I was in the war!

I was in the war!

Attached: carmageddon-dos.jpg (640x480, 73.44K)

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based carmachad

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Such a fucking shame SCi made them rush Carmageddon 2 for a Christmas release.

What was the best vehicle and why was it the Towmeister?

>not Electric Blue with in-built Electro Bastard Ray

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For me it's the lumberer.

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it's kind of lame after a few races tbqh
running over people is more satisfying

Attached: carmageddon-max-pack.png (800x600, 506.85K)

>mfw as a kid I actually finished the races by actually racing the required number of laps
what the fuck was wrong with me

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yeah, that's true

I had a go on the "new" Carma a few weeks back, having not played it for over a year. It's enjoyable enough, I guess.

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Did he live in a society?

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Yeah the updated max damage release is alright. Still a bit unstable and slow but at least it works most of the time. The initial reincarnation release was an absolute disaster both in terms of technical issues and lack of content and that sadly still shows in max damage's reviews desu.

I just wish they didn't make you finish every god damn classic even all three ways to unlock the police car. You can get the suppressor (and super suppressor) without that kind of bullshit.

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how badly optimized is it?

>a new Carmageddon will never get made because of feefees
>but tranny simulators brainwashing kids into taking hrt will get shoved down our throats

I dont feel so good bros

>The initial reincarnation release was an absolute disaster both in terms of technical issues and lack of content and that sadly still shows in max damage's reviews.
Yeah, I remember. I contributed to the Kickstarter despite not having a PC powerful enough to run the game at the time. I only ended up being able to play it for the first time 3 years ago, well after the hype had died down.

Don't fucking remind me. I do remember getting a laughably insane time bonus for destroying the Super Suppressor.

I 100%'d the game. That was a fucking bastard to achieve, especially with the online exclusive unlockables.


the biggest issue with it for me are the load times which are pretty bad even with an ssd and astronomical on a ol' spinning rust disk

how bad do you think it would run on my machine?

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>sony has the rights to TM
>creator dave jaffe has gone full basedboy
>new show supposedly in production
>still haven't heard anything yet
>tfw it's either going to get canned or will flop due to being some woke sjw propaganda bullshit cause lol sony
>tm will continue to stay dead
>probably won't get any remasters
I just want a new twisted metal bros...

Attached: it's a clown world.png (1600x900, 179.6K)

should run ok on that
enjoy the load times though

Yeah, this user has a point. The load times were absurd.

Why don't you have a SSD?

*doesn't exist on ur path*

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Didn't that get modded back into the game ages ago?

I hope not, I hate diggers

anyone here like TDR2000? i thought the car handling in that game was great

Attached: tdr2000.jpg (616x353, 84.79K)

[150db crash sound]

had some interesting ideas but it was a bit shit

I have to admit, I've never actually played it. I think I got a key from the reincarnation kickstarter so I might finally give it a shot.

Only real way to win the race via "kill all pedestrians"

How are you meant to do it before anyone finishes anyway

Carmageddon AI doesn't try to finish the race.

I made a personal repack of Carmageddon & Splat Pack Windows 95 versions recently so why not share them. I got fed up with all the random patches, installers and tweaks that float around so I made this is as dead simple to play as possible. Just unpack and run CARMA.BAT on windows or carma.sh on linux (you'll need wine obviously).

Included patches and some notes on compatibility are mentioned in the readme. Have fun.

Attached: carmageddon.jpg (640x400, 56.37K)

if you dont know you can play this based ass mod on max damage
it's fucking incredible

Nice. Cheers, user.

Shit, I remember reading about that years ago.

I just want a good car combat game in general at this point. I share your fear it'll get woke should they reboot TM, it may seem unlikely they could do that with a fucking car game, but i wouldn't no be surprised if they found a way. Wish they'd just bring back based TM 2 Calypso instead