit], and straight Rally).


Actually play the game, not shit yourself at the title screen.

Oh, and Trailblazer, forgot about that type.