How do you feel knowing that these are the people taking over the gaming industry and Hollywood?

How do you feel knowing that these are the people taking over the gaming industry and Hollywood?

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Does that mean Druckmann is inspired by ryona?

No can do, bucko.

>Personal politics

Should've seen this coming with Uncharted 4.

>taking over
They've been taking it over for 50 years now.

idgaf I don't play their shitty games anyway or watch their movies.

Why dont conservatives believe in the free market anymore?

They've always been this way though? You had legit communists running Hollywood in the 40s and 50s

>My personal politics is beating women
Same :)

its ok if its a tranny

Jews took over Hollywood decades ago though.

whatever, I just keep away from that shit.

No can do. I got an 8:30 res at Dorsia. Great sea urchin ceviche.

What's the issue? Nothing he said is false. You think The Wasteland wasnt motivated by personal politics?

Why not just make your own games for poltards? Druckmanns games sell well so Sony has no reason to insist ND cater to sociopathic incels.

List of franchises ruined in the last 10 years?

Star Wars is the only thing i can think of.

I'm a sexist racist incel and i've been working in vidya and television industry for 15 years now.

Shit is cash, instead of crying you faggots should get it on the gravy train.

How do you feel knowing right wingers are literally too stupid to produce their own entertainment?

Wasn't it founded by jews to begin with?

Don't care, I don't play American tranny games or watch jewywood films.
Actually, I don't think Americans have made a decent game in at least the past decade.

How is a consumer expressing his preferences to a developer on a public platform contrary to the free market? Did he ask the government to censor naughty dog?

>taking over
They already did decades ago

>these are the people taking over
Are you Europoor, underage, or retarded? Hollywood has been run by Jews since the start.

>Went and studied STEM rather than go to art school

he's right though, people write about what they believe in.

I don't care about moviegames.

Commies are only capable of creating shitty strawmen. They have no idea how to argue without being dishonest. It's a tactic taken straight from the jews, their masters who created communism.

All the retards in here implying it's always been this way, currently as the movie studios and big IPs burn to the ground turning their backs on the fans kek

Personal politics have been shoved into entertainment since Radio shows were alive and booming. Not sure why people are suddenly noticing this with videogames.

>muh personal politics
Which is why the story and ending for your game was spoiled months in advance and everyone now knows the game is shit.

As someone who owns every single Playstation console and loved TLOU, i have no desire to play the game, it’s disgusting, i don’t want to beat Ellie to near death, the whole leak made me sick, Druckman is fucked up in the head.
Sony needs to fire that bastard immediately, but they won’t because Somy as a whole is going full fucking retard.
Now that they will be porting exclusives to PC i’ll just upgrade mine and skip the PS5, regrettable but it’s their decision.

Yeah dude DeVry is a great college

Just don't buy their games.
The free market will decide what the best content is.
You aren't a filthy communist are you OP?

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Everything can be boiled down to politics - this entire post is based on your political preferences.

People who are upset by this are children who have barely yet to get out into the real world.

He's not wrong though, you can entirely disagree with his world-view but any form of writing is based on "personal politics".

> Implying that ones view of the world isn't something that can be changed at will.

It's like Neil is stuck in the mindset of a highschooler.

Nooo not the heckin personal politicserino in my gameybois! Why can't the lefty wefty leave their views and opinions out of their creative works and cater to my right-wing sociopathyerino!

Don't care because I barely consume Hollywood trash or play triple gAAAy.




wtf I cant believe liberals are taking over hollywood

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God right wingers are so fucking embarrassing.

>Everything can be boiled down to politics
People who say this are children, emotionally and mentally stunted.
>But EVERYTHING is political!
Sure, if you're deranged enough.

You can't really separate the art from the artist though, it would be like asking you to separate your conscious from your body.

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Then either write something yourself or stop being a pussy bitch about it.

I fucking swear if I read one more antisemitic post in this thread I will doxx you blow up your fucking house

the concept of a free market is inherently flawed and weighted incorrectly because someone can only not buy something once, where as some retard can buy the same thing multiple times

God I love how fucking dopey bald eagles are. Easily the dorkiest eagle of them all but you get the right angle and that motherfucker is pure 100% redblooded American

>TLOU2 "writing"

Attached: TLOU 2 quality writing.jpg (1341x740, 809.05K)

politics is the lens in which you view the world and society. I don't understand how such basic concepts escape you people.

People people are retarded and feel threatened when their personal politics aren’t represented enough

Looking at you cuckservatives

Like memeing, the left can't make good games.

>Scenes in the game border on being snuff porn that serves literally no purpose other than shock value
What did his personal politics mean by this?


>Joel kills tons of people to save Ellie from brain surgery
Wtf kind of politics is that?

I don't mind when artist paints some canvas to show us his message, what troubles me is that Hollywood and game industry seems to only hire people with LEGO personality, can you imagine Deus Ex tier writing in AAA company these days ?

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>some retard likes retarded thing, wants to buy it, is able to buy it
How is this a flaw? You're an idiot.

>No can do. Writers work off of their views of the world. For example, the ending of TLoU is very much inspired by my "personal politics".
Jesus fucking christ he is based. This man could bring a pack of black men in my house and rape my mother and sister and I would still buy his game. Bravo sir! You made my day!

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You can learn alot about a person from the things they make, for example i know you're a raging faggot and an incel just from your post

If the retard buys shit, demand for shit increases. Not hard to understand.

I feel like there is a massive vaccuum of creativity and quality in the market and if the right motherfuckers jump on it they could make a lot of money. Everyone is starved for good vidya.

I don't see the problem. So some guy kills another guy and beats up a dyke. Sounds like regular ol' gaming moment

There are legit communists in Hollywood right now.

Star Wars
Star Trek
Mass Effect

That’s off the top of my head.