If PS5 Revealed that valhalla trailer you'd all be hyped

Why is it that everything Xbox does is so scruitinized down to the minute detail? If Sony revealed trailers for Valhalla, Scarlett Nexus and Yazuka you'd all be hyped.

What should they do? I remember when they were actually releasing more games than playstation at the beginning of this gen when PS4 only had driveclub and still you guys said that "games don't matter only graphics does" There is no pleasing you

according to you snoyfags Xbox literally can't do shit right, but sony will reveal a logo and indie game and SSD and it's the end of the world. I guess this is what corporatism does to people's minds.

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Everyone is looking at Xbox for one exclusive that is not Forza, Halo or Gears and there never is one

>Why is it that everything Xbox does is so scruitinized down to the minute detail?
Because xbox is held up to higher standards than Sony

dont worry xbrah theyre looking to make fun of someone else because the entire internet has been making fun of them for TLOU2 leaks

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There is just something about the sony loyalists that drives them into 8th gear of damage control whenever someone else has a presentation.

>Because Sony is at a higher standard than Xbox

Quantum Break, Ryse Son of Rome, Cuphead, Ori and the Blind Fores and Titanfall 1.

Are all great xbox exclusives that you guys completely ignore

>Quantum Break
this is a literal movie game that would be ridiculed if it was a sony exclusive. this alone ruins the op's argument that microsoft is held to a higher standard than sony.

Everyone was hyped about 'new gameplay'. They went with this route, it was shit

Cope that Xbatch was shit this time

>Because Xbox is at a higher standard than Sony

>Ori and the Blind Forest

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I played it and had fun, there are plenty of literal movie games on playstation that were overhyped. I also liked how you ignored every other game.

It's a literal InsideXbox event and only meant for people who own an Xbox.

Doesn't matter it's an Xbox Studios game they make the same amount of money regardless. Literally every console will be doing this in the near future whether you like it or not.

>no one owns an xbox sex yet
So you're telling me that event was for noone?


Cuphead is Studio MDHR, Microsoft dont even publish it.
Ori is published by Xbox, sure but thats not gonna sell consoles if its on other systems

Literally every console will be doing this in the future you are only delaying the inevitable because you want the "console wars" to continue.

They literally said the exclusives are only going to be revealed in july, are you all literally retarded?

Anyone else noticed how quickly Microsoft wants to bury this gen? They did the same with xbox360.

Is it too much to ask for MS to support their consoles for 7 years with good games? Hardware is nothing without software.

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When's the Sony conference?

Quantum Break was ported. Same with Ori and Cuphead.

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You have to understand that this board has a lot of snoy cultists lol
This is only the first of several presentations that will be shown leading up to XSeX's launch. It was meant to show a few third-party games. Don't know what the problem is. If snoy did it, no one would see an issue.

weird, I played nearly all of them on my PC

The problem wasn't the trailer

The problem is that they promoted it as gameplay

Lmao nearly all those games are on pc

heard there were new games so i went to check
>Generic space marine FPS
>Generic regular FPS
>Movie tie ins
>Ubishit open world poz
what a let down... where are the fucking games, i don't give a shit about console faggotry, I JUST WANT FUCKING GAMES WORTH GETTING HYPED FOR!!!
everything is a REEEEhash, or a REEEElaunch, or REEEEmake, or a REEEEmaster, or a REEEEimagining...
the only thing missing was REEEEboot
for fucks sake is there anything NEW?
anything at all?

They could have virtually jerked you off through your computer and snoys would still be all over it. They have been DYING for Xbox to make one false move.

what are you talking about the 360 was way better then the ps3 for 90% of the gen. Microsoft got greedy when they did e3 that year for the xbox one release and fucked everything up

read this and check those digits

This is a sony board user.

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What, you’re telling me Xbox Series X isn’t selling well on Japan? I guess that means Japan doesn’t have SeX

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That horror game with the woman having a child birth looked pretty cool

if you think sony is porting any exclusive prior to 5 years after the release youre kidding yourself
PC + ps4 (+ switch lite) remains the only thing you need

>Zig Forums
>sony board
the desilusion

>Mario on the SeX guys!

>playing nintendo as a grown man

I don't even consider nintendo in the same genre as Playstation and Xbox, it's like comparing a phone to a laptop.

user the XBOX360 died after its excellent first 3 years. It was all Kinect after that.

I am no console warrior, I go where the games are and MS has been weak for a long time.

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It will happen user...

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>Literally every console will be doing this in the near future whether you like it or not.
except Nintendo
and Sony
actually it's only Microsoft

I posted this webm and the tranny sony janny deleted it

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except nintendo Sony is already starting to do it. The only reason that nintendo doesn't do it is because it would be a waste of resources because no one will buy mario on playstation or xbox.

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Oh no, Xbros. Everyone is laughing at us.

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This is more gameplay than all the Xbox showing combined.

Maybe they shouldn't have hyped up "the first taste of true next gen gameplay only possible using the beast power of the Xbox Series X" for a week you dumb Xbox cuck