Dragon's Dogma Thread

>no DD thread at the top
gimme my fix Zig Forums

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>start game
>get to Gran Soren
>finish for the day
>don't play again for literally 6+ months
>feel the urge to try again
>figure I better restart since I don't know where I was
>repeat ad infinitum
how do I complete this game

Because the game is trash

>tfw getting carried by a lvl50 strider pawn in a maxed dragonforged set with big cleavage

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>speedrun to Gran Soren
>the game starts for real
that's what I always do

Rush to Gran Soren.

Ranger feels a bit underwhelming.
Not because it's weak, but because the individual arrows do so little damage.

is this game worth trying, anons?

that hydra head escort mission does have that shitty demoralizing effect

No, video games suck. Never play or discuss them.

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I already did a MK, ranger and assassin playthroughs. What's next in terms of fun? I bought the remaster on sale and want to platinum it again.

Are the first couple hours supposed to be this much of a slog? Considering restarting the game because I picked the mage class and all I do is stand still and shoot fire pellets at people and the boss fight in the beginning where I had a sword was way more fun

>Are the first couple hours supposed to be this much of a slog?
Yes, specially if you pick a blue class. The game gets awesome once you get the Gryffin slay quest.

It's proto-Monster Hunter made for Western Audiences with a medieval backdrop. It's breddy gud if you're looking for something like that

is Mystic Knight fun?

Don't go to Gran Soren and dive into BBI instead.

yes. try strider, you'll never look back
>mince stuff with daggers
>bow if you ever need range
>climb on bosses and slash their weakpoint directly
>class has a dodge roll ability

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I love playing as a warrior but thats because I like berserk, it has the lowest dps of every class so you not are not going to kill things as fast as an assasin for example. Fighter is also really fun, it has some interesting skills and dragons maw is just amazing. Strider has skullplitter, wich is one of the most powerfull attacks in the game, it bows attacks like downpour valley othr the "exposive" arrows are also really fun to use. Sorcerer is either you love it or hate it, you are going to miss being in the frontline slashing things but you are going to feel really powerfull once you start killing stuff with bolide and malestrom.

What would you like in a Dragon's Dogma 2?

pawns are cool but id like the option to hire friends for a bit as well

an actual good overworld

Ok, after restarting my playthrough from Hard to Normal (I realize that "Hard" wasn't what I expect it, I feel over powered why to quick), and after a long time playing as a Strider/Assassin in multiple playthroughs, I decide to give mage a chance.

Is hard to get use to it, but I can see the potential. Any advice?

and get 1 shot?

>More shit to do
>Better item system
>Leveling needs to feel much more rewarding

idk I only play this for the atmosphere in bbi youtu.be/V1P--X9YyrQ

More human settlements.

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This should be a Zig Forums banner

Make it happen bros

As long as they both, place better the "main" side quest across them AND connect them better to each other (Improve fast travel is a given, but I normally like to walk... yet Cassardis to Gran Soren alone is still a pain with just that canyon in the middle)

Indeed, really hope they get rid of that in DD2.

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>a leveling up system that isn't shit
>more classes
>weapon variants within the same vocation (crossbows for archer, lance for mystic knight, amulets for mage)
>titty slider for cc

Good shit.
I'll gladly make do without horses or more classes, just make leveling feel more rewarding.

Is there a better arisen/pawn combination than shota/amazoness?

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Damage reduction formula that isn't broken
A working hard mode that's actually challenging from the start of the game
More than like, 3 enemies

I heard this game was shit to non-waifufags
How true is that statement?

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Is there any other choice?

Incels get scared by waifus, which CAN be your character, but you can always make yourself an orc of a character and have romance with the court jester.

Some people might prefer this combination as pawn/arisen instead of arisen/pawn.