The Cold, Hard Truth

>2.23GHz GPU clockspeed makes each CU way more powerful than Xbox's
>9gb/s SSD will allow world's to load instantly
>Revolutionary cooling solution that cools both sides of the motherboard, reducing fan noise; a true next gen technology
>Exclusive, never before seen haptic feedback technology in the Dual-Sense™ controller, making world's feel 10x as realistic
>Custom designed firmware works in tandem with custom made processing chips that completely remove any strain the CPU might have doing other background processes, giving it twice the total compute potential, while also giving it the SOUL of old gen gaming, where each system was a custom built machine made for gamers, whereas Xbox has always been soulless, off the shelf PC parts.
>Incredibly easy and intuitive SDK makes game development a breeze
>Unified 16GB RAM pool for developers to tap into
Sorry XCucks, but daddy Spencer lied to you. PS5 curb stomps your shitty refrigerator in both power, technological advancements, and exclusives. You Nintendo guys are alright, at least the Switch offers good exclusives and true mobile gaming. Xbox offers NOTHING but holding the industry back and enforcing shitty practices.

It feels good to be a PSChad.

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Xbots are over

>Revolutionary cooling solution that cools both sides of the motherboard
It's not the mobo temps you need to be worrying aobout.

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xbros... we fucking lost.....


>muh ssd
you literally cant win arguments about hardware stick to bragging about your shitty movie games

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Holy cope. SeX is dead on arrival, and the chances of you Xbots having sex is also dead.

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Imagine unironically console warring in 2020. Just buy whichever one has the games you want dickhead.

you forgot to write the basedstation's specs

t. coping xcuck

Why are consolefags still bullying each other over who has faster decade old hardware?

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Xniggers literally died today

Nintendo and Microsoft aren't buddies. Microsoft is only supporting Nintendo. Nintendo doesn't give a fuck about your dying brand.

I have nothing to cope about, because I don't give a fuck about what a console's specs are, if a game I want is on there, I'll get that console and then pick up other games that interest me. It's pretty much the whole reason why I even bought a PS4.

Reddit: The Post

xbox sex is more powerful than a PC proportional to price point. get fucked nigger

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It's you who should be doing the coping, XCuck. While we get the exclusives, technological prowess, and raw processing power, you get a minifridge and games from franchises that died years ago. Xbox was a half decent console. Xbox 360 had true SOUL. But with Xbox One, and now Xbox Series X, it's become apparent that Sony can't be stopped. You're on the wrong side of history, Xbot.

imagine unironically drawing this shit and being wrong at the same time

And smooth 28 fps. Consoles are a joke.

we'll see how that goes once the console releases bud

This is the way it has always been, user. This is the way it always will be.
You choose a side, or you’re against both of us.

Jokes on you, i don’t support micro neither ninten, i just want to shitpost

>muh jiggaflops
The only thing that matters is games

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>current gen game that runs 100 fps on a toaster
How is this impressive again?

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its more powerful than a 1200 dollar graphics card, keep coping

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I don’t think I’ve ever seen a XBox player that is capable of beating another person in a fight, that isn’t as unfit as they are, or a child.

Pic is me; Sony represent.

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>and all exclusives are SJW pandering interactive movies.
Real chads dont care about graphics, but about fun games.

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its not wrong

You retards do realize that consoles always fluff up their specs right? It's been like this for literal decades.

How come both xbox and playstation people keep sucking off Nintendo?

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keep coping :) theres a reason ms is marketing xbox sex on hardware

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But what about games, what exclusives these consoles will have that will make these consoles actually worth to buy instead of buing nintendo console or staing with PC?

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this is so fucking true

You posted this pic pulled from google images before and got laughed out of the thread for mistaking the Brand of Sacrifice for the Hunter's Mark.
Fuck outta here, dweeb.

Me in the back

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So still worse than a mid-range PC then?

I can't. The cringe

But what about games? ps5 has none, and will run games worse

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>snoy finds image of a dude with a brand of sacrifice tattoo
>thinks it's the hunter's mark from bloodborne

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noone gives a fuck about exclusives people play multiplats on consoles. once you play a sony exclusive its finished it has no replayability

For the gaymers

Wait what? Is somebody actually using my picture to meme now? Nah, it’s actually me man.

I’m glad to see people are using my gym pic for trolling now though. Makes me happy.
I don’t think it’d be on Google though; since it’s posted (cropped) to my Instagram account.

Please don’t hurt me, user.

If being Zig Forums and having a life outside bitching on Zig Forums is “cringe”, then I’m cringe.

>buying consoles for multiplats

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Tattoo, what the fuck is up with those scars in his armpit?
Are they from when he literally inflated his muscles?

Pic is me.

Can you post a screen cap of the guy that posted my image and claimed to be me? It’s kind of amusing.

Is also me.

you think all of the brazillian snoyroaches bought a ps4 to play fucking Horizon Zero Dawn? no they bought them to play fifa and fortnite with their spic friends


Xniggers can eat shit.

>he's fucking RPing now

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I use to be 40kg at 18 years old. I’ve since turned into a gym junkie at 21.

Long story short, putting on 60kg in muscle in 4 years is going to leave stretch marks. I’m 25 now.

where the fuck did you get this image of me?
you like saving images of shirtless guys on your phone, homo?

Timestamp faggit.

Coming from ppro vs x1 i rather have real 4k than upscale 1080p. Im sticking with microsoft at least theyre not hard enough to fuck me in the ass. I also saw what ND is doing and im glad i left though i feel bad for TLOU.

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Watch the peasent salt flow. Literally was full SSD by 2011. Feels good to be master race.

My Instagram is IloveMyCraft. Send me a DM, I will reply. It is me man lol.

lmaoooo snoyroaches are pathetic

Nigga I didn't think it was actually some Zig Forumsirgin.
So timestamo or GTFO.

This fucking actual level of cope...

>hourly sony cope thread

one bad event and its still better than what snoys have gotten (because sony literally hast revealed shit)

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>60kg of muscle.
Yeah you're larping.

Again, I have nothing to cope about, because I give a shit about what actually matters which is the games.

Hey guys, me again. Almost forgot to say, me and my wife decieded to open our relationship so a real man could pleasure her while a play my interactive movies, if that sounds interesting to you please reply!!!!

At least the 360/PS3 console warriors tried to be funny. Modern console shitposting is so boring and unoriginal. Worst of all I think most of these people actually care about this stuff.

Or pull a piece of paper write the date and time on it and post it with a pic.

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>Being so poor that you can't afford all of the consoles

This website is painfully American

how many minutes a day do you spend not thinking about america or americans?