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They have to be working on a fighting game at this point. Can't wait for onlineEVO.

Do you think SNK is deliberately avoiding them? Do they not want to work together after seeing how shaky Capcom has been in the fighting game department as of late?

Who knows, I feel like asking them would be a waste of time, as companies rarely give straight answers, and trying to open the subject in SNK fandom has proven to be a dangerous move.

They are spending all their money for MHW 2, the next-gen MMO MH game.

Shame dragons dogma and monster hunter are dead.

REmake2 success stopped they redemption arc, they're too much greedy

DMC5 came out after that, loser.

thanks for proving my point

Next year for Dragon's Dogma 2.... honest... its going to happen this time......

Do you think they'll just be at the Sony event with RE8 and maybe SFVI? Or hold their own conference with those and MvC and MH Next and Megaman Legends 3?


They've put out a lot of games lately, give them some time. We know they're working on Mega Man and Resident Evil still.

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dont worry im sure they have a few more scams cooking like re3 remake before their real team releases their big project

The Redemption arc was always a dumb overreaction over a bunch of games that didn't suck as much as their past-gen output but are still overall inferior to both golden ages of Capcom (Arcade era and PS2/Clover era).


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Oh god these REmakes give me such a bad taste that i really need a RE8 made by Capcom A team...then they could Just stop making RE and start doing something else...

Re8 no doubt, and a fighting game be it sf or something

When is gonna the sony event anyway?
We already have some kind of release date?

>They have to be working on a fighting game at this point.
>Ono is still a part of the studio
>He wants a modern fighting game from Capcom.

At this point, I'd rather they just release Rival Schools no frills and then kill themselves.

Yeah, I imagine Sony will want RE8 to show off whatever VR hardware they'll push. I think another MvC is also in the works, but Sony seems to want SF for prestige.
Not concrete dates yet.

>mfw MvC4 looks like MUA3 with paper shredding hitsparks

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No way are they working with Sony on SF again it fucked them over with 5

Street Fighter V had problems well in excess of anything Sony-related. It's greed-fueled, shallow, the gameplay has none of the flexibility of a classic Capcom fighting game, and the graphics are ugly as fuck.

I don't actually follow Street Fighter, how'd it fuck them over?

Outside of CvS3 (which SNK ruled out as it only happened when both had no idea what to do with their franchises), it seemingly is a Capcom issue. SFV is one of the very few modern fighters with no crossover from another company. SNK are doing a gacha collab with WWE, they'll work with anyone.

I think his point is why would Sony fund it. The Sony funding seemingly forced them to get the game out faster, Ono had previously said a new SF would be ages off. But in the end it didn't create much of a system seller, so they both did poorly out of it. Though I believe Capcom would rush out a new SF I don't think they'd get as much funding again.

>Capcom working with Disney again after Infinite’s blunder.
Get ready for Tatsunoko vs Capcom 2.

Give me Capcom All Stars

>both did poorly
Gotcha. I always assumed it was Zig Forums over exaggerating, but if that's actually the case yeah I don't see why Sony would poor more money into it
I loved the first one and would pay a lot of dollars for even just a remaster, let alone a second

>still no Nintendo vs Capcom
Both of them are riding high at the moment too

It is a real rock and a hard place.

>Work with Disney
>They are over controlling once again
>Could be subjected to whatever whims or internal politics
>50/50 if the game turns out okay
>50/50 if the game gets continued support
>Find another company to work with/cap vs cap
>Considerably less appeal and not muh mahvel
>Fickle MvC players might not even support it
>VS series has never been that big a seller to begin with

At some point it just seems easier to pursue SF6

Yes cut out half the appeal of the series. Including many [functions] that define it. Parade out even more dead series, those Red Earth characters will generate sales.

I feel like big crossovers like that are usually reserved as a backup if the company is failing or needs cash fas

Marvelcucks need to fuck off. It's a sinking cost for them to invest more in that shit crossover with the mouse breathing down everyone's neck. And TvC is far better than the MvC game

Yeah, should've happened in the WiiU era, neither of them were doing particularly well at the time and could have used the boost.

SNK has literally handed out their characters to everyone on this goddamn planet from Tekken to DoA to Fighting EX Layer to Chinese battle royale games. SNK is not the one deliberately avoiding anyone right now.

I find it super weird that no one wants to do fighting crossovers with Sega. Capcom hasn't and Bamco hasn't, they've pretty much and have actively avoided that like the plague.

MvC3 was comic book Marvel, all new games will have to be capeshit Marvel like Infinite. Capcom doesn't need to appeal to the soilad crossover audience, time to drop the license.

>Get ready for Tatsunoko vs Capcom 2.
lame, now i have this stellar idea that could print money:

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Yeah SNK's policy seems to be get our brand out there at any cost. I'm not sure why Capcom haven't done the same with SFV when they want it to be such a big esports. They just make sippy cups and tissues instead. Didn't even release G's vocal theme. Putting ads in the game looks bad, but if they went hey look heihachi is back and we're doing some new phone game crossover (who are now sponsoring the pro tour) I'm sure it could help

It's weird considering they already have the crossover series Project X Zone meaning they already have worked together

>SJW Kombat
Come Jax, let us destroy the white race like gentlemen

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Is it much of a surprise that no one wants to do a fighting game crossover when Sega themselves aren't even working on a new release of their flagship fighting game, Virtua Fighter?

>he doesn’t want to see the MK chicks with sexy outfits again
think about the posibilities user