20 years old

>20 years old
>got a game for christmas
>my grandma was surprised that I "still played with toys at my age"
why did she have to be so savage bros, all these years later and I still think about it. Is it ok to play video games beyond the age of 18? Are they art or just toys for children?

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everything other than eating shitting and working is playing with toys to retarded boomers

Yes games are just toys but yes it's okay to still play, in moderation of course.

Boomers just expect you to slave away in Schlomo's factory or die in some other wars, otherwise you're wasting your life.

>what is having an actual hobby outside of consuming products

When I was a kid in the 80s, there were plenty of 30 and 40 yr olds that played. When you can't put down the controller to do your daily life activities such as job or fucking the naked girlfriend standing in front of you, you have a problem.

Don't expect much understanding from the average elderly user.

Fucking this oh em geeee. Like, totally boomers ruined everything and i have no responsibility at all for my own life, ugh?

You should be more concerned about your meme shitting, kids

Your grandma's probably worried because you don't have a job or a girlfriend or an apparent direction in life. If you did, your video game hobby would be an endearing quirk instead of an obvious red flag.

Why is men missing a gf seen as red flag but woman missing a man a sign of independence? Are they aware if every woman is independent all men will remain single?

What is an actual hobby and how it differs from simply entertaining yourself?

Ask her where she put the bright future that was promised us, instead of this corporate-facist dystopic hellscape.
When she was young you could pay for a house in 5 years, not 50+ years like today.

Name a hobby that doesn't require you to buy some kind of product.

>50 years for a mortgage
How poor are you?
I can't take minimum wage complainers seriously. Apply yourself.

Should have been as savage to her

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Ask her if she's still drinking at her age

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Literally not enough jobs exist to provide every person with a substantial income. People that say, "just apply yourself bro just go to university/trades school" etc. are just dodging the problem.

The same reason fat dudes get shit on but fat woman are told it's ok to be fat. Feminist double standards.

>I can't take a great part of people seriously
Retard. Every problem would be solved if everyone earned enough money.

Tell her you're surprised she still has a functional bladder at her age

You do realize your Grandma was born at a time where TV didnt exist and has no concept of modern entertainment, right?

I bet your grandma still knits stupid ass socks that no one wears

When your nieces and nephews start flossing do you cheer them on or laugh at them?

There's an obvious difference between your hobby being the consumption of a product vs using a product.

Do you want to say that your hobby is pushing buttons on a controller/keyboard in response to pixels moving on a screen? Therefore it's not the actual act of consuming the product which you indulge in?

>muh poosie
What is it with Americans and their obsession with sex?

>The problem
Of what? If you can't perform skilled labour, I don't give a fuck about you. Don't assume that everyone believes in wealth redistribution
>Not enough jobs exist
Such a loser mindset. Assuming there is a limit to value creation - lol

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>but woman missing a man a sign of independence?

Are you kidding? If a woman is still single at 30 she starts going insane. The whole "you go girl" independent women discourse is just a consolation prize. Everyone pities spinsters

Collecting rocks/seaglass on the beach

I promise you that to the boomers, and a lot of Gen X, a 25+ woman without a steady man is also considered a red flag. Its just a form of exposure bias that you don't see it.

Going for walks can be a hobby. Sure you need shoes but those are an essential for everyday life as it is. You can even go hiking on simple trails with most “everyday” shoes, as long as you’re not some metro faggot whose everyday shoe is a dress shoe.

>32 years old
>Got Zimbabwe BTFO for Christmas
>Didn't even ask for it
>Still haven't opened it

Any good? Its just a Ubisoft clone right?

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That's true, but I'l talking about the lip service.


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>a time where TV didnt exist and has no concept of modern entertainment
Fucking based.

Pretty much. People love it because muh Zelda but honestly every single past 3D Zelda game was miles better. This one lacks something crucial that all other Zelda games had before it: structure.

whenever i do something for myself mom says “wow your (future) wife is gonna hate that!”
how do i tell my mom i have zero plans on getting married right now? im honestly just focused on my finances

How the fuck is walking a hobby? Is eating a hobby too?

Honestly, it was based, Radio shows are comfy as fuck. I used to listen to the Sirius XM Radio Classics channel when I worked at sea, they have some of the best mystery/horror stories I've heard.

Yes....cooking is a hobby
Do you still live with your parents or something Holy shit

>Cooking is a hobby
haha holy fuck you're retarded

Sounds like hell. I don't get this currently design trend of "just do anything, bro!". You're a game designer, fucking design something.

I'll play it someday anyway.


Yes, cooking is a hobby.

What would living with parents have to do with anything you fucking cuck. Go take a walk and try not to choke on any cocks out there.

Your grandma was right. Grow up, Skip.

How fat are you that you think cooking is a hobby

Don't worry about it too much she'll be dead soon.

>Ahobbyis a regular activity done for enjoyment, typically during one's leisure time, not professionally and not for pay.Hobbiesinclude collecting themed items and objects, engaging in creative and artistic pursuits, playing sports, or pursuing other amusements.
If I tbag in one spot for 20 minutes a day everyday and like it, that is my hobby

I guess a better phrasing would be it can be a hobby
But you're the retard if you can't see that it is

Old people view women not having a boyfriend/husband as even worse m8.

How is cooking not a hobby?

>I am suprised you are still living
then proced to play vidya like a true man

Pretty skinny actually, think I inherited my grandpa's metabolism. Learning recipes, cooking new things, exploring meals, this is a hobby. See for a formal definition.
Find me a source that says otherwise and I'll agree.

Sweet I guess I do have a hobby. I masturbate at least 3 hours a day.

A video game is not consumed when you play it, it's no different in concept to buying a tennis racket.

>He's never made his own dough or pasta from scratch
>Assuming I'm a fat fuck because I've cooked something other than the chicken tendies you make once a day purely for sustenance
Looking up recipes, acquiring ingredients, hours of cooking - how the fuck is it Not a hobby you smoothbrained adolescent

Cooking is not a hobby because it's something we have to do for survival. That's like saying taking a shit or sleeping is a hobby.

what year was she 20 years old?
What was she doing that was so great?

No one actually does this, that sounds unbelievably boring and it's a dick move removing a beautiful part of nature from where it's supposed to be

So then you agree that your hobby is pushing buttons in response to pixels moving on a screen, and that the video game is just a tool to achieve that?

Literally just made a homemade pizza last night faggot but good job assuming. Cooking is not a hobby.

You are on the bottom left tail of the bell curve

collecting my earwax

It counts, you'd get looks for saying that's your hobby but it is what it is

As I said, you can cook to learn recipes, try new things, explore your culinary skills. You do not need to bake a cake and frost it to survive.

jacking off

/ck/ shills out in full force today

I'd frost your cake with my ass

Grandma is 80 years old? How old was your mum when she had you? 40? Explains the Autism.

>wtf how many different ways can you even cook tendies???

Ok cuckpitalist