Are you ready for the era of Chinese Kino?

Are you ready for the era of Chinese Kino?

Attached: FPS-Bright-Memory.jpg (616x353, 61.79K)


every fucking chinq is obsessed with this idea of one person being a superhuman

In architecture school every goddamn chink collaborated and brought in outside support, and even literally outsourced their SCHOOL PROJECT WORK on gig websites or just ripped shit from 3d model websites and claimed it as their own

its the most whatever FPS I've ever played.

Chinese women have sideways vagina.

i played it on steam
it was fun
can't wait to see what he adds

Chink culture and mindset in a nutshell.

Whatever huh?

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he never finished the first game, now hes trying to sell it again, with no indication he'll finish it now
why the fuck should i care, when his track record is less than 1 game

Can you play as Winnie The Pooh?

Why is it that only China and Korea make /ak/-style cute girl shooters when they both suck at making video games? There is no justice in the world.