Epicchads in the house tonight, the next step for absolute domination phase 2 starts soon

Epicchads in the house tonight, the next step for absolute domination phase 2 starts soon

Attached: uhmbros.jpg (599x435, 41.79K)

Other urls found in this thread:


We love Epic Games!

Attached: strawberrytop.jpg (513x724, 54.9K)

yep I'm thinking epicchads wins again

At least they are still promoting the only worthwhile thing their store offers

Is it true they make people give up more info for free game snow?
Hadn't grabbed a free game for months, all the good stuff is out.


rocket league is coming home

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Okay, Zig Forums, what games [besides the obvious one] have to do with keys?


Botnet chinks in the botnet tonight, next step for the crony pyramid starts soon

Attached: epic store botnet.webm (1259x992, 1.85M)

Traffic in this thread says it all.

feed me decade old video games I am too poor to buy in order to boast your inflated numbers that come from bots reselling epic accounts with free games on them

How about buying some EPIC Game Store Exclusives instead?

Attached: handcurated top of the line games that some rich guy paid millions for timed exclusivity.jpg (2089x2294, 2.58M)


Attached: soy358.jpg (680x940, 63.05K)

Yes (sort of). They're asking for 2FA. If you don't use email then they're effectively asking for your phone number or an app to be downloaded.

China's plan is coming full circle. Release software, let if infect everyone for free, release Covid to ensure maximum people are using the software, gather more information, take over the Capitalist West by hacking everyone's Facebook accounts.

why would you use something else than email?


after you give them your phone number

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no one cares you worthless brain damaged retard

Friendly reminder that Steam will exit the PC market in two years, three at most.
It simply can't compete with the EGS

imagine being a steamperger

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no one cares you worthless brain damaged retard

uhh gwailo-bros?.....

Attached: Tencent.jpg (1003x219, 94.05K)

Bring more console exclusives to PC, Timmy!

>I'm going to eat shit! A-at least I'm not mentally ill

yes my burner

>another chinigger egs shill thread
>jannies do nothing
>mods do nothing
Oh I see. Gook moot got some of them chinkbucks huh?

Guo who?

>aspergers (the smartest "disorder" known to man, had by all geniuses in history)

Attached: 551.png (600x729, 290K)

2factor can be used with the email you signed up for.
Stupid antiChink poster.

>linux users hate epic
no surprise there

go back to r*ddit pretend you don't care then

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>My DRM is better than your DRM

Attached: Capture2.png (1132x728, 1.07M)

steamie take your pills :)

why would a 4channel user do that? who tf knows, maybe they want China to spy on them. but why WOULDN'T a normal fag give their phone number out to the chinese govt?

not the fucking point, pro-Chink poster

I'm not pro-Chink, though. I just came into the thread to laugh at retards who say the stupidest shit.

>disliking one drm automatically means you're defending the other

retard zoomeroid

>gets hacked
>here you get more security
ok steamsperger

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Yup, this faggot's evaded again.
Hey mods, here's a tip: rangebans.

steamie seethie

A lot of people are doing just that and my comment was directed towards them. Kill yourself.

>It's only free if you give them your phone number
>No you don't
>Not the point!!!!!

oh noo steamie has his schizo attacks :)

Attached: 1586034815132.jpg (919x1587, 882.49K)

They do occasionally, my phone range was banned because of this autistic third world nigger.

Also because of Zig Forums.

>muh safe space is under attack
>mum plz help

jesus that is fucking brutal. The Sinking City was a travesty for me especially. I would have paid frogwares despite following the dev diaries and knowing the game was going to be total shit. but their publisher saw the writing on the wall and tried to save the company by taking Tiny Tim's Chinese bribe. I think we can all agree that there is a reason these publishers are taking the bribe. I just hope it doesn't affect the Sherlock games. I hope frogwares is busy going back to what they know. The Devil's Daughter was a step in the wrong direction in many ways but it also was a fairly impressive looking product from them. Usually they traffic in jank. Crimes and Punishment was the apex for the games though.

>free speech bad
ok chang