Why are localizers full of themselves...

why are localizers full of themselves? why not just translate what it says instead of pushing whatever dumb agenda you have?

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If you play furry kids games you're a faggot

Did this really happen?

They're all losers who majored in language so they figure the best way to get back at the world is by spoiling everyone else's fun

What do you gain by going on the internet to lie about Animal Crossing?

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please dont erp on Zig Forums

Because majority of people who are interested in careers in translating video games are liberal lefties. Conservatives are not interested in video game jobs.

Of course, line for line.

Why do trumpanzees get so triggered when you make fun of their favorite orange retard

These losers are stuck translating video games. Much like game journalists these guys couldn't cut it in the more serious field so they're stuck translating children's toys.

trump? who cares about him? im just saying why ruining tom when all he does is providing you services with an obvious monetary exchange. that's how life works

>reading/listening to game dialogue in 2020
Skip that shit and get to the gameplay, the game you are playing has gameplay right? Hope it isn’t some “cinematic “ experience.

Give literally one example. You people have such victim complexes

Some one wrote this.


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Why do you pretend to be a woman when you aren't one?

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What kind of mental gymnastics does a hateful incel go through to play Animal Crossing, a game all about tolerance and love of neighbors of all different types and genders?

I don't care for Trump and I still don't want that shit in my vidya

Imagine making this comic

And that thinking is why lefties invade those trades without any resistance and subvert the industry while Zig Forums screeches and doesn't understand how anyone could let feminists and communist ruin their video games.

This give me the same vibe as that one set of comics made by the ass blasted asian kid. Might be the art.

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Because they can't into translation. For proper translations you need to understand both languages - the one you want to translate from and the one you want the translations to be in. Also, they don't understand how translation works to begin with. You can't do a literal translation of every little thing and convey the same message. There are idioms that need euphemisms when there's no proper equivalent.

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Why was this made, and what issue is there to be had with the translation in Animal Crossing?

Zig Forums didn't hire them. Take it up with the retards at HR that hire these monkeys.

Yes, it was a big deal and there were a million threads on here. You living under a rock?

Zig Forums not Zig Forums you retard

Because that's not what they're hired to do.

Note how on the positions for any Japanese company hiring for localizers it specifically mentions you don't need to be proficient in Japanese and it asks for creative writing examples in your resume.

Because they're not translators.

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seethe more trumpfag

Based. Fuck crapitalism and fuck Drumpf

there's a VN called Fata Morgana or something and they changed the word tsundere for "fragile male ego". tsundere is a unisex term mostly used on women so changing it to fragile male ego makes no sense because tsundere can be translated to stubborn or adamant

Fire Emblem

Of course it did.

I like Animal Crossing, but was the 30 minute long morning intro scene where Isabelle explains how members of the LGBTQ+ are socially disadvantaged in the US, why the nuclear family unit needs to be broken apart in the modern era, and why gender is social construct and mentally damaging to youths, REALLY necessary?

I just wanted to do my dailes. Is this in the other versions?

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Worst part about that translation is that nobody uses insults like in real life, not even SJWs.

>give example of a video game
>here's a completely unrelated medium
learn to read spic

Notice how they don't reply.

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>cheeto worshiper immediately resorts to calling someone tranny without any proof because they live so rent free in their head
>also posts literal "ME SMART CHAD YOU DUMB LIB"
Why don't you go back to r/the_donald and post about your epic god emperor who keeps promises?

And that's a good thing!
After all most of us here are anarcho communists

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Its funny what you reel in when you call out trannyposters

The problem is that they're shitty localizers too. A good localization still maintains the essence and tone of the source material.

>translator paid $5 an hour makes a mistake on a fucking anime VN
I can smell you through the internet you neckbeard lmao

>tsundere means female-only

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So a good localization requires people to be aware of the original. Which they aren't, and not really interested in. Moot point.

The OP said "localizers." Not "vidya-specific localizers."
And if you're going to complain about non-vidya on Zig Forums (anime no less) then you're a newfag or a troll.

R E N T F R E E. Despite making up 0.1% of the population trannies account for 99% of right wing insults. Get girl dick out of your head stop watching tranny porn

In your dream world chinknasu

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Yeah, I'm sure it wasn't on purpose.

Eh. Internet lingo can fit translations for games better than spoken language because its easier to fit multiple complex concepts into a small text box. When dealing with code limitations of translating 12 japanese characters into something that can only fit 40 roman characters, youre not going to be able to effectively adapt both the meaning and tone without something else giving.

where in my post implies tsundere is female-only?

>it's real

All channers are communists!

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Translators need to be good writers
Most translators are not good writers, which is why you see the same stock phrases like "it can't be helped" over and over again.

These localizers aren't sneaking one under the publishers. Publishers are aware of the changes, give them style guides and guidelines.

Their job is to make changes to a product to make it more palatable or acceptable for it's intended audience.

It's also not exclusive for Japanese->English localization. There are alot of English games localized for Japan which have some fucking bizarre changes.

>And if you're going to complain about non-vidya on Zig Forums (anime no less) then you're a newfag or a troll.
its newfags who ruined this board with off topic garbage you nigger

Trannies have forever ruined girldick porn, to be quite honest.

the point of a visual novel is immersion, some internet lingo is tolerable and can be used in oral conversation but some other words are too odd to say it it doesn't sound right unless written

ass blasted tranny probably gonna off himself over this conversation

>Faggots have ruined faggot porn

Anarcho communists would be a step-up from all the limp-wristed, faggot progressives. And even then, there are plenty posers like those Antifa queefs, who are really all idpol-obsessed socialist democrats.

Yes, all of those _chans sure are communists.
Theres something missing, though. I dont see a certain channel.

>"girl dick"
anyone who says that is a tranny-porn addled fag, that's just a fact.

kek, retard

Uh oh, racism outside of Zig Forums, that's not board-appropriate either :^)

>Their job is to make changes to a product to make it more palatable or acceptable for it's intended audience.
Yes, and good localizers manage to do this without dramatically altering the tone of the source material. What's so hard to understand about this?

Reply to this or you're mother will get covid-19

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don't worry
once Zig Forums gets deleted we can finally enlighten this shithole finally

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This is a trash pit thread.
Also learn Japanese if you give so much of a shit.
The only reason shitty localizers even have jobs is because of lazy media consumers.

But isnt free speach allowed in your anarco-whateverthefuck paradise?

>once Zig Forums gets deleted
Are you afraid of the big scary monster under the bed, little one? Need mommy to hug you and scare the meanies away?


mods genuinely ban me for like forever i have no want in this website anymore thank you

Zig Forumstards aren't people

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then you will delete Zig Forums, then /news/, then Zig Forums, then /his/, then Zig Forums then and then and then until there is nothing left

Realize that a lot of localisations are forced to add certain lines because of the local branch's demands (NA/EU). I don't necessarily think the translators want to add all this erroneous shit, but its pushed on them.
It's kinda like how quality assurance is done in most games, but directors ignore suggestions to make deadlines for holiday sales. It still sucks ass, but I kinda get why it happens.

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>once Zig Forums gets deleted
I don't know if you are serious, memeing or stupid but that would be a horrible idea

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As a poltard you should know which fallacy this is, its stickied for fucks sake

/new/ has been deleted before

This. The media is taking cheap potshots at Trump for ratings 24/7. I don't want to get bombarded with the same lame shit when I'm playing video games. It's no longer funny, it's not original and it's getting annoying.

That's only because it used to be Zig Forums before Zig Forums.

and brought back so what makes you think Zig Forums won't come back if deleted?