Why are they so fucking afraid to show anything?

Why are they so fucking afraid to show anything?
Xbox has gotten out ahead of them at every SINGLE step. We only know the PS5's Numbers and what it's controller looks like. This is fucking sad.

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because they have jack fucking shit to show
they havent even finalized their design yet because they cant overcome the cooling problem
somebody post the linkedin screencap

"In-engine" pre-rendered trailers is not gameplay footage. Non of the footage today was running on SeX hardware.

Microsoft hasn't shown jack shit except the the actual hardware.

We already know the answer to this.
They're working around the clock to have something TO show, the original case design made it into a house fire in a box.

Because it's an overheating hunk of fucking shit that cant even play playtation 4 games without breaking them

after tlou2 they only want to show tranny free games but they have none

So their fanboys can pretend Sony has a shit ton of stuff to show.

>Xbox has gotten out ahead of them at every SINGLE step
and it blew up in their face

Xbox hasn't shown shit, they ain't got any fucking games and Sony has PS5 exclusives

If Sony shows any real game they win by default. Xbox presentation was so shit even doing nothing is better.

Right now, it's clearly better to show nothing than the absolute dogshit "gameplay" presentation XBOX just gave. Microsoft was so embarrassed they private the video and took it down. Last count was 35k likes and 34k dislikes!

it seems they know how to create hype while xbox is only creating confusion and anger.
Also, they're probably just waiting for xbox to announce their price.

xbox showing hardware and games and sony is showing..... a controller and ssd? cool I guess?

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look at how badly microsoft is failing when they have all this time to themselves. that presentation they just streamed today was a travesty. at this point, sony looks like geniuses for shutting up and letting microsoft make asses out of themselves.

Sony has no games and no console

I wonder how many Sony will have next gen. 5?

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why would they show any gaystation stuff off when they can just wait and let xbox inevitably disappoint people, then drop a single trailer of an exclusive first-parry walking sim that gets all of the internet boys frazzled up and steal all of Phil’s momentum

thats 4 more than the xbox though

They were waiting for MS to shoot themselves in the foot again, and they did.

Their hardware is inferior. The fact that they're pushing the GPU boost clock so high is clear proof of it, going like 400MHz higher than Xbox on the same architecture and the same node is a clear sign of desperation since it's guaranteed that pushing such high clocks means the chip will run far beyond the optimal efficiency range. That means it will very likely run hot and at the same time it will usually also mean that their yields will decrease since it is obviously more difficult to make chips which run at the higher clock without insane voltage.

They probably intended for their hardware to run at lower clocks, probably something similar to what Xbox runs or only slightly higher, but once MS revealed a much fatter SoC than what Sony chose they saw no other option than to push clocks as high as possible on the silicon they already designed, so they don't have to build something bigger and as such delay their entry to the market significantly.

Games are bigger and demand more time/resources to develop, there were many more devs/games in the 90's but now we have to be realistic about first party output and say Sony is clearly ahead of the competition

They can't get their piece of shit to work. That recent presentation confirmed they don't have a solid build and that it needs more testing.

the world is fucked.

all work has been disrupted.

everything is cross-gen until two years into the generation.

there are no "next-gen" games yet.

Finally something Sony is better at.

Because they have nothing, is fucking obvious

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Whats Xbox better at besides cancelling Scalebound?

better hardware, controller, user interfaces, first party support

backwards compatibility, gamepass, emulator support?
Need I go on?

Yeah if you like piss
Enjoy your piss directly from Phil Spencers Micro-soft penis

>emulator support
would be worth pointing out if they were free

uncle phil is off limits keep him out of your filthy snoy mouth

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$19 isn't bad considering it still allows you to install updates without breaking, and you won't get banned.

>wait for Xbox to shoot its entire load
>wait for world to slowly open back up
>world returns to semblance of normality, except everybody is walking around and going to work with masks
>people want hope
>people want direction
>people want something joyous
>Playstation 5 full reveal commences
>sleek new console
>new IPs shown off
>it's absolutely glorious
>people line up to buy it in droves
>Xbox dies a slow, painful death yet again
>Zig Forums continues to seethe
It's almost too easy.

Because they don't have anything to show.
Their first party games are in development hell as usual.
Their console development teams allegedly have to sort out the heat flaw of the system.
Third parties are leaving them for the xbox, pc or even the switch
And their marketing teams need the rest to function.

>Whats Xbox better at besides cancelling Scalebound?
Nah Sony has them on cancelling games too. Just look at TLG.

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>linkedin screencap


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Because they dont wanna shoot themselves in the foot like microsoft with their disaster of a presentation. Xboxfags are in full damage control right now.

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