How the fuck did he ended up being liked more than Jill?

How the fuck did he ended up being liked more than Jill?

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Jill was an insufferable cunt in RE3make

By being a genuinely nice person that punches zombies and makes men gay.

I agree

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this tbqh

Because Nu-Jill is just the ugly girl fetish for incels who can only dream of getting an insignificant waifu with a hot bod

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Potty Mouth woman

I want to impale myself on his latino cock and I never even played one resident evil game. I can see why he's popular.

Nu-Jill is generic stong whaman character
Every woman character designed post Tomb Raider reboot has the same personality, attitude and outfit

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Leon is still superior

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because he looks cool and likeable
they made jill into a feminist with a cringe lara tank top outfit

I am SICK of fucking FAGGOTS infesting my board. GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE YOU DO NOT FIT IN.

why is her thigh censored

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new jill is lame unsexy and digusting

YOU do not fit in, bigot.

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This is true

As is this

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Because it's too lewd, some even say it's worse than hand holding.

Because he's hot.

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It's not. there's a holster strapped to it.

He's fucking the wrong Redfield!

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>using the word bigot unironically on Zig Forums
Dumb nigger

Men > Women

>Jill constant bitch attitude, always looked angry, and got dicked by a bug
>Carlos was a nice guy with a sense of humor who had big guns
I wonder why

he's a man

He looks like a nice person and is handsome.

any webms where they're both naked?

RE Engine wasn't a mistake

his mods are cooler than jills

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funny how him and Sam are the best brazilian reps in vidya and both were made by the japs

They self-insert as him and they got mad over Jill rejecting him

>Bombshell Jill never again
I hate this world, anons

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when they don't make waifus, japs are unironically among the best at making likable characters.

Nicolai was worse. She tried to help an injured soldier and for that he shat on her and her dead comrades.

literally nobody:
this game: exists

Women aren't allowed to be beautiful anymore.

literally nobody:
this user: is a faggot

Has anyone considered to make more mods that replace characters with ones from DMC5? I wouldn't mind seeing Lady in place of Jill, or V as Nikolai.

Women are also not allowed to be tough anymore.

>Everything I like is a self insertion
>men unironically liking NuJill
user, I..

what's wrong lil user? your wittle fee fees hurt?

lol he mad