The entire premise behind the series and lore is that history is a fabrication and lie written by the templars

>the entire premise behind the series and lore is that history is a fabrication and lie written by the templars
>Zig Forumsirgins bitch about hisotrical accuracy
Portraying vikings sympathetically is too much but the assassins and caribbean pirates are fine? Let's face it, this is all because you're desperate for another TORtanic and you don't like the main dev's ethnicity.

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can you not post my wife on this board please

You know, yelling about diversity and anti-diversity really makes me want to not buy your game.

That was the premise in 2009 user

They don't even do the Animus shit anymore, do they?

>do they?
I assume you haven't played the games? If that's the case, why are you making assumptions?

>They don't even do the Animus shit anymore, do they?
As a matter of fact, they do. They literally never stopped.

The whole point of using the animus is seeing actual history.

"actual" as in, as it "actually" happened in the universe, so NOT what we're tought in schools
Think about it for a second okay? I know it might hurt but give it a shot.

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Yes. Which means that vikings for instance shouldn't be wearing leather armor and decorative fur, at least for the most part.

I don't give a shit about sympathetic vikings or women warriors.
The one thing they always did right, or at least way more right than other videogames outside of strategy games was accurate environments and recreating the material culture of a historical setting in a videogame.
You could play AC2 and go to Firenze/Venice/Monteriggione and actually recognize the historical buildings still standing. 18th century New York and Boston would have looked the way they did in AC3.

9th century England and the vikings and Anglo-Saxons in it would look nothing like AC: Valhalla.

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No I don't pay $60 to play the same exact game every year

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It's been two years since Odyssey.

>acting smug over NOT playing videogames
If you were you'd know that a) the games aren't yearly anymore b) they have big fucking differences between them nowadays, odyssey and origins are kinda similar (but origins you should skip anyway so who cares) but compare odyssey to something like Unity and see for yourself.
If you, by your own admission, don't play these games, then why do you care?

Year and a Half, leave it to ass creed retards to not understand time and exaggerate lmao

>You could play AC2 and go to Firenze/Venice/Monteriggione and actually recognize the historical buildings still standing.
While I agree with you overall, this just isn't possible for the viking age. Especially renaissance cities are still very recognizable compared to how they looked at those times. There really aren't any recognizable "viking towns" or cities. Even a place like Ribe looks like most other modern Danish cities.

Imagine being this mad

>If you, by your own admission, don't play these games, then why do you care?
Because you made a thread about historical inaccuracy, you don't want to talk about AC you want to talk about politics. Just came here to call you a faggot for still playing this garbage, that's all.

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ah yes, take a look at this historically accurate renaissance italy clothing... what could've been...

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Yeah but still, it was accurate. All the promotional stuff for Valhalla is showing stone castles 200 years before the first were built in England.

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I've lost interest in this series once they started pandering to RPG fans. Some RPG elements are fine, but scaling weapons and enemies doesn't make any sense for this series.

>deliberately entering a thread for a series you don't care for because "you don't want to talk about AC "

Didn't they confirm enemy scaling is gone in Valhalla?

It's kind of a dick move to portray England's only king that was described as benevolent as some fear-mongering despot killing the vikings who apparently dindunuffin.


Zig Forums is retarded and childish, what else is new.

I don't know. But I unironically agree with the poster the other day who made a point for this series losing its character once it became more of an action RPG and got rid of combo takedowns.

>Imagine being this mad

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Was England fucking braindead? Ancient civilizations were using stones, meanwhile they're like lol lets make things that'll catch on fire really quick

I feel like the assassin outfits can generally be excused, because they're the games' own additions. I think it's more important that the world around it is accurate.
Yeah, from what I can see, it looks like they've completely given up on accuracy for the most part and instead just went for cool, loosely historical action games.

but that's the entire point, i mean if history is a fabrication than it makes sense that the "good guys" who made the records were actually the bad guys and the "bad guys" who made no surviving records of their own are the good guys in reality
besides, royalty should hang no matter what IMO

>tfw not even TOR, the very basis of TORtanic mentality, was a financial flop
It's EA's most profitable game I think. If not that, one of the most.

>Portraying vikings sympathetically is too much but the assassins and caribbean pirates are fine?
That's just christcuck tourists being crybabys like they always do, there's nothing new about that.

I do dislike how they went for some dumb fantasy aesthethic instead of trying to make the vikings look like, well, vikings, though. I'm replaying AC2 now and it's really fun to see armor, weapons, clothing and architecture that look like they really could have existed in that time period. The new trailer looks more like Skyrim 2 than Asscreed, and it doesn't help that grounded design always looks better than overdesigned fantasy crap.

>Want to play in an amazing setting
>Setting gets assraped

The entire premise behind the series is just an excuse to visit cool places

Want to be slightly clearer on the first part. The first game aside, the assassin's are somewhat shoehorned into the settings, so I don't mind too much that much that they aren't historically accurate-looking. Though I would prefer it.

>It's EA's most profitable game I think
wait, really? got any sources for this? genuinely interested

They actually did have stonework, even really nice stonework, but it was all for the churches and monasteries. They simply didn't have any concept of a castle when wooden hillforts did the job just fine against Norse and Danes.

Then they got their shit pushed in by the Normans who built hundreds of castles in the next 50 years from 1066 on.

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>I have the power of god by my side, I'm sure wood will do just fine

>amazing setting
hurrdurr vikangs sailing from brown pox-ridden village to grey pox-ridden village isn't what i'd describe as an amazing setting.
hurrdurr vikangs squatting on an island trying to be self-sufficient is even worse

hey, people are into different shit

Still waiting for ancient China where you destroy Liu Bei.

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alright but don't expect the mainstream to try to salvage someomething out of a setting with cool aesthetics but not much else, especially when a amore accurate take on the period has been proven to be disliked by most vidya players (total war thrones of britannia comes to mind)

IIRC there was a spinoff in china but it's some 2D platformer or something

The one with the chick that trained with Ezio?

It sort of is a pretty amazing setting.
Snowniggers sailed everywhere, even into the Mediterranean, even all the way to Constantinople. In the Atlantic, the bastards even reached North America.

But i'm bored of hollywood vikings.
I'd rather play an asshole rapist viking, but you can't offend modern sensibilities. Even saying this makes people think i'm a wanna-be rapist irl.