Are you ready for the era of Chinese Kino?

Are you ready for the era of Chinese Kino?

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every fucking chinq is obsessed with this idea of one person being a superhuman

In architecture school every goddamn chink collaborated and brought in outside support, and even literally outsourced their SCHOOL PROJECT WORK on gig websites or just ripped shit from 3d model websites and claimed it as their own

its the most whatever FPS I've ever played.

Chinese women have sideways vagina.

i played it on steam
it was fun
can't wait to see what he adds

Chink culture and mindset in a nutshell.

Whatever huh?

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he never finished the first game, now hes trying to sell it again, with no indication he'll finish it now
why the fuck should i care, when his track record is less than 1 game

Can you play as Winnie The Pooh?

Why is it that only China and Korea make /ak/-style cute girl shooters when they both suck at making video games? There is no justice in the world.

it was 5 bucks, I'm more surprised he managed to open my wallet with the promise of the full game for free. only realize now that its prob gonna be littered with dlc or microtransactions, at least its fun gameplay and isn't stuck in its up its own ass about srs storytelling

>it was 5 bucks
>Incomplete projects are okay if they're cheap
Also wasn't that cheap here

I already have it and its complete shit

chink and gooks are giant weebs

China's made huge strides when it comes to game dev, really. It's Korea that's still stuck twenty years ago.

>b-buh female
>this means the game is great
The funny thing is that you look at the consumer base for other markets and laugh at how easily exploited you think they are.

Giant tsundere weebs. But inexplicably China and Korea love shooters while Japan can't into them.

Huge strides compared to the vacuum that existed before I agree, but I've yet to see anything good come out of Chinese developers.

It not the fact that the character is female that they like otherwise they'd be all over western games.

chinks and gooks can't make good games though whilst Japan has a much better chance, besides korean MMORPGs

I mean, American too.
>I want to be an architect
>(Also be good looking because rich people don't want to do business with uggos and spend 90% of your time socializing with those rich people and/or connecting your shitty sketches to pretentious, high-minded concepts because the engineers are the ones who actually make shit work also none of this will be explained to you so if you try to be the guy who actually learns everything you're supposed to be prepared to never work.)

Frankly it doesn't matter what you think because Microsoft already cares, apparently. All you can really hope for if you really have an issue with him is that is comes back to bite MS in the ass somehow.

Not to get all Zig Forums, but that really gets to the heart of it which is that Chinese culture puts technical skill on the highest pedestal possible, which is something that's easy to cheat on. Networking and schmoozing is considered normal in America, but I'm guessing Chinese probably find it abhorrent. Probably goes back as far as Tang dynasty technocracy or further.

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Ins't this game on stem already? For quite some time even?

Only the first part

Eh, gooks CAN make good games. White Day was pretty great and Troubleshooters from what I've played so far is a pretty fun ride. Problem is that they're too busy churning out shitty f2p MMOs littered with microtransactions

Yes episode 1 came out couple months ago for PC.

i like how they avoided showing the main character very cool

Gotta bait the Xbox players into think it is a dudebro shooter.

Is it any good?
It reminds me a lot of what Tomonobu Itagaki was saying he wanted to do with Devil's Third.

>one guy manages to make a better game than a team of a few hundred devs working as part of a studio
How can one (1) man be so based?

it's made by a chink so one man might mean a thousand since dey arr rook same

Why the fuck was it first person.

It had so much potential as a standard third person action game but I'm not interested in playing Bulletstorm-meets-Shadow Warrior.


Because there's already a billion 3rd person c-c-combo focused action games out there while there's barely any that do it in first person.

Yeah, because first person is a shit perspective for it.

It works for shooters because the main thing you are concerned about is the shit in front of you, and your character is always looking in the direction they are attacking, because that's how a gun is aimed.

First person melee is always shit because it
>severely limits how cool your moves can be, since you can't do flippity-dippity shit without making the player seasick
>You can't rely on being locked into animations for balance like a good action game because it would fuck up the camera control, so everything turns into a god-awful camera-dragging mess where you try to swoop your sword in huge clusterfuck arcs with every swing to maximize damage

A sword isn't a gun, you don't point it at something and shoot, this is now how action games are meant to work. It's like asking why there are so few first-person platformers; it isn't the right choice of camera for a game like that.

I am. I can't lie this game looks super interesting to me.