Nintendo: Switch barely halfway through it's life

Based. Switch 2 in March 2024

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"The DS is our third pillar."

Never believe Nintendo's lies.

It hasn't even had a price cut yet, of course it's going to last.

Can they just make real consoles again

Good cause i bought mine one month ago

>nintendo already blew their meager load of games on the switch
>now already saving up for the next console
>nothing but droughts until 2024
tendies WILL defend this.

What games will we see in the next 3 and a half years?

>Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2
>Metroid 5
>Bayonetta 3
>No More Heroes III
>Shin Megami 5
>Deadly Premonition 2
>Super Mario Allstars 2
>Pikmin 3 Deluxe
>Metroid Prime 4
>Pokemon DP remakes

A "real console" like the PS5 and Xbox SeX? lol

Yes, those consoles only suck because of no games.

Yeah, would be nice. Fucking Animal Crossing runs at 30fps on Switch.

Yes, handheld is a shitty gimmick for manchildren.

>544p 30fps in 2023 when modern consoles will be doing 4K60 as standard

God help us all.

Because Animal Crossing really needs that 60fps

Use your brain. If AC can't hit 60, what does that say about other games.

>thinking 4k60fps will happen by 2023

If it could handle it on the gamecube and wii, why not the switch? Seems like a stupid thing to cheap out on.

I honestly figured we'd see the next console next year. That said, releases are drying up for a system they think has a lot of life left.

>modern consoles will be doing 4K60 as standard

what consoles will be doing that? modern consoles can barely do 1080p 30fps right now. PS4 was weak as shit ever since launch

>If it could handle it on the gamecube and wii, why not the switch?

Just when I though Zig Forums couldn't get more retarded, you post this.

It's optimized like shit, look at how Odyssey looks and that runs at 60

Xbone X does 4K60 as standard right now and that's 3+ years old.

>Xbone X does 4K60 as standard right now and that's 3+ years old.

top kek

Says the guy making excuses for fucking animal crossing running poorly.

If you want to see a poorly running game, look at literally any PS4 exclusive.

reminder the reason pc fags are so obessed with fps and graphics is because they have no games. The only people who obsess over that shit are people who play movie games. The only thing that matters is whether the game is fun.

The sooner they release Switch 2, the sooner they can get away with Switch being a 8th gen console despite actually being a 9th gen handheld. Also the audience demands a stronger hardware there being no better mobile chip out there except for really expensive phone processors.

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what difference would 60 fps to a game that slow? Mario odyssey runs at 60 because its an action based game. whats the point of making ac 60 and making battery life worse.

>All these mad snoybois and xtards crying about "muh power"

damn you guys really are upset over your shitty new generation huh

>Also the audience demands a stronger hardware
the nintendo audience wants more games not graphics. no one is clamouring for 4k mario. they want good gameplay.

What's more fun than FIFA with your mates?

>What's more fun than FIFA

literally anything else

Yeah I get that futsol with your mates is better but there's a pandemic out there

your eyes must be shit

>ignoring the question

How would 60fps affect the gameplay of a game like Animal Crossing?

By that logic Wii U would still be here wouldn't it? Why couldn't they just make good games for Wii U and the people who have been clamoring for good games just purchase these?

for all the people bitching about Nintendo not making "real consoles" they sure as fuck didn't buy the last one they made

Because Wii U didn't have mass appeal and it made no business sense to continue supporting it.

I agree that Nintendo needs to step up their game but don't talk shit, XboneX runs at whatever 75% of 4k is at 30 FPS with drops. Honestly Xbox Sex is the one console I've seen since PS3/360 that was actually somewhat close to top of the line PC specs at the time of release that isn't invalidated out of the gate.

So it's not the games, it's the hardware.

Consoles are still struggling with 1080/60 lmao

>here's your brick controller with a screen in it to make you not look at the actual TV screen
Yea, I wonder why.

XSX is going to be stronger than the a large portion of PCs used for gaming for a couple years even if top of the line PC specs eclipse it early.
Switch 2 is going to be pretty interesting if they actually get the DLSS 2.0 or even 3.0 tensors on there. They could have a portable with XSX/PS5 at reconstructed to 1080p which is kind of nuts to think about.

*with XSX/PS5 games reconstructed