

Attached: EXbM2AQUcAEF_e_.jpg (1340x754, 429.88K)

the main character looked like he had nigga blood

Attached: DMeUp78VwAAff0c.jpg (1200x798, 163.73K)

what headshape is that called?

Now post the picture of how he looked back when he was making Monkey Ball games

Attached: C34E51E5-F67F-49B0-848C-AE1B455B11FA.jpg (640x407, 23.22K)


Plus PS4 and PS5 too.

This never ceases to amaze and amuse me

He took the Bog Pill.

what the fuck went wrong?

I'm guessing this has something to do with Yakuza. Further context would be appreciated.

Attached: gamerhead.jpg (1255x713, 84.8K)

Yakuza 7 is coming to next gen too.

went right*

What went right you mean?

Xbox One isn't Series X, but neat anyways.

It's already on PS4 like 4 months ago

Why would they take a beat em up and turn it into a turn based RPG?

AIAI is based.

>when your game characters look more human than you

this, they ruined it for me

bad taste.

This was a Series X event, bro.

okay but the screencap just says xbox one and windows 10.

not for filthy gaijin

He worked on Spikeout and realized his passion was having dudes beat the shit out of each other.

to change things up, and it's a side story anyways

He bowed to the BOGS and it was the right choice

Attached: ancient.jpg (512x512, 12.83K)

in the frame before he said SeX

Why is he shaped like an egg.

What is it with asians and plastic surgery?