Attached: 1588838934240.webm (1066x600, 539.27K)

You should probably make the webm shorter, it gives people way to much time to nope out and close it.

Is he ok?

Sauce plz

>blew half of his scull clean off
can somebody pinpoint what caliber he was using?

>webms females will never understand


Yeah, he actually made a full recovery and is now working as a video game journalist

Looks like a Saiga 12k or clone of one, so it's a shotgun shell of some description.

Attached: 1.jpg (750x563, 56.03K)


Positive that's a shotgun he used

its not even that bad. first time on Zig Forums?

Watched it twice. White people btfo

I didn't actually watch it but thought the pic would make for a funny reply

Attached: 1 (2).jpg (600x600, 36.8K)

Fridges general?

context tho?

Attached: 1587498833372.jpg (382x384, 19.07K)


what did he say before he pull the trigger? couldn't hear because music

oh no no nintenbros we got too cocky

>if you don't watch links user posts from gif, the raging tranny degen board, you're an underage newfag
Stop trying to fit in so hard

"la meow", he was a furfag

I'm glad I had time to close. Do 4channelers really start the day seeing gore? no wonder you are retarded and alone

Just ask him on discord

Obviously fake, the gun sounds like some airsoft shit, good special effects though.

is that spoony?

then howd you know its bad if you didnt click on it dumb nigger


Is it bad that i don't give a shit that he killed himself

A bullet doesn't make ones head explode it just pierces the skull.
Especially sense the transition is almost instant and the gun is so quiet.

I feel bad for his parents/whoever else was close to him
also whoever had to clean up the mess

yes you should care about all life equally or you're a bigot

undeniably based

Not the same user. Cant even read post counts nor understand that I literally explained /gif/ is a tranny degen board. Are you an ESL retard?

Juan but not forgotten

paka. means bye

Its a saiga shotgun

user, you're so deep
you remind me of the doomer (niche Zig Forums meme)


I can't wait until those tiktok/"memes" compilations that keeps trending on YouTube will start degenerating to shit like this

Attached: 1587141482877.png (128x128, 24.6K)

havn't seen one of these things for like a decade
so happy i didn't stay a Zig Forumsfag

Where the fuck are the mods? Fuck this shithole site.

handjobs are underrated

Please tell me this is true

go back to resetera tranny or plebit


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