Assassin’s Creed "Christians are the bad guys" Valhalla
Assassin’s Creed "Christianity is evil" Valhalla
Julian Brown
Samuel Morris
Christianity is evil. EVROPE should be pagan.
Evan Mitchell
If Christianity is just a kike puppet religion why does it need to be vilified so much by them?
Checkmate Atheists
Nathan Williams
Yes. They were literally sandnigger-tier muslim invaders,
Brandon Ross
shut up faggot
Jaxon Hall
he made sure to mention it was THE DARK AGES
James Peterson
I mean, we should all agree by now that videogames are pointless and a major waste of time, made to destroy our youth, our manhood and God's values.
I'm done with all this bullshit.
Parker Gomez
>a guy standing in front of a cross is vilifying it
You need help
Jaxson Gonzalez
>I'm mentally ill so I can't enjoy anything
Angel Anderson
Why do you get butthurt everytime there's someone mocking christianity