I heard some stuff about some things in Breath of the Wild

I heard some stuff about some things in Breath of the Wild...

Attached: 20200507_095128.jpg (4032x3024, 2.55M)

>muh fake and gay

Attached: 20200507_095414.jpg (4032x3024, 2.74M)

What am I looking at?

what am i looking at here?

What’s this meant to be, some sort of Breath of the Wild 2 leak or what?...

What even is this shit

use the built in screenshot button you fat fuck

He'd playing botw

OP, are you okay? Do you need an ambulance or something?

you heard about some stuff with the thing in the place where the who and huh could cant into why?

I figured out wrong warp in botw so we can ride a horse in the lost woods

Attached: Y_what_if_i_told_you.jpg (360x450, 24.63K)

Post-poning for possible epic thread.

clean your fucking screen. No one cares about a 3 year old game any more.

Congrats you made 100% speedrunner autists happy.

>all those small hairs on the switch

I will never understand why normies dont use screenshot functions with consoles now. It's the same as taking a pic of your PC screen with a phone. Makes no fucking sense.

>muh blood moon

Attached: 20200507_100515.jpg (4032x3024, 2.5M)

>lol much floens doge coin be

Attached: 20200507_100812.jpg (4032x3024, 3.51M)

>I will never understand why normies dont use screenshot functions
>Switch saves as jpg
Eh, not missing out on much. At least there's a bmp option if you have cfw.


op is a fag

More like OP is a horse fucker.



Just fiddle with it

I'm not going to waste hundreds of hours playing a garbage game so I can find a warp glitch

Go to bed retard you're drunk and high.

Zig Forums reporting in, fuck this thread. why the fuck am i here.

You could do that anyway

>I'm not going to waste hundreds of hours playing a garbage game so I can find a warp glitch

>posts on Zig Forums


Yeah because Zig Forums is known for discovering obscure speedrunning glitches. That's basically every other thread

there's a screenshot button on the controller dumbfuck consolelard

>Zig Forums
>playing games
how new are you?

>breaks wrongwarp in botw
>console retard with a MOBILE console

You may not be aware op but there's this cool "screenshot" button on your controller that lets you take a "screenshot"

Uhhh chill out incel I just used my iPhone to take a picture of it

Find a graphical flaw in any images posted by OP