Any tips or tricks I should know?

Any tips or tricks I should know?

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just don't get discouraged, the dungeons drag way the fuck on. the final dungeon is the biggest slog of almost any game. If you get sick of it, try the sequel; it goes down quite a bit smoother with voice acting and the artstye has a bit more detail and charm.

You may want to look up weapon upgrade paths and stuff because occasionally it'll spit out a piece of shit weapon and after hours of leveling it up that can be disappointing.

Keep all your characters levelled otherwise boss fights become a huge drag

broken dagger
but be careful since sometimes it gives negative vs.

Should I even be leveling this shit up? Or am I wasting repair powder? Also does poison ever run out because that shit is deadly if i have no item to dispel it.

Play DC2 instead. First one's a slog.

Use only Xiao, with Steve.

Just play 2.

are you talking about the broken dagger glitch or the Dagger?
the upgrade system is pretty cool but, yeah, you have to have repair powders or your stuff will break
and I think poison does run out eventually

idk man i think he should at least finish the first town. first town is supreme comfiness

2 town building is soulllllesssss

The cat is garbage and not worth using.

Agreed. First town is peak comfy.

There's no such thing as wasting repair powder. You do indeed need to level weapons. Eventually you'll get elemental stones that you can use to upgrade weapons. There's a really big weapon upgrade tree resulting in different ultimate weapons. Considering looking into that so you can plan out a weapon for the future. You don't have to minmax or anything, and you really don't have to worry about that early game either because it's easy to catch up later on. But do look up some info when you feel like it.

Only Toan and the cat are worth using ascktyually

The cat gets Steve you fucking retard.

Play Dark Chronicle instead.
If you like it go back to Dark Cloud.

Oh i just meant the normal dagger I didnt even know there was some sort of glitch.

If you don't have strong elemental weapons the last boss is going to filter your ass. I recommend leveling Toan and the magic genie bitch.

You can swap weapons before the enemy's body disappears to award EXP to a different weapon. This exploit lets you use your good weapons to kill the enemy while spending the EXP on lower powered ones to turn them into upgrade materials.

just use cheat codes.

The final boss is literally unbeatable if you don't grind the fucking female genie character.
Also fuck his faggot ass unavoidable wing flap attack. Fucking cunts.

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Sounds like you're a shitter and you need to git gud. I destroyed the entire game using only Xiao and Steve. I didn't even touch Ruby.

Hated the stupid fucking world building sim in could 2/chronicle, it just nickles and dimes you to death, there is ALWAYS some fucking resource I don't have enough of. Every fucking time.
Though the final level where you have to rebuild the world as it appears in a photo was neat.

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When you get a weapon to +5 you can break it down into an orb that gets slotted into other weapons. Do this to shitter weapons so you can enhance the stats of good weapons.

Alternatively, you can use the old soul of a weapon to temporarily boost your stats with any other weapon, just make sure to take it out before you upgrade or it'll be permanent.

Bandit Slingshot gives you steal on hit which makes it pretty good for this.

You a fucking lying sack of shit retard. and you just admitted you never played the game.
The game forces you to use certain characters at certain points in dungeons. There is no character you "didn't even touch"
Get the fuck out of this thread, idiot.

Never actually finished this game but god damn it bled atmosphere.
The soundtrack was great.

>Being this autistic and literal

It's extremely obvious if you aren't a special boy that doesn't like being hugged that I meant when I didn't have to. Go take your meds. Oh wait, you can't cure autism lmao

You didn't know that until I brought it up, admit it you fucking nigger. You didn't play the game.

Save stamina potions for the final boss

>Composer's masterpieces are forever relegated to the Professor Layton series because Level-5 will never make a Dark Cloud 3.

It's a fucking crime:

5 days in a row now we have had Dark Cloud related threads. Is their marketing team teasing a sequel or something?

oh, the broken dagger glitch is when the game generates a broken dagger Attachment with a mix of high and low vs. stats, there's a couple vids of how to get it on YT
I don't think I've ever done it exactly right because mine always had wild negative, overflowing or zeroed stats that I'd have to balance with more broken daggers
messing with the whole system in the 100-floor dungeon was pretty fun though

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>messing with the whole system in the 100-floor dungeon was pretty fun though

This is where I'm at right now but I can't for the life of me get enough attachments to keep up with my upgrading, neither from the back floors or the shop. Am I fucking retarded or is this normal?