Assassin’s Creed "Christianity is evil" Valhalla

Assassin’s Creed "Christians are the bad guys" Valhalla

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Christianity is evil. EVROPE should be pagan.

If Christianity is just a kike puppet religion why does it need to be vilified so much by them?

Checkmate Atheists

Yes. They were literally sandnigger-tier muslim invaders,

shut up faggot

he made sure to mention it was THE DARK AGES

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I mean, we should all agree by now that videogames are pointless and a major waste of time, made to destroy our youth, our manhood and God's values.
I'm done with all this bullshit.

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>a guy standing in front of a cross is vilifying it
You need help

>I'm mentally ill so I can't enjoy anything

Why do you get butthurt everytime there's someone mocking christianity

Jesus said people should give most of their money to the Church and to the poor, Christians have never followed the teachings of Jesus.

He's right though
Vikings were fucking everywhere





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Ironically, pagans worships fallen angels, demonic entities, the same ones that jews does. Jesus is literally the only true path to eternal life, because he's the only and true God.
Christianity wouldn't be attacked so much if wans't the Truth. But well, keep playing videogames and sideing with the enemy.

it's less about being butthurt that christianity being bashed and more because it's the same shit over and over. it's never a unique take on things.
you sure as shit can't make a game about how judaism or islam is evil because they'd go nuts. it's lazy creativity. at least with the latter you'd have something new that wasn't explored before.


>uh these gods are false cause I say so

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Jesus is based and all of you are cringe

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Art imitates life.

I mean yeah if you're playing as a viking Christian europe would be the antagonists

lol we're talking about Assassin's Creed here.
jesus couldn't do shit without his piece of eden thats why once they took it he became powerless

ass creed gayme mayde by wahmen:

>oh shieet we need something to get us money quick, what setting should we go with
>lets just copy viking show
>okay lets make trailer
>specificaly mention its dark ages bacause of chrstianity
>make viking white males actualy be part of asasins -some islamic fanfic cult edgy anarchist wannabes, that will show them ha, the warior whites were actualy anarchists
>specificaly show how vikings didn't rape women in trailer to show mug goodie pagan anarchist vikings in good light
>yes lets put woman with tits to be some druid or clan leader or whatever, be sure to make it seen in trailer

lmao asscreed. not even 1 day pirate. just femenist brainwashing games full of niggers.

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Jesus is based but he goes against all modern Christian values.

At least this trailer wasn't as inaccurate as the first one, except for the stave church and the protagonist's armor. The repaired Roman fort looked accurate enough.

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All of the abrahamic religions are evil and has set the world back thousands of years.

We still haven't come to terms with the fact that there's no space god operating over our heads, willing us to do all the sick shit we've put eachother through since the jews started mumbling their retarded nonsense. Mankind should just be obliterated with an asteroid. We had our shot at this.

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Lead dev is a mudslime.

Violent immigrants good, christianity bad

I'm not offended by your belief but I am offended by your self-assured stupidity.

Dude you honestly just need to have sex

you're right, video games are dead anyways

>makes Zig Forums niggers seethe


>rabbi yeshua fans are the baddies in the new ubishit "game"
Am I supposed to care?


Christianity is the least bad of the bunch, especially the reformed branches.

But yeah, abrahamic sand-nigger religions are inherently evil.

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>Assassin’s Creed "Christians are the bad guys"
Yeah, that's always been the case whenever they appeared in an AC game.

It's so obvious the viking will ally with Alfred the great and kill Odin or some shit in a "twist". Alfred was a greatly respected and fondly remembered king, they won't make him a christian villain.

they absolutely will. It's a french company and the lead dev is a muslim. also a running theme throughout all games
>Christianity bad!
doesnt really bother me, it's a video game desu.

Marketers already in full motion to create false outrage publicity for this half-assed shit game.

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AC Origins and FarCry 5 didn't convince me. But now I am positive that Ubisoft astroturfs discussion about their games via Zig Forumsbait.

>those deities that you worship are actually demons, worship ours which is the real one instead :^)

oh no

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The game starts in 873. You'll befriend Alfred, expose Templars playing both sides and serve as the catalyst for the 878 Peace of Wedmore.