The good: Just showed games and minimal cringe
The bad: The games are shit

Overall: 5.5/10

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Other urls found in this thread:


2/10 should have waited or claimed it was an indie showcase

>this is what Xbots hailed as the revival of gaming
Just completely and utterly embarrassing.

Fucking 3/10, it's like they just took every unremarkable filler game they had planned for their E3 conference and made this.

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fucking up the gen twice in a row/10

why is microsoft even bother to keep the xbox?

nogames/10 like literally every other xbox presentation

I was gonna give them 7/10 until they decided to embarrass themselves by calling that ass creed trailer gameplay

>Says gameplay
>It's fucking BARELY any gameplay.

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Christ, nothing super exciting. What a waste of time. None of the things they showed hyped me up to buy anything.

you guys realize these are monthly now right? it's literally nintendo direct, except for xbox.

3/10, it was disappointing and there was zero player controlled gameplay and no big third-party publishers. I don't give a lower score only because they got straight to the games without jerking themselves off too much and there were minimal breaks between trailers. Also the fridge joke was pretty funny, but that's it.

10/10 actually had games. Still not buying a console though.

The games were the cringe

>barely any gameplay

extra point cuz gf sucked my dick while I was watching

I don't really know why I still gave them a chance, fuck Microsoft

2/10 games
I think the only fucking game I was most "oh shit that's cool" was fucking Dirt 5.

Yakuza is whatever, we knew we were getting it. Scarlet Nexus was complete weeb cringe garbage.

6/10 because games
would be higher if they actually fucking SHOWED SOMETHING


I think it's time to put the xbox down, Microsoft


It was kinda shit, I guess it's nice to know Scorn is still alive and Yamaoka is working on something.


>actually had gameplay

1/10, just let the games do the talking instead of having some literal who explain the setting and graphics of the game.

>monthly directs

Last e3 was the same, they say the presentation is gonna be gameplay focused and then only a 4th of the games show gameplay

>implying sony will show better games in the ps5 reveal show

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How many of those games are exclusives?

7/10, hardly any irrelevant marketing, wasn't so long to waste our time, i just wish eldan ring was shown.

Phil Spencer is the biggest fucking conman in gaming and I’m just waiting for people to finally wake up to his bullshit.

Xbros, what the fuck do I do? At least with Xbox 1 I could play my massive backlog of 360 games. If this console goes to shit, I’ll have to play the Taledega Animustation or the Low Res Gimmick Sóywich. Is gaming dead for people who play games?

I barely caught the end. Did I see something about Akira Yamaoka doing music for a new game?


Who are you quoting?


1 point is for Yamaoka

why is xbox still a thing?/10


We got kiked

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It confirmed one keye aspect for me.
PS5 wont be able to handle 4k 60fps.

In the codemasters interview the guy asked him what exclusive XSX feature there will be and he said 4k 60fps and a 120Hz mode.

This to me confirms PS5 cannot handle 4k 60fps. Even for a shitty racing game like Dirt of all things.
Sony are going to market the PS5 as 4k probably but then find out its 1440p again. Either that or they get 4k 30fps.

6/10. I wasn't interested in most of them, but it's nice to see a few new IP unlike Sony or Nintendo.

I don't know about that.

Wait for the obsidian to reveal their rick and morty game

The only good thing shown was the fucking shilled Easy Allies game.


3/10, as in I only saw 3 games that I was somewhat interested in

bright memory looks fun reminds me a little of bulletstorm

everything on windows is an xbox exclusive

Probably none of them
Maybe that top down shooter I forget the name of with the red faction premise
before the gameplay started I thought it actually was red faction

Very interested in The Ascent and The Medium, couldn't really care less about anything new shown. Also Scorn isn't kill which is very nice. 7/10

Please tell me what was shown that deserves any numerical value?

All of these people not realizing it was a third party/multiplat reveal show...

Gaming is dead out of 10

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Basically what I expected. I guess most of the AAA studios are going to have their own reveals. I haven't played AC since 2, might give the new one a shot.

They didn't show anything that couldn't run on current gen hardware, next gen is going to be a joke boys.

the only gameplay we saw as from a one man studio pc port everyone has already seen.

0/10 fucking lmaooooo @ xfags

3. Ascent, Yakuza 7, Bloodlines 2, and Scarlet Nexus were the only ones that stood out to me. [Conveniently were also the only ones to have mostly gameplay.] 3 whole points knocked off for not showing gameplay of ToA, CP2077, or MGR2.

So instead of not getting the PS5, we should not get the PS5 and XboxXXX?

Patrick Mahomes looked so real!!!

Dorito pope said meh

I missed it, can anyone tell me what happend?

Made me lose all interested in the gen along with Snoy fuckery
It wasn't even bad enough to be cringe kino, just embarrassing.

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Took the 3rd party trailer from their E3, minus Cyberpunk or Bethesda titles, and interviewed devs for 10 minutes bc muh virus

>8.5/10 it was okay
Am I on the IGN forum?

I almost shit my pants when they showed up the Silent Hill like game (the music was EXACTLY like SH2) And then nope.

3/10 for me.


>what exclusive XSX feature there will be and he said 4k 60fps and a 120Hz mode

That doesnt mean what you think it means. Do you have a learning disability

If you want 4k 60fps yes it seems.

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I thought Microsoft was done with being completely out of touch, its the same old attitude, they are going to continue to pump out boring games attached to zombie IP. They should have left the industry instead of doubling down.

Is watching a movie gameplay now?

0/10, sonychads just keep winning

Dudes talking about trailers

Trailers for indie games that are going to flop.

The only possible way in with Zig Forums would have liked this presentation, would be if they had show Elden Ring. Thats literally the only thing this board care about.


If they had show gameplay it would have dragged for way too long and then you faggots would complain it was too boring.

No Elden Ring 0/10

What if I want games?

3/10, it could have been a lot better. I was hoping for something from Sega so I guess my wish was granted with Yakuza 7. Hopefully this means the PS3 Yakuza's will be remastered for Xbox. Scarlet Nexus will probably be a buy and the Medium looked cool but I need to see more.

So nothing.

Jesus the graphics are fucking underwhelming. Guess because it was mostly indie stuff. Hopefully we see something actually impressiv from first party studios however i think this is diminishing returns: the generation

No, Zig Forums just has too high of standards for console gaming.

around 6/10
That anime bamco game looks cool, same for the silent hill esque horror game.
Also Dirt 5, i mean cmon guys.
You know what? Im gonna bump the score to 7 because of Dirt 5

The only interesting games on there were the first one that was shown off, the Scarlet Nexus, and Yakuza: Like a Dragon; and the latter's not even a next-gen title.

When did gaming becomes so fucking pretentious? What's with all of these CGI cinematic trailers that give no context or gameplay? Remember when DMC5 was revealed and how great that was? It looked good, but you know what it had? FUCKING GAMEPLAY. Do studios really expect us to give a single solitary fuck about a "story" trailer with generic camera panning, zooms, and drops? I sure hope not, because that was shit. Hopefully Playstation doesn't fuck up this aspect, too.

Halo Infinite better blow my mind.

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The Ascent
Second Extinction
Scarlet Nexus

There’s still gonna be a presentation in June right?

Then you'd be getting games that run at a decent framerate too.

I'm so bored of cinematic shit bros

Only Japan can save us now

>Dirt 5
What are you gay?

Everything in this presentation is just generic as fuck


Nope they said July is the next one.

1/10 no games that seemed fun to the slightest, no Elden Ring, nothing even looks good, just looks about the same as current gen games so why all the hype around being so fucking powerful and whatnot. Microsoft is dead.

Waste of an hour 3/10

Just scrap the shitty brand altogether and let Nintendo and Sony run the damn gaming world from now on.

Nothing. The usually shit "modern" games you see thousand times.

I havent watched it. Tell me how it was. What games did it show?

"The Medium" is the name, I think. Silent Hill composer doing the music.

They are 3rd Parties so I am assuming none.

2/10 because of Bloodlines
Actually make it 1/10 because it didn't look too great.

>Just showed games and minimal cringe
There were like three games out a dozen that had in-game footage revealed.


0/10, and that's coming from someone who's actually going to buy the thing (solely for BC)

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indies and asscreed.

they should not claim it was gameplay

This might have been good if it had been done AFTER the first party reveal

As it is it was just bizarre.

I expected it, they said it will be third party stuff, but Jesus. Really wanted something with more substance, but alas. July Is their only chance to redeem themseleves. Sony still can show something... Dunno. Everything Is so lackluster about upcoming gen, it fucking bores me to death.
5/10 at best due to actually atleast naming some b-tier games, Also wtf scorn Is still around?

You mean Turok clone and weeaboo clone number 99

They don't know what "gameplay" mean

and the video game industry is still trying to gaslight us into thinking cutscenes are gameplay

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2/10, they said there would be GAMEPLAY, it was all heavily edited trailers, they put no effort and the guy's webcam is worse than mine which costs 20$

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3/10 There games but nothing interesting and they close it with Asscreed shit.

Interesting games. It's not like it needed to be amazing, as there will be several of these presentations until the launch of the console. Looking forward to the next one.

I like the Dirt games

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Thought this was supposed to be for a new console. Looked like current and last gen shit. Nothing looked particularly interesting. Vampire Bloodlines looked like absolute shit. I'm upset I watched the whole thing. 1/10

2/10. Only good things shown were Yakuza and that FPS with DMC combos.
It was awful whenever they said that the "gameplay" looked really good, or whenever they had to explain to the audience that better hardware would mean faster loading times, as if we're toddlers or something (which to be fair, most Xbox users probably are).

>Mostly new IPs

I like that this is the case. I get that a lot of people on Zig Forums just want endless sequels but if even a few of those games are good I'd be happy as they're not just rehashes.

3.7/10 too many movies.

>xbox copies nintendo again
>still fucks it up
There's a fucking reason nintendo only does 4 main directs a year with a scattering of them dedicated to full series or just the next major release.

>caring about some shit souls game
zoomerino detected

You like generic dudebro racing, why?


It was bad, but I'm glad most games seem to be using smart delivery and a lot of those indie games like medium are launching on gamepass so i'm happy

They are just as bad. Actually, whole industrie Is fucking abysmall right now. It really depends on some third-party ching chong game, rockstar or Nintendo to occasionaly delivery something resembling of exiting creative or engaging experience.

Because you were too focused on Sony SJW but technically the developers can't poop games with super graphics and good gameplay anymore

>This just in
>Microsoft announces free one year gf subscription for early adopters.

>le edgy dark mature gayms for gaymen
Only yakuza looks fun

We've got half a fucking century of games, HAVING GAMES is not enough for a CONSOLE SHOWCASE, I need fucking GOOD GAMES.

>The Ascent
>Scarlet Nexus
The three games I'm interested in all had gameplay. It was ok. The rest was trash.

New IPs or sequels, it doesn't matter. Make. Good. Games that people want to play. 5 good games > whole generation of shit.

>dudebro racing
>haven't even played the previous games
You just calling it a "dudebro racing" game is very ignorant and i don't need to tell you why.
Instead i'm just gonna ignore you

microsoft keeps crying for us to take them seriously but they never,ever deliver. It's been this way for 6 years now. The games never come.

2/10, just go away already.

jesus how young is everyone here!?

Perfect dark reboot just got announced.

Keep waiting user, people still fucking praise Reggie fils-a-dik.
People will always hail these corporate stooges as great cause 'yo, dude, memes, they lik mi!'

As a small little 'hey here are some of the other games coming to our platform' thing, 6-7/10, it was fine, some of them looked cool.
As something that was supposed to be the first debut of a new console, 1/10. What the fuck.

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>first look at gameplay
>it's all pre-rendered trailers
>annoying interviews
>mostly indie garbage
At least the Warhammer 2 news was good today

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>The Ascent is an RPG

Oh cool, I'm actually interested then. I thought it was like Ruiner

0/10, 30 second trailers of in-engine "gameplay" is an absolute joke

how did it come to this

Lots of western shit as always, souless and uninspired movie games like “wow look at these graphics so cool”

One promising game from Bandai Namco, that Yakuza spin-off and that’s it

The event wasn’t bad at all, but I feel like I have no reason to pour money on another Microsoft console. Their exclusives are absolute western trash.

It was okay. Feel bad for the indie devs who put their work out there only to be met with boos and hisses because it's not an established brand



This is why we need E3 we would've had the good stuff to balance out the crap.

4/10 Series X is gonna have a long uphill battle ahead of it if this is all the notable third-party support it's got.

>Expecting anything from modern Rare
You must be 18 to post on 4channel

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should have jacked off instead/10

>Video removed
shitter shattered

>Modern Rare
I can't wait for it to be an empty as fuck open world with completely bland voice acting

They made a perfectly serviceable 7/10 presentation and then ruined the entire thing by showing a cinematic trailer for ass creed and then trying to convince us it counted as gameplay just because they were in game cutscenes

>Sucked EAs dick for 5+ min straight
>Walking simulators and dead franschises galore
>Even the ''new'' stuff looks like rereleases of games I've played 10 years ago

I went in expecting dissapointment and even with that in mind it was a complete snorefest. Seriously, is there any creative bone left in the AAA gaming industry? Fuck, even indies have fallen into the same fucking routine of just copying what is/was popular. If this is what is supposed to be ''next-gen'' then we have not moved forward a single fucking inch since 2010. Media as a whole is a fucking cesspit and it is showing no signs of changing on any front.

>33k dislikes on the Youtube video


7/10. Had a few good games, and that's kinda all you can ask for.

>They announced a bunch of games
>Almost none of them had gameplay
>"Did you like that AC Valhalla Gameplay?"

It was fine. Had some stuff I was interested in, but every showing of racing or sports games makes me want to gag.
The issue is without knowing which of those games are exclusives, I have no real impetus to go out and get a Series X at launch

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I downloaded a dirt game because I wanted to relieve my childhood playing top gear rally 2 and then it turned out to be way more complicated than I expected

Yakuza literally didn't have gameplay shown. I doubt there was a single scene that actually let people know it's turn based, and everything else was just cuts to cinematic attack animation but leaving out the whole tactical menu.

I think that first game looked interesting but it also looked way too fucking easy, enemies just stood there without even trying to shoot you, hopefully there is a very hard mode

scorn was nice but it's been like 7 years and they're still doing canned cinematic showcasings, it's pretty tiresome.

the medium looked neato, but then again it was kind of a boring trailer. Getting yamaoka is pretty cool though.

that bamco game looked kinda like god eater, I wonder which dev is working on it.

Yeah it's like they were trying to hide that it was a turn based game