How will HEX-BOX ever recover?

How will HEX-BOX ever recover?

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Sonyfags sure are upset about a dead console’s conference

really? am i gonna be the one to speak up?... okay well then, this is fucking cringe op

they said they werent showing 1st party games on the stream what did you expect

About the XBox thing, I've realized after a revelation that I did not really hate the console originally. As a matter of fact, I've played a store demo kiosk of the 360 twice ever. I felt the anger against it originally, because of how much it cost way back when it was the Original XBox (before the 360), and that I could not afford either one. I felt more of jealousy of everyone else who was able to afford the High Prices of the consoles, and the XBox Live stuff as well. And throughout the time, after learning of the flaws it had, such as the "Red Ring of Death", being supportive of the lost format of HD-DVD (vs. Blu-Ray), and others, I used them as my excuses, which in arguments left me with no leg to stand on. So, I withdraw my past angst against the console. I'm still not going to buy one right away, though. I'll try it more, I mean, if I somehow got hold of a 360 inexpensively or free, or if I tried a Non-Demo console at someone else's place.

You don't have to tell me twice

Can we just have a Chris thread? I don't even remember the last time we had one. What do you guys think of the Geno documentary?

Haven't seen it.

Attached: Chris_Chan_on_Ms._Utz.jpg (372x580, 108.25K)

It's very good. Chronicles literally everything about Chris. Bob died last episode.

I'd love to but Jannies never let them stay up despite countless other e-celeb garbage getting a pass

Reminder that Chris:

>Is the first documented lets player
>Has a vidya webcomic
>Is recognized by SEGA
>On speaking terms with Shigeru Miyamoto and Reggie fils Aime
>Will make your waifu real

Attached: cwc.jpg (256x256, 25.65K)

I don't understand how one autistic could have such a broad reach.

>What do you guys think of the Geno documentary
it's pretty good. but he really needs to edit some stuff down. we don't need to hear every single minute of every phone call, and we don't need to see every minute of every mundane video chris put out

Well it is called a comprehensive history. It's leagues better than the Documentary from a few years ago by a High School student.

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true, but I don't think we should entirerely disregard the high school documentary. It serves far better as an introduction to Chris than Genos since it gives you a broad summary. Start people off on the high school doc, then point them to Genos.

Thats how I got my normie friends into Chris

I can see that, but ever since Geno's series, I can't watch the old documentary

HEXbox Pavilion

The ps5 didn't have a conference though

I haven't heard much from Chris since the GameStop incident, has anything happened?

Nothing and everything.

In short - he finally went properly insane and we had next to nothing to do with it.

Yo what comic is this from?


Obviously you need parts of the calls in it, but Jesus Christ just let them play for a few minutes and then link to the full video. There's no reason to basically reupload the whole thing with minimal commentary
I get that it's supposed to be comprehensive but you really don't need to include literally every piece of information about him like how his last Flipnote animation was a hippo running in circles for 10 seconds

I did enjoy it for the most part, but we're now in the middle of the Tomgirl saga and Bob died which means that there are very little actually fun or entertaining moments left and it's just sad and disturbing from here on out

I can tell you're very autistic. You should probably look into PC gaming.

Someone severely autistic made this, didn't they?

I'm being completely deadass when I say this

When I first discovered Chris Chan it was such a horrifying moment that it put me into a state of shock for a week. I barely spoke to anyone, I didn't eat for 2 days straight, I just kind of walked around and sat aimlessly. All I could think about was why. Why would anyone do this? Why would anyone allow this to happen? How could this be allowed to happen. I've moved on and enjoy memeing about CWC but I will never forget that initial discovery.

Attached: Cursedslime.jpg (640x640, 36.78K)

When is Barb finally gonna kick the bucket? She can't possibly have that much longer left.

>cwc was once based

Deadass? Deadass what? You’re being a deadass? At least try to remember that words have meaning, you expect people to read your shit when it’s uuuuh deadass litty gon doe on god nomsayn nigga

Your deadass cringe

uve been smokin dat nut pack